The 5 easist to read signs a girl likes you(pics) - Charmm

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Monday 11 December 2017

The 5 easist to read signs a girl likes you(pics)

I don't think there is any straight guy out there who knows Google and has never typed in the words: "signs she likes me" or "does she like me" or "is she pretending" etc. Whichever is your choice option, I don't care. One thing remains true: we all wonder at some point if that girl we like, likes us back and the crazy thing is, no matter how many articles(trust me there are many) you read on girl attraction signs, you never tend to ever be completely sure of what she means by that look, that compliment, that insult, that question or that manner of breathing. 

Yeah. This confusion happens to guys 10% because girl's can be really tricky in how they give off signs unlike boys, and 90% because you are simply blinded to her clear and what-else-do-you-need signs by doubt and a lack of confidence. 

It takes confidence aka balls to believe that a girl you find mighty attractive can even like you. If you lack any balls or self admiration at all, your brain will always interpret any good signs a girl gives you to be either a bad sign or a not-so-important sign. For example, if you really are nuts about this girl but at the same time are ready to bet your liver that she cannot like a wuss like you; even if that girl kisses you and invites you to her place, your brain will think she was only in need of some brotherly support during trying times and while you are at her place, your brain will suddenly become an expert journalist asking her about her feelings and past. 

So, first love thyself man, and believe that you are worth being liked by the most smokiestly imaginable girl out there. This helps a lot in reading female attraction signs right and also getting more of them. But I don't expect you to automatically become some top ranking high class mind reader by just reading till this point. Girl signs can still be very tricky. 10% is still quite a lot. So, I'd try to include only the easiest to pick signs that she likes you. So that it'd take a large degree of glaucoma not to to notice them from a mile.
So what are these signs. 

1. She gives you rapt attention: I think this should be pretty easy to notice. If you are talking to a girl and she's paying attention to what you have to say, without counting every car that passes by or constantly checking her phone or worst of all checking her watch! then it's a good sign. Notice if she's fully there or just bearing to be nice and attempts to leave immediately you pause a bit. If she likes you, she'd behave like

Nothing's gonna move me from here
She'd stand face, torso and feet facing you. She'd lean towards you while sitting. In fact, the more she leans forward, the more she's interested in you, since she wants to get a closer look or understanding of you. Note too if she nods alot in agreement to what you say or mimics your movement like the above picture. It shows she's listening and interested because girls automatically find what their crushes say and like interesting.

2. She breaks silences:
What do you think of this new app I got
When a girl breaks the ice, it only means she wants the conversation to continue, which is the last thing a disinterested girl wants. So, let silence linger for a while and see how eager she is to break them and just keep blabbing. She'd ask questions to let the conversation continue, or just make any random comment that requires a reply or question from you. Eg she says "i really like watching the snow fall." In other words, she's saying: tell me what you think about snow, winter and maybe we could make plans to get warm soon. The sooner she says something after your silence, the more she likes you. So shut the hell up. 

3. She makes eye contact more than once: This is pretty easy. Whether she's talking to you or away in the distance, if you can catch a girl looking your way a first time and again! Then you're in. This simply means that if a girl looks at you again after breaking eye contact the first time, then you are not just any other guy to her, but one she finds particularly interesting. 

This is true because humans have so much to see and notice at a time. So, we don't give any more attention to things unless they strike us particularly and we think they deserve more than the usual first random glance. So, if a girl chooses to give you a lil more notice time, at the expense of the many other distractions or objects around, then make no mistake. She finds you attractive. You should also notice her looking at you as she laughs at a joke, to see your reaction too. That's a jumbo sign. 

4. She doesn't wanna leave: Girls like boys don't care about anything else whenever they are around someone they like. Every other thing becomes trivial or much less important. Therefore, there is no need for further explanation if a girl's legs fail her to an exit. She likes you. So, if a girl likes you, you should observe that she has a hard time parting ways either on the phone or face to face. She may say goodbye a thousand times, but notice how willing she is to make one last statement or reply to you, if you keep talking after you both say goodbye. An uninterested girl can simply and quickly afford to discharge any further efforts to delay departure with limitless excuses. But when you've scored big with a girl, leaving would be the hardest thing ever. 

Let go already. Goddamit!
 5. Her body submits to your touch: Time to get bolder fella. A girl's skin to me, is the most honest and reliable thing on earth. Way more than any priest, prophet or spiritual man. A girl's skin is so truthful in indicating a girl's interest. Here's what happens when she is in the arms of someone she cares about and trusts. Her body relaxes completely. No vibrations, no resisting movements. Her whole body just seems to die. Her body becomes very compliant with whatever direction you take it. So, to test this, suddenly but gently take her by her wrists and pull her a little away from where she is as you move away a little, like you were seeking shade or something. 

Then see how easy it was to move her away without the least bit of force. If she moved like a feather, that's awesome. But if she seemed like a 20 year old pregnant Buffalo, then you've got to apologize for that pull and never do that again soon.

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