Get girls you don't know addicted to you via facebook - Charmm

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Tuesday 2 January 2018

Get girls you don't know addicted to you via facebook

With texting, you can now get a girl hooked hopelessly to you and even fall in love(yeah you heard right,) with you
 without all the expenses plus awkwardness and nervousness involved in going on dates and spending more money in 5 minutes than you made in 5 years just to impress a girl who might not even think you're good enough

For very shy guys who find it easier to crack a bank safe than make a clear sentence with a girl without sounding like a parrot tryna talk while being shaken by a vibrator, texting could be your last lifeline in making girls like you, especially if you're also broke. 

 Even he has a chance
Pretty girl chatting with homeless dude
But texting this days should be a strategic and logical game if you wanna make a girl mad over you with it. You should learn to chat without any surging emotions at all and let your rational mind be tuned up and your emotions tuned to the last notch.
Girls are usually experts at the texting game. But this article'll teach you how to be a thousand steps ahead of her and beat her to her game at every round! 

It's gonna be fuuuun. 

Here are the the areas guys commit grave crimes in texting girls that make girls ignore them or block them and how to ace these stages. 

1. Before you send the first text:
These are your first ever attempts at connecting with your target girl. This is the most crucial part of the whole texting game because it is equivalent to the first impressions the girl has of you which go a mightily long way in determining where she places you after. If you flop at this stage, then it's gonna be real hard to ever correct the wrong impression.
Most guys have no clue about that and that's why they pay little attention if any, to their intro and commit some classic blunders in their efforts to chat a girl up. Some of the most common of them are:

I. Poor profile pictures: How excited are you when a girl with a profile pic like this
She scared me initially

sends you a friend request or direct message(DM?)
But that's exactly or little less than what your profile pic or uploads look like.
And yet you expect those smoky hot girls you worship online and loyally follow, like and comment on everything about them to pay you any attention with those pics!
Have fun with that. 

I don't care if you hate cameras, nor do I care if you think selfies are childish and that your inner personality is what matters. If you want a girl to give more than a split millisecond of her time to you or not conclude you might be a scam because of too few picture uploads, then start killing your emotions and preferences and opinion of pictures for now. Forget about your awesome personality for now and invest some of your time on awesome pictures cos that's the closest a girl can get to you for now. So, post flattering pics taken with cool and exciting backgrounds, cool postures, decent clothes etc. This'll boost your chances cos you're not the only person who loves spending hours checking out cool photos of a new girl online. Give her the pleasure too and she'd return the favor. 

ii. Ignoring her pictures: These are veeeery important in knowing how to start a chat. Though a very tricky guide, they are still a better option than just sending a random text to a girl and sitting on the edge of your favorite chair awaiting her reply. A girl's pictures and posts can give much needed insight into what'll make her tick. So stalk the living bananas outta her profile to find what she likes, who she likes, what she knows etc. 

For instance, you may be poised to wanna chat up a girl online with the aim of dating her or whatever, but may totally purge the idea from your head if you see her relationship update as being engaged to Ryan Shaw and you quickly search Ryan Shaw and find him
                                                        Do I remind you to flee?
Steroid black guy
Or you find numerous uploads of the same guy in intimate positions with her, find abundant pics of her pets etc. A close look at her profile before sending the first text'll help you better know what to avoid and what to say thus reducing your chances of sounding abstract and being left at seen. 

iii: Texting her while she's offline: This doubles the likelihood that you're chat'll go unseen and unreplied. If a girl looked hot and attractive to you, what makes you so confident that you're the only on who'll wanna hit on that girl? If only guys knew the tons of DMs pretty girls(especially light skinned ones) got every day, they'd instantly and viciously jam the brakes of offline chatting because it is sure to mix up with the stream of unread messages that will remain that way. 

Many unread whatsapp messages
So ensure you catch her online before you send the first text so you are sure she hopefully sees a pop up notification with your message as it comes in. 

iii. "Hi," "hey," "what's up," "sup," "hello" etc: So good pictures and a little detective role will at least ensure she accepts your friend request and will help you have a better understand of what to say to her. But unless you're a 2 year old kindergarten kid whose first homework is to practice spelling 2-4 letter words by sending them to girls in his contact, you'd be a jerk to think typing any of those words alone is all you need to get a girl on the path of hopeless addiction to you! 

Do you even know the amount of Heys and HIs and Hellos she gets by so many uncountable idiots?
I'll show you. 

