How to get any damn thing you wish for on earth - Charmm

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Sunday 28 January 2018

How to get any damn thing you wish for on earth


Be it getting more girls than the biblical Solomon, having a bank balance longer than your phone number, getting six packs and biceps of stone, becoming a pro at dancing, soccer, basketball, chess or football, getting A grades or whatever you define success as, I'm gonna show you the only guaranteed way to get any or all of the above things and more. In fact, you'll find how to get almost anything your mind conceives so long as it isn't playing golf with the creator himself!

Conceive, believe and you will achieve
The above words first left the lips of Napoleon Hill. But this easy sounding and nearly prophetic rhyme has been the basis for all human inventions, and achievements. This principle is as old as man himself(including Napoleon Hill,) if not way older. Those words are the very formula with which you can get whatever you want!
And it all starts with...

This is pretty easy. We do it everyday. Whenever you have a wet dream about a royal rumble beneath your sheets with that zip-bursting belle, or are laughed at for smiling without reason because you were really imagining riding in a white Limousine that matches your silk designer suit, with the press clamouring around you for just one perfect shot, as you sign more autographs than Micheal Jackson, or whenever you punch your brother in your sleep because you were dreaming of graduating with a firstclass and throwing your hat up, you are doing one thing: conceiving.

Therefore, to conceive is generally to form something in the mind with the desire that it become reality someday. But what differentiates high achievers from all other conceivers is the extent of their desire for something. They don't just passively or wishfully dream of getting their desired results, they are very ferocious in their desire for it. They want it so bad that it eats them up and consumes them entirely. They spend way too much time thinking of having that thing that it becomes a habitual thought and soon becomes an addiction.
Through constant, repetitive and unrelenting thoughts, they form a very detailed, concise and snapshot picture of what they want in their head. 

This mental image becomes two things: a guide and motivator.
    A Guide it becomes because the clearer, stronger and more vivid your desire is, the easier, better and quicker your brain will present you with a picture of what you really want, whenever you are tempted to forfeit your goal even for a moment for immediate pleasures or gratification. This will help you never to stray far from the path leading to your goal.
    The stronger and clearer your desire, the better it becomes a Motivator whenever you meet the bumps and obstacles on your way to the top, because when you know exactly what you want and how bad you want it, you'll easily look beyond the present and be blinded by your desire since it's the most dominant force in your mind.
So make sure your desire for something is that strong.

You believe when your desire becomes animated. At this point, you begin to see your desire as though you've already attained it. You now have such a clear vision of who you wanna be that you can now behave as though you are already that person. 

If you wanna get to this level, then you've got to go beyond just wanting something bad. You've got to invest constant and earnest effort in learning how to be that which you wanna be. 

Forget about that gibberish so called luck or God given talent. It is simply the lame excuse people give to explain away their laziness or inadequacy.
"Oh. What great shape he's got. He must have better genes." "He's so lucky and gets all the women no matter what he says or does." "How can someone even be that good at shooting hoops. He's clearly endowed with so much talent." "I wonder how one could make so much money. Some people are just born rich." 

All these are lazy and flimsy reasons people give to explain others' success. They use these because such explanations rule out any attribution to hardwork as a reason for success.
Therefore, lazy people suggest that there is nothing they can do to attain such excellence because according to them, they are disadvantaged beyond their influence, with the wrong genes, the tough luck, the wrong family, the wrong nationality, the wrong education etc.

This is all average people ever do
Man worrying
Such reasoning shows that the person involved doesn't believe that he can get that which he desires. It is both wrong and militating to success and abuses the law of Cause and Effect or law of Karma which states that for every result, whether good or bad, there is an action behind. In other words, you reap what you sow.
The sooner one realises that whatever result he's left with, is either as a result of his actions and can be influenced totally by him, the closer he'll get to his desire. 

So whoever you know with whatever remarkable abilities, wasn't born with it, but put in thousands of painful hours of gruesome work, fuelled by unbridled passion and desire to become, to reach that level of efflorescence. 

So to strengthen your belief in your ability to reach your goal, work at becoming who or what you want to be. Here's how.

»  Have a detailed and written plan or set of goals. Include deadlines and specific figures. For example, write exactly how much you wanna make in five years, or how many girls you wanna approach each week.

»  Set out to give a fixed amount of time everyday to learning about how to achieve your goal by reading about, listening to and watching those who are where you wanna be. Remember that the more quality time you give the universe, the more results it returns to you.

»  Practice. In his book Outliners: The story of success, Malcom Gladwell(best selling author of The Tipping Point) postulates that for one to become a world class pro at something, such person must dedicate 10,000 hours of practice, which equates 3 hours daily over a period of 10 years to the given cause. He proves this by providing numerous examples of popular top achievers from various fields like music, sports and programming who hit recognition only after putting about 10,000 hours in practice. They are all here

Final words
Whatever the hell it is you wish to be, you can be if first, you make sure you keep fuelling your desire for it by spending the mammoth share of your time thinking and forming a clear and detailed picture of what you wanna be, until your brain is made to believe that dream or desire to be a reality. When this happens, your entire being will form a partnership with the universe to provide you the right opportunities, people and events needed to take you to your goal. Then you do your best to utilize all the information, resources and opportunities you get through constant study and practise so as to become phenomenal.
With that, you can achieve the whole world. *winks*

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