How to be "'Prince Charming." - Charmm

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Friday 1 September 2017

How to be "'Prince Charming."

Charm. Charm. Charm. It does to women what a perfect pair of boobs and ass does to men. A charming man is confident and smooth in how he blends with his surroundings, that's why women struggle to maintain positive thoughts, while around a charmer. Reason being that they always have an eye for a man who is comfy in his own skin and loved by many(popular,) because it shows reliability and certainty.

 But what makes a man charming?

 Well, you don't have to be a rich prince showered with top-notch charisma and poise lessons from the womb! Anyone can be charming if you follow these pretty easy rules and a little paradigm shift in your view of yourself, your world and of course, women.

1. LOVE YOURSELF: Most mortals try to copy the way their favourite actors, musicians and other celebs dress, walk, talk, gesticulate e.t.c in their quest for charm. While this could help up your game(only if you're a genius with IQ 300!,) they fail to realize that these are only the icing on the cake. What matters most is the thoughts going on in the minds of these "idols" about themselves and their surroundings. This article is all about letting you into this "promised land" called the mind of a charmer.
      Charmers love, love, love themselves and have an accurate and balanced view of their strenghts, as well as weaknesses. So, they are in a better position to minimize weaknesses and amplify strenghts. Now ask yourself: what am i damn good at, and what am i a flop at? You may be a whiz at basketball, but a wuss in math. A don at talking, but a failure at reading, jump for joy at a pet gift, but sulk to a ticket to the zoo, a killer at soccer video games but a casualty on a real pitch e.t.c. But the motto of evry charmer is: MAN. KNOW THYSELF. When you know exactly what it is you are, it's time to convert "knowing" yourself to "loving" yourself. This is done by dedicating more time to what you love and are good at, limiting the time you give to other affairs. This will boost your sense of achievement, your ego and self-worth from the inside-out. You will also become better at what you were already good at, making for an overally positive and ecstatic feeling of yourself. This will exude your personality and behaviour.

2. LOVE OTHERS: Yes. If you could see through the minds of your fav charisma lords, you'll see someone who sincerely has the interest of others in mind(unless your favorite character is Dracul ie). So if you know you don't already have this golden virtue, and are uncomfortable or don't know how to express affection toward others. Learn it quickly, because it would guarantee if you'll catch female attention or not! Love for others grows gradually but steadily, so long as you feed it constantly. You feed this love by always trying to see the good in others, and dimming their faults. Also learn to sympathize with their plights. And finally, always find ways to improve their current feelings. The most important of all the above is the last: improving their current status. And the best way to do this is...

3. MAKE PEOPLE LAUGH: It may or may not suprise you that laughter is the most priced commodity to man, since genuine laughter equals happines. And all men yearn for happiness above all. Including money! In fact, happiness is the reason for money, but money isn't really the reason for happiness. So if you can give people happiness, which is best measured by how much laughter you can cause, you'd be loved by all and as such, popular. This doesn't mean you have to go about carrying a red ball nose, juggling chicken laps. No. You don't have to be a clown to make people feel good. In fact, if you are too eager to make people laugh, you may even become an itritating jerk. Just ask after their concerns with a sincere sympathetic face, and don't rush the process, as it'll seem like only a formal ritual and they'll not buy it. So, instead of a simple: Goodday, try a friendly: goodday, how's your day going or how's the family and work going. This gives the recipient no option but to say something more about themselves, which you can inturn, build on.

 Try hard to deaden their faults and hammer on their strenghts with compliments. Top secret: you overcome your people consciousness/shyness when you feel that you are around people who love and support you. Just think: do you feel shy or uncomfortable when discussing with close friends or close relatives? Of course not. In the same way, if you see and treat people around as close relatives, you forget your insecurities, and are filled with thoughts on how to uplift everyone around you. It'll take time to perfect these skills. But with effort and genuine desire, you'll get out of the infamous zone- although we were all once there. 

One day soon, you'd finally be this guy...

3. BE A GOOD LISTENER: This list is not arranged by order of importance at all; else this point should be closer to the top. Being good at listening is an indispensable tool in charming people. It involves more than just hearing what they have to say. Make them feel like what they're saying is really going from their mouth, straight to your soul and is revving you to action. To do just that, maintain slightly exerggerated facial expressions, gestures and postures that bespeak utter interest: inflect your facial expression with the emotions they convey in their talk. Nod along with what they say. Sit and lean in as closely as reasonably possible, like you don't want to miss any debris of the thoughts they're conveying.  Just ensure these feel natural as you do them. Make sounds only to affirm or identify with what they're saying. NEVER INTERUPT. The quieter you are as people speak, the more comfortable they become hearing their voice while with you and the more comfortable and willing to open up to you they will be.

4. SHOW YOUR SEXUAL/SILLY SIDE: This is what will really turn female heads. Most guys are on constant pressure from some really stong invisible and non existent "evil" spirit that convinces them that the world (esp females) prefer them to be really calm, orderly, comported and in one word: BORING. O yeah. I'm not in the mood to hear your long elaborate speech on why the above characters are noble. Well, I'm not saying you can't get a girl by acting that way. What I'm saying is: if you want to get girls that are every guy's dream, and not girls that nobody wants, and as such, will gladly pay anything for any one eyed, bald, dirty pot bellied old man to say "hello," like this sister...
   Have fun

...listen to me!
The trick is to carry your body and walk in a way that suggests that you are playful, comfortable as well as sexual and don't take yourself too seriously. But don't don't don't overdo or force it. Or you'd lose her trust and as such, she won't get intimate with you. This works because girls would only see you as a lover if she knows she can be loose and show her silly side, without risking her reputation. So, from time to time, let her "catch" you pulling a joke or light prank, or just having a good laugh, dancing (can be a killer,) slightly flirting etc. Just do whatever you feel comfotable doing, and you have a big chance to finally get this specie.

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