So your Hi is just gonna be another one. What makes you think you're Hi alone'll get her itchy to know you better. It's crazy and you'd only succeed in letting her know that you are a guy who wants the attention of a pretty girl(not a bad thing) but is also clueless about how to build the connection and as such wants to place the burden of conversation on her. And as you should know, most girls are poor conversation starters, especially when there is no spark yet between them and a guy. 

iii: Unengaging opening words: With all the facts you could gather, you should now fairly know if she's got narcissist tendencies, is a psycho, is depressed, is a confident girl or insecure one, has hobbies, is in a relationship or single, is rich or poor etc. Now let your opening words be designed to capture her needs and make her identify with you. 

For instance, a confident and successful woman will want to know more about a guy who's respectful, polite, has a mild sense of humor, compliments her virtues and strengths above her looks and who's quite adept at intellectual topics. 

On the other hand though, an insecure girl will prefer a guy who'll make her laugh her ass out through a sarcastic text and who seems very sexually charged. 

But as a rule of thumb though, no girl'll be happy to receive a text that has worship, cheap validation and neediness oozing outta her screen from a guy whom she doesn't know from Adam and has done nothing absolutely to earn his praise. This'll immediately place you beneath her feet and girls aren't the best people to bequeath power to.

Note: Try to avoid long essays cos they're creepy and c'mon, who's got the time?
Don't ever go the other extreme and use vulgar, abusive or lewd comments on her either. Mama must've taught you that right? 

2. After you send the first text: There's little need to do a follow up of a text after it is sent and seen, in order to force a reply, if you're confident in yourself. If you do this, then it shows you are insecure and desperate and fear rejection. Capital turn offs. So never send more than one text to a girl without a reply from her in between, whether the message is seen or unseen. Remember to get rid of your emotions and use more ration. I repeat: Never double text a girl!!!
Highly placed insecurity

But then, it may become reasonable to text a girl again even though you sent the last message, if at least a 3weeks to 1month period has passed without her replying. Then try once more with a better structured text and a different theme in case she didn't see the first one. But that's it. And make sure a month goes by before giving it another shot. 

3. After she replies: First of all I've gotta congratulate you if you got this far. You surely went miles beyond where most guys get stuck and dead in their steps. Kudos. 

But don't blow it all after. Most guys usually get all excited and grateful if a girl accepts their request or replies. C'mon, no girl wants an inferior guy who thinks it's an honour to get one message from her. Instead, let a lot of time pass before texting her again so she gets the impression that you're a guy who's got his own life that doesn't merely involve lying 24/7/4 beside his phone waiting for her reply so he can respond 0.001 seconds later.

You could let some days pass before replying if you've never met this girl before in person. If that seems too impossible, then you need to inject your life with more distractions. 

My article on how to avoid being needy gives practical hints on how to avoid seeming needy through your texts. And the article on what topics to discuss with a girl you like will help you keep her hooked yo your chats. 

4. As things go further: At least she must've replied 4 of your different messages for you to be sure you've been noticed. But still, you ain't sweethearts yet, just chatmates. So, while you can narrow the intervals between receipt and reply of her texts, don't be too available either. At least, more than half a day should pass before you reply her chats, sometimes a full day or more, just to keep her quessing. 

You can begin to get a little flirtier with her, if she returns the gesture! Make sure she either starts being flirty, or you give a very little almost insignificant flirt and only advance after she flirts back. 
For instance, you tell her that Australians(she's one) have cute eyes. You shouldn't go further if all you got was a "thanks" or blushy face emoticon. Mention other things and continue to charm her with your chats until she also says something real cute or intimate to you like calling you pet names or giving a compliment. Then let some time or day(s) pass again before infusing a slightly higher compliment or flirt, so she seems to have to work to earn it. 

As she becomes more receptive and reciprocal of your flirts, you can then gradually advance to bolder and slightly more sexually charged texts. I strongly discourage outright sexting though, unless you are already a couple and gone out on a couple of dates because it can kill the girl's anticipation to wanna meet you. There's little more to look forward to, if she's already seen a glorious picture of your dick or has already been aroused by your texts before.

Don't also tell her all about you before you meet or you'll never meet. Be highly mysterious and make her cherish the game of having to dig to find out even the tiniest detail about you or she won't see the need to meet you. 

Then, arrange for you to go out on a date. Texting doesn't remove the need for a real date, it only makes the first date a whole lot less awkward and clueless for you two since you already know something about each other to talk about. 

Without texts vs  With texts

If you do all these right, then the girl should already begin to have feelings for you before even seeing you. Then you can pat yourself at the back for successfully addicting her online.

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