How to be "the popular guy" 1 - Charmm

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Thursday 14 September 2017

How to be "the popular guy" 1

It's in your powers to make anybody like or hate you.

                      Read that again

If the above words were totally new, a complete shocker or annoying, then you're most likely one of such guys who are disliked by those you wish, liked or even knew you! If so, this article's especially for you. So brace up for more shocks along this article and make sure you've got your shock absorbers in check! I just for your sake, hope you aren't hypertensive. Cos if you are, or are as closed minded/obstinate as Hitler, or as doubtful as the infamous "Thomas" of the bible, then you just aren't ready for the rollercoasterlike brain re - programming "surgery" you'd be receiving. It may just be too hard to swallow. If that's your case, you'd be doing humanity a favour by please hitting the back button now! 

                           Still here?

If you found yourself seduced by the topic of this article in the first place, but were like: "yeah right. That's what they all say, I'm even getting sick of all the advice* on getting girls attention* that never work on me.* (*sighs*)I'd only read this one cos I'm bored* like hell!"    Or,    "Mighty interesting. This is exactly what I need* now in my life*. Now I can get that girl* and finally end my lonely* days.

Then, you have definitely been treated like the ugly duckling in the past, more often than you can count, and still are...

   I don't know what/who you're refering to                                                                            

    You! If only you'd be honest with yourself!

Well, your sins can only be forgiven you if you confess them, and are ready to turn around!
                   Hoping you're ready
Now look at those words highlighted and marked* above. They are the sacred temple wherein your social destiny lies. These words are common to every guy who's a failure with women. You may deny ever saying/thinking exactly the same words those guys said, when you saw the topic.(cos you refuse to swallow your pride.) But if you've been kicked out of social network groups you wanted to be part of, or were'nt invited to that party you really wanted to go to, and are currently considered a reject by girls and others, you surely have a lot in common with those guys. Whether you admit it or not

           The words show your disease
If you WANT BUT LACK enough supplies of girls or buddies in your life, you most likely are:
Bored* with your life* and think getting girls' attention* will spice it up. Which makes you spend too much time on all the advice* on how to get that girl*, but deep down you feel it'll never work on you,* because you keep getting turned-down* and end up feeling lonely*! This mindset is deadlier than cancer, but curable. Thing is, you'd be doing more of the curing yourself. Unlike lying on your comfy bed, expecting dating advice from happy, hardworking dating experts you read, to cure your ailment. As you've been doing.
                          THE CURES

1.Spice up your PRIVATE LIFE: Mind that I said PRIVATE LIFE. This means you should try to have fun without trying to include ANYBODY in the process. Go totally solo!!!

            How is that even possible?

                       Of course it is!
In fact, it is the first and by far, the most crucial step in getting cured of your social ulcer. What do you do while alone? Feel bored and think of all the fun going on outside- wishing you could just be let-in all that fun? Time for change. If you can't feel terrific, armed only with the company of yourself, you'd seem clingy and desperate among others, and just can't be seen as valuable among them. This is because, people are drawn to people/things THAT SEEM to have self value(real or imagined!) Now, self value is only an illusion, since it can't be seen or measured. People automatically conclude that something is valuable, if it's scarce and hard to obtain, even if there is little or no tangible benefit, derivable from it. Eg raw cash, diamonds, gold, antiques, celebrities and the list goes on. No one eats a dish of fried diamonds, scrambled cash and mashed gold for breakfast, lunch or dinner. So, people only think these things are impotant because they are rare and valued by others. The truth being that the only opinions/needs that men have about the world/selfs that cannot be made or changed by others are those concerning food, shelter, and direction from some higher force than themselves. All other cravings/desires or opinions that don't DIRECTLY feel these needs are mere illusions. People only believed they were important or true, because others made them think so. For example. Sex: even a sex addict was influenced by what he saw others do around him. So, he would be absolutely abstinent if he found himself in a world without women, or a place where sex is either not known, or totally forbidden by ALL. Money: people only seek money because they grew around people/a person who value(s) it. So, even people who think that money means all, would loathe money and give it all away, if they were taken back to the stone age with their money, or convinced they didn't need it. Fear: A man is a coward because he/others believe he can be harmed. This same guy would face the fiercest of obstacles if he was somehow convinced by someone that he was above harm and even feared by others. Addiction: even staunch junkies became that, because someone offered them a wrap and convinced them it was noble. These would overcome their addiction, if they were the only junkies left and lacked supplies. Hate: the worst sardists of all, were hated and made to feel worthless by someone. They therefore, would love, if someone convinced them that they are loved by all. Beauty: People only think beauty is important,  because they think others in the area do. People won't care so much about beauty, if they were convinced by someone that people prefer something else. These show that all man needs to accept an illusion, is to be convinced by others. This happens when others (maybe even a single person,) convinces them that this illusion is true. Even if they're not! Therfore, you have the power to create/change any illusion you want, about what people think of you. You therefore, don't have to be a whiz at tons of things, a genius or worth alot of bucks to be be seen as valuable by others. You just have to convince others that it's true. Relax. It's as easy as making a baby cry.
Just convince yourself first that you are a genius, a whiz at tons of things and worth a lot. You do this by spending more of your precious time, telling yourself positive and encouraging words, and killing negative and doubtful thoughts about yourself.Tell yourself that you are attractive and don't need others to affirm that. Persist untill you BELIEVE the illusion. Attractiveness comes from within. Not from outside! To hasten the process and make the illusion more believable to you, discover/create new interests and pursue them with the intent of becoming superb at them. The more you fail and improve, fail and improve, fail and improve, the more you begin to believe you are worth anything. If you persist in the fail and improve journey, in time, your improvements will become noticeable to yourself and much later, others. You'd gain real SELF value. But you don't go around telling people about your acheivements or try to convince them that you're cool. That'll leave you more rejected and repellant than you already are. So, when you've believed the illusion that you're valuable/attractive, how do you create the same illusion in people.

                         Part 2'll tell ya...


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