How to start conversation with a hot stranger and make her fall in 5 minutes - Charmm

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Saturday 3 March 2018

How to start conversation with a hot stranger and make her fall in 5 minutes

I'll call this article a bumper package because in it alone, i'd be sharing two deadly seduction skills on which any success with girls is built. They are: overcoming approach anxiety and approaching that girl in a way that makes her FALL IN LOVE in a matter of split seconds!

You won't believe he's know her for barely 5 mins!
Guy and girl flirt
Honestly though, seduction isn't a destination like the cinema, school, club, bar, home or graduation that you get to and can't go any further. Instead, it is really a never ending journey that gets easier and more effortless with time and effort.

But believe me: no single xy chromosome was born with any pickup skills at all. All we knew how to pickup from birth were our mamas' turgid mammary glands while we sucked at them like our entire existence depended on them. And it did.

Girls can go to hell

In other words, every single guy you know who steps into a room with a thousand boys already in it all mentally cracking their heads and hardening their balls for ages in order to be able to walk up to that stunning lonely babe in the room and say hi but stay glued to their sits due to some strange, opposing and inexplicable phenomena, and leaves the room with his hands on the ass of that girl after 5 seconds of uttering some unintelligible nonesense and making several crazy faces, learnt this skill and was once clueless about how to pick girls up. Yes. He simply developed these two priceless skills which are:

1. Overcoming approach anxiety

2. Making her fall in love and becoming your slave through your approach

With these two unbelievably easy to develop skills, women and all the goodies in them that made God decide to make them share this awesome planet with us and not be a bunch of pretty stones living somewhere in Pluto will be at your mercy and guess what...
Today's your lucky day cos i'll teach you these skills right now!
1. Overcoming approach anxiety:

 Some guys (referred to as naturals) never seem to feel even the tiniest microorganism swarming in their bellies even if they were about to approach a hybrid of Angelina Jolie and Emma Watson!

While some other guys feel like a whole herd of Bisons was migrating within their bellies even if they wanted to talk to her...

Unattractive girl

Therefore, some people just conclude that picking girls up successfully must have something to do with genetic wiring or some other unchangeable bullshit.
Please give me a minute to do this:

Lol, lmfao!!!

Whenever I see a guy who's real smooth with every girl imaginable, I don't see a guy with preferable genes, a certificate from the best PUA(PickUpArtist) school, better luck or any similar gibberish. I simply see a guy who's learnt how to be comfortable around women through consistent practice in actually talking to and being around boobs so as not to see approaching girls as some scientific experiment to be studied and approached with a meticulous plan and secret formula or code or else run the risk of a disastrous chemical explosion!

They just got used to being amidst female company.

Guy playing with many girls

But unless you're a guy who was born the only boy among a dozen crazy sisters that let you see, touch and know every nook and cranny of the female anatomy, grew up in a neighborhood with an abundance of girls and women whom you were always free to be around without risking castration from your over suspicious mom, then being real comfortable and relaxed around girls can be very 'de-ballifying' as a young adult and even in later years.

But that doesn't mean it's game over for guys like us who lived where and when talking to a girl=sin=death. From now it really doesn't matter if you are as clueless around girls as Kyle was on the busy streets of Seattle when he first escaped the woods as a bellybuttonless and memoryless teen in Kyle XY because you just weren't bred to be free around girls. All you should care about now is learning to see girls as the equally playful, silly and highly sex loving creatures like you that they are and stop treating them like they were infallible saints. 

To quickly be able to get to the other gender side and be welcome in that world, you've got to overcome your fear of approaching women and the best way to conquer a fear is to face it. There are no substitute solutions.

You approach women with great difficulty because you've not constantly been amidst enough women throughout your life. So you conquer your fear by simply talking to more women. 

The more you say something to random girls and maybe get a reply or even a laugh (optional,) the more you'd get to see that there really isn't any science to being smooth around women. Just do it often. Say something to every girl you walk past whether hot or not, whether you'd want to screw her or not. You shouldn't think it too much at this stage. Don't think of having sex, impressing or going on a date with the girls you talk to. Your goal now should be to break the yoke of silence that enslaves you whenever you're around girls.

 Just a hi, innocent compliment, or commendation is more than okay. Just say it and keep walking or walk away. You don't need to remain there and strangle your progress by crumbling at further discussion. Your goal is simple and clear: Without thinking for more than a second, say something (no matter how short) to every girl you meet until you no longer feel like a dragon couple were having a fiery duel in your belly whenever you wanna approach a girl.

