Why girls love rich guys. It ain't for money! - Charmm

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Sunday 10 December 2017

Why girls love rich guys. It ain't for money!

Well, while there are quite a lot of xx chromosomes who would gladly swallow cow dung in one gulp for a guy with a Ferrari, some designer clothes, watches, shoes and a nice ocean front mansion in Alley. 

In fact, he won't even have to ask for sex or arrange a date or go through all the protocols before dessert. All he'll be needing is a "hey" calling out from the steering of his convertible, and she'd be calling back "my place or your place?"
That's how easy it is for most rich guys to get girls right? 

Dead Wrong! 

Even if you have more bucks than all the brain cells of all the members of your family tree, and have a Ferrari made only of red diamonds, you can and will still be brutally rejected by girls if you aren't a charmer. So, don't think that money alone is your ticket to girls' hearts and bodies. What really gets the females is the charm, confidence and self assurance that most rich guys have and as such, most girls automatically assume that if a guy is rich, then he must have these things. But here's what occurs when a girl is attracted to you because she gave you the benefit of the doubt because you seemed to have loads of money, only to find that that was all you got. 

I will reveal what it is that most rich guys usually have that make girls enchanted by them. And the good news is that this x factor is totally free, and with it, you will get the very same results rich guys get with girls even if your most expensive luxury is the device with which you are reading this. 

Money won't get you girls okay
First, you've got to understand the difference between a rich guy/person and a poor one. When most peeps are asked this question, they quickly blurt "money!!" They think this equals wealth and girls...

Really though, that's why most guys are perpetually single against their wish. They think that what that brute's got that they don't, the alluring factor about the other guy is merely and solely that he's financially healthier. For this reason, these guys make no effort to discover and cultivate the real alluring and selling characteristic that a guy should posses to be a successful charmer. They just wanna get a job, a raise, more things, look richer etc thinking this is the key. But they usually get bitter when girls are repelled by them nonetheless. So, get it into your bulletproof skulls that just having money or what it can by doesn't do much in getting girls. Here's what does. 

  The rich mind
What makes you rich or attractive in the eyes of girls is what I call the rich mind. Not money. The rich mind is a collective term for the mental thoughts and feelings rich people have about themselves and the world around. If you have this right mindset, you are rich already, although you may not have a dime currently. In which case, you are simply broke at the moment. Poor would be a deeper, different and more inappropriate description. An interesting fact though, is that women are biologically wired to spot this rich mindset in guys and intuitively place value on any with it, because they were made to know by instinct that this quality when found in a mate, is tantamount to sure success and dependability.
In order to better understand the mind of the rich let me brief you a lil on what is involved in being rich. But first, please do us a favor and stop associating being rich with having money and vice versa. At least for now. 

The path to the top
Every Tom, Dick and Harry wants to be rich right? But not every Tom, Dick and Harry can or will ever be rich. This is so because, while everyone envies the elevated position they see the rich occupy, only an extraordinary and very few number of individuals have the right mind needed to tread the excruciating path leading there. Most people applaud, appreciate, regard and acknowledge a man after he makes his dough and gets to the top. But that is usually the last and least impressive feature of the rich. Their wealth truly lies in the mindset that let them get there cos trust me, it was a really dark, cold, hot, bitter, harsh, lonely and bumpy ride. The kicker though is that the very mindset needed to be rich and the challenges that lay on that path, are identical to those needed to be a successful charmer. Therefore, when and if a guy develops the rich mind which requires 0% money and luxury, girls spot it with their inborn x-ray lasers and get hooked.

Rich guy poor guy
Every rich person out there was at innumerable points in his life rejected and made fun of. The truth is that if you aren't chastised for doing stuff, then it ain't worth sh**. This is true because, for something to matter, it must be different from the norm or usual. But guess what most mortals do when you try to break the norm. They oppose and make fun and abuse. They are too afraid, proud and lazy to admit that what they always thought was the right, may really not be. So, they rather remain at a wrong but generally accepted place and pretend all's well. That's why they never progress. So, in order not to remain small or pulled down by such blatant external opposition, the rich guy had no choice but to develop thick skin, deaf ears and blind eyes to all that was thrown at him or else, he would simply give up, shrink back and continue crawling like the other worms. He also had to learn to be his own biggest fan and crush because that is pretty much all that could agree with and understand him. In other words, he knows that great minds think alone and as such, has a mind of his own and does what he wants straight on without fearing what they think. He also perfectly understands that if he can't feel good alone, he sure can't with the others!
This is exactly the same when it comes to achieving success with girls. (1)you should be immune to the fear of criticism or rejection, (2)you should be daring and persistent, (3)you should have your standards, which others must fit or they leave and (4)you should have a life that doesn't need people's, but your own approval alone to be happy.
If you can be this guy, then you are rich and girls will slave for you. You're broke? That won't matter. You would be that little other guy away from all eyes whom that hot stunning babe that legions of poor guys with loads of money shower with money and attention, really loves and respects without asking any conditions or gifts. On the contrary, she does everything to please and keep you! 

Here's how a truly rich guy treats and approaches girls that make them an irresistible weakness for girls. If you use this approach with girls, they'll perceive the success scent and would flock to you. 

1. Approach her and talk to her like you don't care what others think. 

2. Don't try beyond necessary to impress or praise her. Instead, show her that you wanna appraise her to see if she fits your standards. 

3. Have a life you love that makes you forget her sometimes, so that you make effort to fit her into it. 

4. Be bold and fearless in setting and implementing boundaries and limits to her behaviour or desires or asking for your desires.
These are the qualities that make rich guys enchanting.

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