Why the prettiest girls are most desperate for you - Charmm

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Sunday 4 March 2018

Why the prettiest girls are most desperate for you

I used to have three greatest fears and they were: AIDS, getting some girl pregnant before knowing where the hell my life was going and approaching pretty girls. And of all those fears, approaching pretty girls was the strongest and scariest!

I heard many people say things like pretty girls are just like every other girl: their shit still stinks, their fart don't smell like incense and their breath could still hypnotize mosquitoes if she yawned immediately after waking up.

I didn't care. I couldn't help but see extraordinarily pretty girls as super perfect and infallible beings who could easily see through whatever act I put up and immediately see: what a shit hole I left my room as, how discouraging my bank account was, that the prettiest girl i've ever dated was disabled and how clueless I was as to how I could share the earth's oxygen with someone as perfect as her.
Pretty hot girl with black hair and brown eyes
But nothing threatened my sanity more than seeing that same girl I so hallow, nearly making out in public with some guy that looks like Gollum in Lord of the Rings compared to me!
Haha. She's my precious and what're you ugly creep gonna do about that?
This occurrence and similar ones occurred not once, not twice, not thrice but millions of times before my very eyes. In fact, it seemed like the prettiest girls dated the ugliest things. This tormented me for the most part of my teen years: why couldn't I even visualize myself rubbing arms with a pretty girl in a crowded elevator without going mad, while some ugly douchebag could safely hold, kiss, grab her ass and do who knows what else with her.

But now after many years of asking, watching, seeing and reading, it's all beginning to make sense and I will instantly share my findings with you.

How many times have you indefinitely snoozed the hell outta your poor alarm because you couldn't stop fantasizing about banging that girl that beats every definition of a perfectly sculpted girl? I mean a girl who makes you loathe the sight of any other girl even this one.

But whenever you think of the chances of manning up and really approaching her, getting a yes and living out all your fantasies, you just smirk and snooze harder. That's expecting too much right? Here's why you're pitifully wrong!

99.9% of super pretty girls are single and here's why?
I found that I wasn't the only guy that was terrified of pretty girls. Mind you, when I say pretty girls here, i'm not referring to that girl who's makeup is enough to paint a whole storey building in and out nor am I referring to the girl at school that looks like Mila Kunis. 

No. No. No.
I'm talking about the kind of pretty and hot stunners that make you wanna slowly and epically spit on Mia Khalifa's face. The kind of girl(s) that is and will always be the prettiest girl you've ever seen. Cos there are only so few of them.

Yeah. Like I was saying, I wasn't the only one who lost his balls to these kinda girls. In fact, 99.9% of boys did! As a result, these kinds of girls are perpetually single.

Why pretty girls date low quality guys
Answer: To escape loneliness. It shouldn't be hard to guess that since 99.9% of guys won't make good use of their God given balls and move that ass forward, most drop dead cute girls feel underutilized and frustrated that while her friends hate her because they assume she must be getting all em best d***s, all the guys never approach her because they think the exact same thing or approach with so much adoration and flattery that they immediately place themselves beneath her as soon as they say hi by treating her this way
Smeagol and ring
But then, pretty girls are just like other girls. Most are still very insecure about their bodies although even I don't understand why the hell. But it's true. Most don't even feel half as beautiful as they are or are told. 

It's true though that some of them are egomaniacs but that only happens because everyone diligently inflates their egos with unending and unearned praises. 

The truth is that one only thinks she's beautiful because people generally say so. But deep down, every human has their fair share of insecurities and respect people who treat them like shit can wrong with them too.

That's why preeeeety girls are usually with carefree impolite jerks because only these guys treat her like she can do something wrong, which removes the pressure to be some sort of demi goddess she knows nothing about and just be herself.

Good news
Getting a pretty girl to be your girlfriend is so damn easy. O yeah. Just approach and treat her the way you would treat any average or below average girl. Don't kiss her ass or shower her with compliments. 

I know she's the prettiest girl you know but don't even remotely suggest that to her. That'll only put you as low or even lower that where most guys end up. 
Don't be him. Your ancestors won't forgive you if they found out
Girl subdues guy in Jitsu
Give her something fresh and different from what she's used to. Have the balls to push against her sometimes, tease her and put her down. Show her that you don't expect her to be perfect cos you know she isn't. Compliment something other than her looks unless she's super insecure about them.

And be yourself cos it ain't gonna help to tease her and tell her you think she's just like every normal girl you've met while sweating and shaking like the victim of a tsunami. Don't be scared to speak vernacular or use informal speech as you talk to her if you talk that way usually. Chances are that you'd sound more natural and speak with greater ease which will attract her the most.

Now get those balls rolling out there and tame that jaw breaking damsel who has enough worshippers already but is starved of a lover she can get wild with.

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