How to touch a girl - Charmm

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Saturday 30 September 2017

How to touch a girl

This particular issue is capable of giving you a free ticket to lover zone if done right, and also a life jail sentence if done wrong! So, as long as you don't live in caves, but in an organized country with laws against something called sexual molestation or harassment, you should emphatically glue your eyes to this article - to avoid spending the rest of your already brief stay on earth in a solid, escape-proof Zimbabwean cell among hungry gay refugees. Well, unless you are an introverted gay yourself, that should be a reason to straighten up now. Right?
Well, if you want to spend life seeing all the beautiful things of life: food(ohhh food,) nature and ultimately: women, then do yourself the favour of listening tight to what i'd be trying to drum into your ears. Or else, you may never get here...


            How to touch women
A friend of mine whom i'd call Kyle usually had no problem getting girls to like him and go on the first friendly date. But that was usually it. What was he doing wrong that made all the girls leave as quickly as they came; like he was some broken sewage pipe? In this article, i'd be helping you find Kyle's leakage, and help you block yours, so you can begin to contain (hopefully not sewage, but) pretty girls who are otherwise sifted outta ya life!
But looking at Kyle from a distance, he seemed like a real lord of ladies. He was built, handsome, sexy, dressy but mainly alone. Kyle was clearly one of those friends of mine whom I shared abs nothing in common with. 

Meet Kyle.

I was worried for him, at his growing failure to get access to a right as basic as a girlfriend. So, one day while I was in a good mood, I got chatting with one of Kyle's former 1st and only dates, who happened to be my friend, and casually asked why they broke up?
It took her quite sometime to name what about Kyle made her flee like Cinderalla at midnight. She said he was really a "prince charming" though: a good listener, communicator and fun maker. But that there was something about him that didn't turn her on enough to make her feel like going farther with him. Then quite randomly, with the intent of a joke, I said: you clearly didn't go any far at all. And she said: he touched me the way he'd touch his mother's cousin's twin sister's niece who is a nun! That statement was all the encouragement, persuasion, ignition, heads up and trigger I needed to write this post.
 Touching has been and will always be an essential weapon for seducing girls. It alone can determine if you enter friend/brotherzone, loverzone and prisonzone! It all depends on was your touch suggests to the girl. So how and when exactly do you touch a girl, so that she perceives you as a harmless lover and not a mere friend or worse yet, a rapist?!!!!
There are three stages in the art of touching girls safely,  yet suggestively, one leading to the other.
1.Green stage: At this time, you are not yet very familiar with each other, and as such, she may not trust you enough with her body. So you may have her dialling 911 if you dive for gold now; although that may be why you we're even standing with this breasted homo sapiens in the first place. Pause! 
This stage could be the period from when you just met this girl, to the earliest moments of your next meeting. But does this mean you should entirely avoid touching her during this stage, like she had leprosy? Hell no. That'll quickly earn you a sister. Instead, totally touch her, but on safer, everyday body parts. What do I mean? Touch her at those places where it doesn't soooo seem like you're flirting. Those places where we are commonly touched by friends and relatives. These places are called: green zones. And they are: the hands, shoulders, upper back and arms.

 Photographer:Adina Voicu
No big deal
Boy and girl holding hands
No girl who you have talked to for a while and likes you even a little, would scream rape cos you're touching her at these places because they are not too obvious. In fact, people who see you touching/holding her in these places will assume you are good friends or relatives and will hopefully not pay her much attention even if she gets loud.
2. Yellow stage: By now you've known each other a while, and if you scored high in the last stage, she should be clearly into you by now. Note that the duration of each of the stages may vary, depending on the girl. So play your part well. But progress as she does. Trust me,  you don't want to get this look.
                                                                        Back off jerk

When you notice her actually giving off obvious signs that she likes you, it is time to progress to touching more intimate parts called: the yellow zones.
They are: her face and all other parts of her head, her neck, her lower back, her waist, her knees to her lower thighs. Touch these parts in a natural and not creepy way, and you will soon be hitting gold. A good way to avoid looking like a creepy fresher while you touch her, is not looking where you're touching, but looking at her face or somewhere else (or else your advances will seem too frontal and eager, making her feel like you are treating her like a slut! And she will immediately back off) and talking about something else as you touch her.

source:Aida on twitter
This guy's a genuis
Guy touching girl's knew and laughing
 The goal for doing this is so she feels you don't make a big deal out of the touch, but are really calm and leading things dominantly, making her feel less need to stop you, but at the same time, building sheer desire in her.
3. Red stage: If she has been receptive to your touch until now, even enjoying it, it could only mean that she's been properly aroused and wants you to venture into the "forbidden" red zones.
 Oh, finally

They are: her ass, boobs, upper thighs and her pubic area. In fact, at this point you have her whole body at your disposal! So, ensure you have the plan to take her to the bedroom soon before getting this far. And make sure she's already your wife before you enter this stage, as I won't be held responsible for any unwanted results!

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