Hack the insecure girl's mind! - Charmm

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Monday 2 October 2017

Hack the insecure girl's mind!

Most people think insecure girls dress like they were trying to beat Beyonce in a beauty contest over Jay-Z. Blink 299 times per second before looking away with lightening speed, when your eyes meet theirs. Stutter like rusted door hinges while they talk.
                        Dead Wrong!
Hope you didn't buy any of that bullshit up there? Although those may be the exact stereotypes supposedly experienced experts at reading women may present for insecure girls, they are as false a bullshit as belief in mermaids nonetheless.

Learning how to read girls' is an invaluable skill you must have if you want to get anywhere near their...

The first and maybe most crucial step involved in mastering this hacking skill is to :stop judging books by their covers.
Stop thinking all insecure girls present themselves in a shiny wrap of timidity, "neediness" and yes, insecurity. In fact, most insecure girls may seem confident and even intimidating from outside. That's why this article is titled - the mind(not the behaviour) of an insecure girl.
This article will help you know how the insecure female mind is programmed, and how to identify it. If you can gain such access to the code of her mind, you will be able to literally edit anything you want in it. Much like hacking.

          The mind of an insecure girl
Generally, insecure girls usually feel a low self-esteem. That 's easy to know, since you probably knew that before. Right? 

But what you may not have figured is that there are in fact 2 reasons for girls' insecurity, and as such 2 types of insecure girls, whose insecurity manifests differently. Hope that didn't sound like calculus?

Type 1 insecure girls are usually those whose insecurity is cheifly caused by their impossible quest to please the usually sexually, verbally, drug/alcohol abusive, violent, and impulsive parents, caregivers or associates they were with while growing up. So, the lives of such girls was always all about trying to please or fit in with others, but being being exposed to abused in return. This turned them into desperate validation seekers, but who think being criticised or abused is cool. Some academic smart whom I can't remember now once said: when people first meet evil, they abhor it. If it continues, they tolerate it. If it doesn't stop still, they embrace it. That's a summary of the mind of these kinda girls.

Type 2 insecure girls' childhoods may not exactly be termed impossible, violent and abusive like that of their counterparts. Therefore, their insecurity is caused by another factor. While this insecurity is also commonly courtesy parents or caregivers, it is formed and delivered in a slightly different and more subtle form. Parents of our type 2 insecure girls usually raise the bar of "success" and behaviour so high, and are at the same time, so occupied with work, that these babes grow up feeling neglected, and think they can never measure up and are perpetual failures. Such kids may not have been treated brutally though. In fact, their families may have seemed ideal: usually "rich," exemplary and respected ones in the society. But inside, insecure girls from such families are emotionally drained. 

Note that: rarely though, the two kinds of insecurity can also be formed by the overly self-critical or rebellious mind of the girl alone. Meaning that her parents may have been all they should be, but the girl may just have chosen to mount too much pressure on herself, by herself to be perfect or like other unwholesome associates.
The constant fact though, is that insecure girls grow up thinking everyone is better than they are, and that their fate in life is to be treated a lil better than gabbage!

Type 1: Abused girls. While these girls usually grow to become rebellious, outlandish and crude in the way they talk, dress, act and may frequently use vulgar language, be highly abusive, do drugs, be overly flirtatious e.t.c and even score high in the test of confidence, to an untrained eye. It is not always the case, because there are other factors that can affect the way a girl seems or behaves, especially if you are meeting her for the first time. She may be feeling lower or higher than usual because of a current event in her life, or may actually be pretending. So don't be confused nor fooled when a girl doesn't fit a particular mould. 

Say hi and i'd feed u to the birds!

So, how do you know who a girl really is at her core? 

Her eyes

Shakira once said "hips don't lie." Well, I don't know that for sure, but I'm dead sure that hips are not the only ones that don't lie. In fact, nothing has proved to be more honest and revealing of one's true self than their eyes. So, while type 1 insecure girls are likely to be unruly badasses, pulling various insane superwoman stunts, their eyes are still a more prefered, accurate, ever open and crispy clear window to their souls.

Here are the most common feelings and thoughts, type 1 insecure girls may have toward you, and how their eyes and bodies unfallibly convey them.

i.Likes you: 
These girls'll as you already know, tend to be very flirtatious and unusually daring. So their attraction signals are pretty direct, overt and easy to read. Such girls will wink, openly bite their lips, smile suggestively, tease their bodies, maintain revealing and seductive posture and give you every damn i-want-you-in-my-bed look and gesture possible. 

What other clue do you need?!! 

These behaviours are anything but insecure, you might say. Think again. True confidence has decency and self-assurance as its watchword. So, truly confident girls won't resort to undignified and desperate measures to attract any guy.

ii. Doesn't like you:
These girls as you must now know, are notorious for being direct and crude in expression of feelings. Feelings of dislike are no different. She'd clearly roll her eyes or blink away, be hostile, insulting and give every i-won't-give-a-damn-if-you-get-hit-by-a-train look you could think of.

iii. Wants to seem better than she is:
 This is a not so rare behaviour for these girls, and there is only one reason why they act this way: to destroy you!
O yeah. Destroy you either by wrecking your reputation, dupping you, threatening your life/health and/or all the above. They will try to seem better than they are, to earn your trust and boom! Type 1 girls with this intention, will usually: be unduly and unnecessarily kind to you, especially where they are bitchy to others. Approach you quickly, even before you may notice her giving seductive clues. Soon start asking personal questions about you like: where you live and what you do after your first few words. Easily offer you sex, but ask something in return or on condition(s.)
Again, while the above are most likely to happen, eye signals are better indicators of intentions. So such girls will: maintain "pleasant" eye contact at first glance, but you will notice it slowly begins to fade into a kinda scorn, before she looks away, before she may then resume "pleasant" eye contact again. Much like when you're tryna hide surging tears/emotions from someone.

Type 2: Emotionally drained. These girls may appear normal and even exemplary: they may have a good career, speak and dress decently and may even seem bold and driven. But deep down, they feel a more deep seated insecurity and pressure to be perfect, than a personal assistant to Hitler. They may also occupy the position of girls who are kinda flirty, indecent and abusive at times, but not exactly "bad" girls still. 

Here are the most common feelings and thoughts, type 2 insecure girls may have toward you, and how their eyes and bodies unfallibly convey them.
Note though as a general rule of thumb that insecure girls make scarce eye contact, and it is usually kinda awkward when they do make it.

  I.she likes you:
 when your eyes meet, she'll look to the ground and look back into your eyes if you hold eye contact. 

ii.She may like you,  but doesn't want to be approached: 
if you make a good first impression, the only reason why a type 2 girl won't want to be approached,  is that she is too shy to stand with a guy and talk in public and she will express this by looking in your eyes when you initiate eye contact, looking to the ground and not looking back into your eyes. 

iii. She likes you but pretends not to:
 Type 2 insecure girls usually do this because they are too conscious about how they appear before you, and don't want to be vulnerable. She'll usually show this by trying hard to avoid any close or direct contact with you. She will also be less "friendly" and open to you, than other guys for no apparent reason. Maybe,  immediately becoming quiet and cold when you walk in. It may even seem like she's avoiding you,  and may even be cold to you. Her eyes though may tell a different tale. She will avoid eye contact as much as possible, and will immediately look away if you "catch" her checking you out(which she'd be doing often. My article: what women want will teach you how to use the above signs to infiltrate any girl's head and be the guy each of these girls really wants!😉

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