Pretty regular girl turns Justin Bieber down on IG and suffers for it! - Charmm

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Friday 18 August 2017

Pretty regular girl turns Justin Bieber down on IG and suffers for it!

I'm honestly still wondering if this is real or just a set-up. Pretty n shapely Jessica Gober who works in a gym reported Bieber as trying to pick her up on IG, after seeing her "dangerous" advert with an energy drink on the gym's IG account. OMG! JB sent a DitectMessage to @Fitness for Broughton(the gym Gober works at) asking after that asset he saw on their page. Now Jessie claims that at first, she didn't believe it when her colleagues told her about the message, until she saw and confirmed it. Hmmm. Jessie said she showed family, friends n her boyfriend the message n they didn't believe it either. Jessica now posted the message, claiming she didn't know it'll go viral, but somehow we found out. Afterwards, she was overfed with insults for turning down such a prospect on IG. But Jessie could care less cos she says she doesn't miss anything in her relationship. At dis point I don't know whatta say. But I really don't blame Justin. I mean look at this

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