This mindset will make women your slaves - Charmm

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Sunday 11 February 2018

This mindset will make women your slaves

When it comes to how exactly to get girls to like us, most of us guys are as clueless as Tarzan before an elegant set of cutlery, and the endless Hollywood misleadings, articles and advice on seduction ain't helping either

In a bid to be the guy every girl wishes for, personalities like "Nice guys," "corky guys" and "creepy guys" have been formed. 

In other words, most guys end up being either a little too pushy, forward and as such, repulsive or considered not suggestive enough or too nice and therefore, friendzoned.

Only few possessors of a dick have actually been able to find that thinner than thread midpoint zone that makes you the ladies' choice that every or most girls wanna ravage, like this dude.

Cool black guy surrounded by many hot girls on white sofa

Fortunately, this entire article is all about that midpoint that makes you neither too nice to be boyfriended, nor too forward and creepy to be regarded as corky, irritating and loathed, but the guy who gets as far as he chooses with any girl he chooses. Just sit back, relax and get promoted to ladies' man level.

Your mindset, not your words or even actions get girls
I remember an occassion in my freshman year in college, when the excitement of finally leaving the hallowed torture of parental eyes was still young and new. I'd spend hours unending scoping the unique pleasantness of the various boobs and asses which there was never a shortage of. Thinking back, I loathe myself for most of my ass kissing, dumbly nice and utterly gainless pickups.

Trust me. I was a worse idiot than him
Pathetically needy guy begging at girl's feet

One that constantly plagues me till now happened at a college bank. This sunny morning(can't recall the day) was within my very first week at the college and my radar was set at auto detect a hot girl who you'd walk round campus with, and be regarded as a real cool lord of the xx chromosomes who gets a girl on the very first week. 

I failed woefully at recognizing that I was a million light years from a ladies' man.
FYI, up until then, I had never been a character in any scene of sexual intimacy of any sort. But I put up this bloated,  empty air of swagger, that was way bigger than my entire lifetime sexual experience. Unknown to me, my life, thoughts and actions had girls-look-at-me-and-please-consider-me-fuck-worthy all over them.

Back at the bank, on queue for one of my tuition fees, I tried saying and doing stuff I thought bad boys are supposed to be about.

All yo girls must be tripping seeing my metric ton weight chain and swagger!

I tried to sound and seem rebellious and unbridled although I was really forcing it. I was trying relentlessly to make a joke about everything from the bank's name to how often its staff breathed and get laughs with the hope that that will make girls think: "hahahaha, huhuhuhuhu, kikikikiki. That guy's so funny and cool. A typical example of fun, carefree badboy. I can't wait for him to invite me over to fuck him."

I did get laughs though, and even ended up tickling the fancy of two averagely pretty but mightily endowed girls, or so I thought because they agreed to give me their numbers. I was at cloud 9 and the feeling was the best i'd felt, second only to receiving my letter of admission. 

Just a number!!!
Since I didn't want the euphoria to end and my life was totally devoid of any engagements, I followed the more endowed of the girls round campus, everywhere she went, unrelentlessly and constantly making my deep seated insecurity which I had earlier masked to ooz out like a solid body odour covered by cologne until it was so glaring. 

I made myself too available too soon and soon, my neediness was everywhere in the atmosphere. She soon found that the carefree, insane badboy she'd earlier contemplated getting warm with later that day, was really a needy desperate fella who was too insecure to let go and at the same time too much of a chicken to get past the talk and grab that bountiful booty by the horns. I was all talk and no work. You know why?
I had the wrong mindset toward girls. 

The mindset of a boss
Now, years later, I have a better idea what I was doing wrong that was getting me farther and farther away from all the right asses. But I cherish those years of humble beginning because without them, I wouldn't be the magical charmmaker I am now.
To be a real charmer, you must avoid these mistakes I was making or else you'd only end up taking a full time job as her eunuch

1. Never let getting women become your chief goal
2. Never do what you ain't really comfortable doing just to impress women.
3. Never chase women
4. Don't think women are saints. They have equally dirty sexual fantasies like you do.

1. Never let getting women become your chief goal:
This mindset is equivalent to desperation. For me back then, my only or major motivation for getting outta bed every morning and look forward to getting into campus was the prospect of wooing and maybe banging a hot girl. 

Well, this goal in itself wasn't the problem. The problem was that it was all that motivated me in life.

If you make getting women your only or chief motivation, the reason you wanna leave your bed, it'll make you try too hard to get them, thereby reducing the perceived value women'll have of you. 

