Why badboys are addictive and how to be just that - Charmm

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Saturday 9 September 2017

Why badboys are addictive and how to be just that

We all know that guy who seems to have the password to the addiction part in each and every hot girl's brain! You see a girl who you can't even imagine looking your way, much less saying your name, doing this to this guy...

This can mess with man's brain. Especially when the guy seems to treat your goddess only a notch more than mere crap. Why's she still with him? Why is she even with him in the first place? You can't seem to stop asking yourself. You may even try to show the "victim" that you'd treat her much better if she chose you, and she may even nearly pull your eyes out for trying to "help". Here's why she just can't get over this "toxic" addiction!

Why badboys are addictive

1. THEY DON'T FOLLOW THE CROWD:  Badboys have an identity. They create their personalty themselves, using ingredients that they are cool with, and not what society says is. In other words, they look up to THEMSELVES for validation, not others. Now this is sounding like calculus.To help you figure what I'm tryna spill, Imagine you're sitting behind in a moving bus full of fellow passengers and a driver. You madly need to send liquid out. But what would people say If you shouted it to the driver? You reason, and prefer to suffer in muteness. Just before you water your pants and the vehicle, the guy sitting side by side yells: "Driver! Stop this vehicle or you'd be commiting murder. I wanna urinate!" Immeditely, the bus halts and more than half the passengers rush down to ease themselves! Does it mean every other body suddenly felt pressed at the exact same time? Hahahaha. You know better.This shows that every pressed person sitted on that bus was suffering; each afraid of what "people" would say. Now who are these "people" if I may ask? Answer: equally pressed people! Back to our story. You'd note that you'd immediately grow a fondness for this guy who alleviated you from bondage afterward. Same with the other beneficiaries in the bus. It's same with attraction. We are all silly, lawless, lustful, crazy and stubborn weasles at our core. If you think I'm bluffing, ask your best friend or immediate family members how you fare on this. But we live our lives forever trying to hide that [fun] part from the world because we fear that the other person will criticize us, while the other person fears "you" would criticize them. Making us behave like...

...idiots forever.

       Therefore, badboys are addictive because they boldly do those silly things you love doing in private or while among trusted eyes, and are dying to do, but are afraid to do in public or among strangers for fear of criticism. They also don't pretend to like or accept(when they don't,) a song you playing, dress you bought them, word you told them, favour you ask them e.t.c. This is refreshingly addictive to actually say "no" to people, because deep down we all know that one cannot always be so cool and nice with everything, like they weren't made with any "negative" emotions like sadness, anger, pain, disappointment etc. This makes your approval cheap, and therefore, valueless. That's what most people try to do. It's unnatural, and as such suspicious. Such "perfect" people only increase the pressure on others to want to mask their flaws (cos they don't seem to have any,) when around these perfectionists, or take them for granted. Badboys are different. Their honesty and sincerity immediately earns people's trust and let's others relax and let themselves go with them. People'll be like: if he could do/show that, he won't judge me if i did same.That's why a girl who seems aloof and unapproachable to people outside( to mask her "flaws",) will breathe a sigh of relief and cling to a badboy, because she can finally be her true self, without fearing criticism or a threatened reputation. You don't know how much this means. So, when next you in public, try to act as you would while alone or with your bestie whom you trust like no other. Be excited, honest and real. Just don't overdo or force it. Do/say things people would love to do/say ordinarily, but don't, out of fear. It may take time and many disappointments before you become smooth because there's a fine line between unique and awkward. I promise you: it can be awku-warrd sometimes. But remember, bad boys don't mind what the crowd thinks. With practice, you'll soon be knowing what people like, and catching every girl's attention.

2. THEY HAVE VERY ASSERTIVE GUTS: This means that when badboys want something(girls inclusive,) they not only go for it (which majority don't,) they go for it in a dominant way. Like it's a basic right, not like it's a big favour. They pursue desires or state their intentions in a way that's not so foot rubbing, or insulting either. Imagine how you ask your best friend for a favour. Like the guy below. Badboys talk/act like they are sure to get what they want. A typical example is this...

can I have your number?


can i have your number?

This▲ approach makes you seem like a choiceless and spineless beggar who needs their pity. But really, girls'll see and treat you how you do yourself. A dominant guy(like you watched) acts like he deserves everything he wants. He speaks and acts that way, and people give him what he wants, cos his assuredness that something or someone is his' is so strong that others believe the illusion and unwittingly give him what he wants. Let yourself be the go-getter who doesn't fear man. But doesn't disrespect them either. After playing out the tips in rule 1 well, you sure would've started getting the attention of any girls around. BUT DON'T LET THEM KNOW YOU ARE TRYING TO ATTRACT THEM!!! Girls love self assured guys. So, while you approach, remember that you've come across as a fun, "confident" guy. That's what got you here. So don't suddenly become a tame and docile lamb while talking with her. Make her even more comfortable around you by telling a light joke and making her feel admirable, without making it seem like you're begging. Remember her...

Act like getting her is totally your right, and that's exactly what you're gonna do. If you had no idea what I meant by that, then you sure lack enough James Bond movies nutrients in your system. 
Then don't beat about the bush. 

Putting all this together, It's not really about the exact words you use, but the way you present yourself: (1) Not fearing being laughed at, (2) going for what you want head-on and finally...

3.BADBOYS ARE ALWAYS IN CONTROL: There are a bunch of ways girls test guys' worth, and try to bring unwary homos under their control. Some or all of them have most likely been used on you before. They include: teasing, threats to leave, asking favours, nagging, blackmail, inciting jealousy, flattery, silent treatment to name a few. When a girl does any of these or any other thing that makes you uncomfortable or leaves you on the spot, that surely is a good time to show your knowledge of all the above rules. First off, a girl will want to exercise a measure of control over you. And if you allow her some, she'd seek more, until she gets tired of your predictability and submission and leaves! 

She may come up with different ploys that put you at the spot or that "require" you to do something you don't want, or is belittling; like running an errand for her, buying above your budget, or simply anything you both know you don't like. If you notice any of these behaviors, make sure you maintain control and not sell out. Never try to defend or justify your actions(even wrong ones,) if she teases or directly rebukes you. This makes her feel like a judge whom you are trying to gain her approval. Never lash out angry words either and never also say "yes" or "no," to impress her, or avoid criticism. I mean. You are a badboy! Who cares about impressing anybody, or criticism. Never draw attention to your acheivemets, possesions or even any details of yourself. Too insecure. It also kills the mystery and thrill of her trying to figure you out.

Never never beg for her love, time or approval. Don't even suggest that you need it in any way. Instead, always be in the superior position of the one whom she tries hard to seek his validation. And be stingy and indirect in the way you do give it,  especially to insecure girls. 

Ultimately, always show your woman that you are self assured and don't need her's or anyone's validation or approval. Then, you will make her your slave whoo feeds from your palm! 

 There are different kinds of girls, and as such, different ways they try to assume contro. This article will show you their unique strategies and how to answer each one!

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