How to get a bad girl to be your girlfriend - Charmm

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Monday 15 January 2018

How to get a bad girl to be your girlfriend

Desired by many, lusted after by all, destroyed many and owned by none. That's what you'd find in a typical bad girl's CV. 

There's always that intoxicating bitter sweet sensation that bad girls exude. Much like cocaine: you know it's wrecking you, but you want it nonetheless. They're an addicting mix of attractive, adventurous, sexy guts, unattainable and unpredictable. 
Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill
The way they carry their bodies, talk, look at you, use their voice, choose their words and dress plus their always lethal shape(never seen a bad girl who didn't have a shape to die for, like it was some sort of requisite for entrance into the bad girls' league.) All these make most dudes simply kiss their feet in adoration and worship.
Source: markmanson
If he were my son, i'd disown him
Guy kissing girl's feet
Most guys and men therefore, are stupefied by the perfection of these species that they act like docile lambs around them, unwittingly treating them like goddesses who wield the power to transform them into frogs if they annoyed them.

Therefore, bad girls are used to guys acting tame like newly castrated dogs when around them. They're also sick and tired of all the various pedestals they've been carefully placed on by most men. This is because though they enjoy the worship and even crave it, they're still human(women at that) and not goddesses. So, they still want a man who will be a man to them and make them feel girly and like the weaker vessels they are. 

To help you understand this tricky fact, i'll let you into the mind of a bad girl so that you can tap into it and know what exactly she secretly longs for in a man, so you can finally be that guy who alone knows how to get way past where other guys are made to remain. You'll become her man and she'd be your exclusive property or slave, if you may.

Who's a bad girl
It's pretty easy to spot a bad girl among a legion of good girls. They're the smoking hot, loud, carefree, bold, very flirty, non pretentious(maybe) and I don't give a damns that society calls bad eggs.
That's what most mortals see and react to.

But to truly get to the core of a bad girl's heart(a location most guys never find,) you've got to know more than the obvious. You should know more about why bad girls are the way they are and not just what they are. 

In all honesty, the number one thing you need to know about becoming a master with bad girls is that these girls are desperate for validation and are petrified of being labelled unattractive. They may look a thousand miles away from this reality, but the truth is that these kinds of girls fight a constant and fierce battle with themselves to prove to their mercilessly critical inner voice that they are valuable and liked and attractive. That's why they spend immeasurable amounts of money and effort to build and  maintain the perfect body, speech pattern, dress style and overall image.  

This is all in a bid to convince the overly critical mind of her's, usually formed by abusive or never impressed parents, family and friends during childhood that she really isn't any of the demeaning things it says she is. 

So a bad girl will dress neck twistingly to convince herself (who happens to be her worst critic) that she can get guys to look twice at her, she'd speak loud and curse to tell miss inner critic that she ain't the timid coward it calls her and she'd work her ass out or starve to near death to get the ideal boobs, ass, hips and belly so as to tell herself that she ain't the detestably fat fool she calls herself.
O yeah. Where did you think I get all that ass from huh?
Girl working out hard
But how does all this add up to making you the god of em bad girls you so crave to be?

The good news
Here's the kicker you impatient Joe: no matter how much adoration, worship and praise they receive, bad girls never believe they're really worth much. So they tend to think little of the innumerable fools who give praise to them.
So if you wanna make a bad girl chase, love and become addicted to you, then you must do the complete opposite of what she's used to.

Snub, tease or ignore her
This'll be totally new and fresh to her if you do it right. The funny thing is that if you give her this attitude, she'll begin to gear towards you because finally, someone's treating her in a familiar and honest way. Much like the way she treats herself. But to pull this off great, you've got to be a guy whose approval'll mean something to her. You've got to learn how to be an attractive man. 

Then make it seem like she's way below your standard and not even a lil bit attractive by showing you're an expert communicator with others but avoiding talking with her as much as possible and not even giving her more than the initial short glance you give a stranger without seeming like a shy nerd who's scared of looking her in the eye. But be careful not to over do it so that it seems like you're being a hater. Be neutral with her but never give any hint of attraction. 

This'll make her labour to get your approval. She'd ask herself and her friends what the hell could be wrong with her for you not to care, unlike what she's used to. Bingo! The more time she spends thinking about ways to crack you, the more and harder she'd fall for you.
Soon she'd be actively trying to appear even more attractive around you. She'd give you glances just to catch your attention. She'd laugh at your jokes and try to be especially nice to you.

At this point though, you haven't hit the jackpot yet, since she may still just be trying to conquer you too and pat herself at the back for winning one more worshiper. Wait till she tries to start conversation. Boom! This is usually the toughest and last tactic girls use to attract a guy they like. A girl'll only risk rejection that way for a guy who means alot to her.
Fortunately though, bad girls got more guts than other girls. So it won't be too long before she tries to break the ice.

What to do next
Tease her: In reply to her, say or do something that's mildly sarcastic, not overtly harsh or abusive and witty  especially about her looks. You can use this trick also if you met this girl somewhere where there might not be much time for her to notice your attitude and chase you.
In such cases, just casually, charismatically and confidently walk past her and tease something about her appearance. Remember that the goal is to make her crave and work for your validation and not giving it her while playing on her insecurities and weaknesses. But remember, for her to think your validation is worth her effort, you must be confident, stylish, manly and classy. 

You could try teasing her by saying something like: all that makeup must weigh a ton. Don't blame you for wearing such a big frown.
I know alot of guys must be hitting seriously on you right? Well i'm Ryan and my chief goal is to enlighten men of this generation cos they really need to improve their taste. Don't you think?
If only you knew how much i'm ready to bet that you play soccer. Those legs say it all.
By using any of the above or similar lines, you should succeed in making her self conscious for a bit. Then just walk away. Remember, you should give the impression that she's quite below standard and not worth your while.
But if she replies and wants to know what she did wrong, blandly arrange for a meeting at a very informal and random place.

When the meeting happens, try to seem quite distant and critical most of the time then casually scatter a few light compliments of her body far between if she seems to be working hard to earn it.
Talk mostly about her body, romance and turn ons.
Remember to set your bar of expectation very high and only give her very small doses of your time. Ignore her calls most times and rarelycall her if ever. Make her labour hard for your validation but reap much criticism and only nuggets of validation.
Continue treating her this way and soon she'd be ready to do anything just to gain your approval. Kudos

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