Make your girl drip wet like a savage - Charmm

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Saturday 30 December 2017

Make your girl drip wet like a savage

I often hear people say that guys get turned on and ready for action as quickly and easily as turning a switch on or off, while turning girls on is like starting a plane engine and taking off! 

That's the hugest and boldest lie ever told since the creation of man. 

Turning women on isn't even remotely close to starting a plane engine. It's more like starting this guy. 

 That's girls
Rocket control room
There are so many plugs to connect, circuits to build, fuses to plug, passwords to unlock,  combinations to get right to get the exact formula to unlocking that part of a girl's brain that makes her want nothing more than going all the way with you.

That's the second greatest lie throughout history. 

Truth is, while women take quite longer and require more effort to get fired up for sexual intimacy, getting her wet and in the mood for some kinkiness doesn't have to be like rocket science if you do little things right in a slightly different way than most guys. With the right knowledge on turning girls on, you'll find the whole process isn't much harder than the switch(maybe just a lil more difficult.) Turning your girl on won't be what it is for most dudes which is: IMPOSSIBLE if you do these things. 

1. Look and smell divine: If a girl is really heartstoppingly gorgeous and sexy like this... 

but has bad breath, or looks quite unkempt, most guys can and will overlook that for a heated moment in order to have sex even if it means wearing a nose mask. This is because for guys, desire for sex can literally shroud the flaws of the girl and arousal for guys is based more on visual appeal.
Girls are completely different! I don't know how they do it, but after your hard labour to make your girl want sex finally pays off and her anticipation and desire has reached it's apex and you're finally about to hit gold, she can so suddenly and steeply plunge from 1000% desire to --1.000,000,000,000% desire in split micro seconds if your hygiene is poor and you smell like a sweaty he-goat, or your bed stinks like one from a refugee camp in Kenya. So always were alluringly masculine cologne at least before meeting her.
2. Build the mood: That's simply the atmosphere around your girl. True, couples can and often have sex in really odd places, but that can only happen when you turn up her naughty side and switch of her rational side. Lead your girl expertly through the journey of sexual arousal with low, deep and rich tones. Treat her like your queen and make her feel like the centre of the universe.

 Let her understand that you have no doubt that she's perfect. Girls need to be convinced that they are wanted and cherished and maybe slightly worshipped to get turned on. So randomly whisper hot words into her ears in public or send her a steamy text message when you're sure she's doing something serious like being interviewed for a job or with clients. That'll make her take the world a lot less seriously, making her more willing to get naughty later.
3. Talk dirty: If done in the right way and right time, your effort'll surely translate into a real rumble beneath the sheets. Girls have highly developed hearing and very sensitive ears. Some scientists even argue that their sense of hearing is more influential than that of sight in building attraction or desire. That's why drop dead belles can dare to choose to be by the side of a man who looks like this
Cute white ape

if he talks like this.

George Clooney with enchanting smile
Tell her what you intend accomplishing on her body with your tongue, tell her how her melons make your cherries sizzle or give her a really new and sexy compliment. Slowly turn the hell outta her on and soon she can't wait to be laid bare. You could even whisper into her ear as the warm air from your mouth caressing her ear above, results in auto results below.
Even without or before talking dirty, sounding confident, calm and assured alone'll get her horny to the moon. So strive to build and maintain your voice so it's not edgy, squeaky or heliumly.
4. Touch her. Goddamit!: Girls' skins are 1000 times more sensitive than guys'(how do we even feel anything then.) A girl'll be acutely aware of even the slightest body contact a guy mistakenly makes so she can instantly switch on security lockdown if she doesn't like him and savour the feeling and try to recreate it if she likes him. A touch alone from a guy a girl likes has the power to make her knees wobble and cause a shiver through her spine. Here's how to expertly touch your girl to increase urge.

Well, I guess I should apologize for not making this post rib cracking enough. My eyes are shutting at the moment and weigh a metric ton. But I just gotta get this to you.
And here goes Trick number 5

5. Kiss and make out all you want you caveman: grab her ass, pull her hair, pin her to the wall, give her love bites, caress her breasts, tickle her and do whatever you want.

Meanwhile, if you'll excuse me,  I'd love to finally just dive into sleep like this.

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