Guys who succeed with women and have more at their disposal than they can manage, get women because they don't really need women.
If you have this mindset, you won't try to go outta or beyond your way to talk to or get a girl to notice you.

On the other hand, if you so need to be around a girl, you'd find it hard to notice that there are too many girls all around you, and so you'd view every female you meet as a potential fuckbuddy, thereby treating every girl you meet like she's the only girl around. Girls think less of guys like that who give them so much attention and try to please them, although she hasn't done much to please you in turn.

2. Never do what you ain't really comfortable doing just to impress women:
Humans and women especially are damn good at picking up non verbals. So whatever you say or do that you didn't really come from deep within, but was said to catch the attention of the people around will easily be discerned by others around to be an effort to impress them no matter how hard you try to make it seem genuine.

And whenever people think you are even remotely trying to impress them, they instantly feel you are beneath them and at their mercy and that's how they'll treat you.

That's also how it is for women. So whenever you are around a girl you might like, make sure not to say a joke, ask a question or make a statement that you didn't really feel the need to voice out, but did just because you didn't wanna seem clueless or shy. 

What most guys'll never know is that a girl'll never dislike you for being silent, so long as it wasn't awkward and didn't have I'm-so-nervous-I-don't-know-what-to-say written over it.

So if you're a shy guy naturally, know that most girls will even be excited and self conscious because of the mystery your silence brings because she can't tell if you're shy, dumb or think she sucks if you are silent. And this'll make her wanna try no matter how little to get your attention if she likes you. But your insecurities and dumbness'll only shine brightly if you let words or actions out.

3. Never chase women:
At the onset of this article, I told you to purge yourself of all the shit fed us by Hollywood cos that's the only place where a guy gets a girl who initially didn't give a damn about whether he got cut off oxygen supply by not giving up on her. 


There are only two ways a girl who isn't your sis can feel about you: "I want to fuck him" and "I don't give a fuck about him." And these biases are often formed way before you even talk and as such, there isn't much you can do to improve it, only worsen it. If she feels the second way about you and shows it, bounce because trying to change it will only make her think less of you and will cost you valuable time to win with another girl. 

If you had even a penny worth of self dignity, then you should be very sensitive and intolerant to any insult or slight to your personality thrown your way by any girl. No girl who turns you down or treats you like shit should be given a chance to do it again! She shouldn't even do it a first time if you only approach after she gives you signs that she  likes you. 

What most fellas fail to understand is that if a girl likes you, she'd wanna be with you. If she doesn't wanna be with or around you, it clearly means she doesn't like you and trying to change it is plain foolish.

4. Don't think women are saints. They have equally dirty sexual fantasies as you do:
Most men learn this the hard way, usually after many years of unfulfilled sexual fantasies.
That's the reason why words like friendzone and brotherzone are a thing.

 C'mon. What do you expect from a girl whom all what you talk to about is your boring job, silly childhood, mundane experiences and every other topic ever talked about except sex?
How do you expect a girl to wanna go all the way with you if you avoid the forbidden topic?

The way to make a girl want to have sex with you is by talking about sex.

Girls are not like guys who are ready for sex the moment there is a potential recipient of their mineral resource.

Girls need to be made to think about sex with you before they can go all the way.
Fortunately though, this is as easy as getting a hard on early in the morning.
All you need to do is to take the lead in subtly steering conversation toward a sexual direction because most girls won't ever mention anything that has a link to sex, so as not to be regarded as whores. This is the case because sex is a topic which society in general craves but avoids in discussion. But if you can break that barrier of talking sex with a girl, she won't flip and call you evil. Instead, you'd succeed in communicating to her that unlike what she's used to, you don't find sex abhorrent or shameful, and as such, she won't be reluctant to show you that side of her's too. 

Every girl craaaavves sex too just like you and is equally dirty-minded. So, ensure to slowly steer conversation with a girl towards a sexual angle by softly bringing sex up yourself and encouraging her to follow suit.

A great way to achieve this is to test the waters by first using softcore topics, compliments or questions. For instance, after talking for a while about her interests and yours, you could say: you've gotta really great figure, what would you love to change about your body, what kinda guys do you like etc to more sexually charged hardcore ones given her response like: when last did you have sex, what part of a guy's body turns you on most, do you masturbate, what's your fav sex position etc.

Remember that the transition into those sexual topics should be too steep. Don't be like: "Hey. I'm Fred and I think you'd like the size of my dick."
Blend everyday topics and questions into the more sexual ones.
But don't wait too long too steer discussion toward sex either.

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