2. Making her fall in love and becoming your slave through your approach:
Girls love to be wild, horny and carefree bitches around the right people cos that's who we all are at the core. 

So to get a girl to love you to stupor by your approach, you've got to convince her that it's safe for her to trust you by revealing that fun and real part of herself within 5 minutes of meeting you because the sooner she trusts you and lets herself go, the sooner and more likely you'd be having a bang mate. 
Sounds impossible? Not a chance.

How to earn her trust, love etc
To make a girl want you, your approach must have these key ingredients in an equal blend:
1. Make her feel good
2. Make her feel bad
3. Flirt with her/infuse sexual vibes in your approach

1. Make her feel good: You have no idea what people are willing to give to find joy or get a good steady dose of laughter. Girls are no different. People are willing to pay fortunes for comedy shows, sport matches, luxury, nightclubs etc and go through great pains just to feel good for as long as possible. 

You know why? Humans are inherently lazy and want instant gratification all the time. Therefore, people want to be as close as possible to people and things who make them laugh and feel upbeat. 

Girls too are usually willing to give almost everything up(even their bodies) in exchange for the thrill of fun and a good laugh.

She's all yours
Guy making girl laugh

And few things more easily and quickly make people happier than a good joke or compliment do. So your initial approach must be lighthearted with hints in it that tell your girl that she's in for a good time if she is with you. Fun too could and should mean saying a well thought out compliment to your girl.

2. Make her feel bad: Evoking both the feeling of happiness and sadness in a girl in quick succession is a deadly psychological trick that is insanely effective when it comes to making a girl fall quick and hard. This technique is commonly known as fractionation, push-pull technique etc. The intent is to take the girl on an emotional rollercoaster by lifting her mood via compliments, jokes or any other fun builder and immediately crashing her rising excitement by saying or doing something that puts her down and makes her feel she ain't good enough; therefore placing her in a position of desperation to revive the good feeling you earlier created.

This feeling is Nirvana
Girl begging guy to stay
 This will make her crave and willing to slave for your approval and validation. But always make sure you finally give it to her again. So you can pull-push-pull or push-pull. But don't push last for so long cos she might think you lost interest and do the same.

3. Flirt with her/infuse sexual vibes in your approach: This isn't really an independent point on its own because you should embed it into the preceding two points.
But this point is important if you wanna be making a slave outta the girl. Most guys never give off any hints of sexuality in their initial approach. Maybe because they think the girl may think they're being too forward and indecent and so prefer to keep sexual undertones away from conversation at least till after a few dates.

That's why we have so many guys who are single although they hate themselves for it.

lonely guy

Now listen. The earlier you can seamlessly let something sexual blend into your conversation with a girl, and steer the discussion toward a sexual direction, the more likely she is going to see herself laying you.

Be the one she's thinking about
Hot girl lying in bed

Summing it all up
Bringing all together in one deadly combination, we should have something like this:
You meet her walking on the street and approach.(I suggest you try as much as possible to approach her face to face and not from behind so you can easily read her first, so as to know whether she's confident or insecure and approach accordingly. Click the preceding links to know how.) 

For insecure girls you may say:
1. Hey. How many guys have lied to you about being beautiful?[bad feeling] Cos you ain't beautiful at all. You're drop dead sexy and gorgeous[good feeling with sexual touch]

2.Damn. Your makeup is good. It turns me on.

3. Who convinced you that you're fine? Well that person deceived you cos you're not only fine but sexy as hell too.

4. I hate girls like you! They turn me on too much.

5. You're cute!... Don't tell me you believed that shit. I meant you're body and face are more than perfect.

6. You're so cute. I'm sorry. Now I'm closer, I think your eyes are too awkward(then pretend to be walking away disappointed. Then return suddenly.) I didn't mean that hottie. Just wanted to make things some fun.

For confident girls
You may say:
1. How do you cope? Excelling at both being confident and sexy too.

2. You're really really strange. I can't explain it vocally, but girls like you are just rare.

3. Girls like you are frustrating. So awesome and so few.

Generally too, you can create the happy-sad effect being with the girl and making her feel good, then leaving her to miss you while her excitement from the conversation is still high, as though you suddenly lost interest or had something to do, then returning later to meet a chic so desperate for you that only bad thoughts about you fill her head.

Now get that flat ass out there and make a girl fall breast first

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