What women really want. No... Need! - Charmm

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Saturday 7 October 2017

What women really want. No... Need!

Every woman is different, and so are her needs. Few things frustrate men and snuff more energy from us than not knowing what a woman wants to hear you say or see you do at a given moment. Whether she's your girlfriend from high school and you both had your 20th wedding anniversary last week, or a hot blonde girl you seeing for the first time on the street, or something in between, we all know and dread that moment when we have no idea what to do or say. We all know and dread even more, that bitter, dark time in history, when we finally actually did do/say something, but that clearly repelled her forever.
Be it giving too many compliments or not giving enough, saying too much or too little, be it being too available or too unavailable, be it being too nice or too annoying etc. All these have once been your offense for her leaving!
So what exactly do you say/do to a woman to leave her glued to you?
First off, you've got to be able to identify each woman's unique needs by looking at her! Impossible! Not sanybody This may be why the tricks you read on seduction articles seem to backfire when you try'em. Not because they are wrong all the time, since most of those guys actually relate their real life experiences and successes. But because these guys use a skill you don't have and they don't teach you. They've gathered so much experience, actually meeting women, that when they meet a girl, they subconsciously but accurately read her needs before saying a word, then talk to her based on that. It's just like an animal expert just telling you: animals need care, discipline, milk, bone, grass, vegetables, medication, starving and a bath. But not telling you which animals need what, when and in what amount. Then you start rearing animals with only that knowledge! That's why animals murder their owners.
Many times though, these guys don't even realize the exact signs they saw that made them use a certain line and not the other. That's why I say it's subconscious. An almost automatic but accurate skill mastered over time and many many many hurtful rejections and failures. You therefore, have to have such experience, to know exactly which of the lines/actions they disclosed, would suit a girl you meet and when, since each girl has a different need. And what makes this girl tick, would surely make the other squirm.
But there are basic things that every girl appreciates in a guy she would want to date. You must know and already have these things beforehand, for any tricks you try here to work on a girl. These things are here.
So, this article is basically made to teach guys who don't have a fortune of experience with women, how to know a woman's peculiar needs and how to tell her or do that exact thing that'll fill that need. When you know this, you'd be able to literally addict any girl!!!
There are many many many and trust me, many variations of girls and as such what they need. There are psycho, hurt, disappointed, low esteem, high esteem, strong, weak, seemingly weak or strong, defeated, fighting etc girls. And they all need something different. For instance, while a girl with low esteem would love you for telling her she's pretty, a victim of rape may slit your throat literally for saying the exact same thing in the exact same way! Yes. It's that risky to talk to girls if you cant read them. Animals could even be nicer!
Now, I tried hard to categorize all girls into as few categories as possible. And thankfully, it worked so well that they were all narrowed to just 2 kinds of girls!
                     Meet them

1. Confident girl
2. Insecure girl.
These labels were given by me, for the purpose of this article, and should not be used to label anybody. Or else..👊..😴

Quite contrary to what you or many other unsuccessful guys with women think, a woman's confidence level is not very easy to gauge from her clothes, tone of voice, accent, gestures, body language, flirtatiousness, education, job or any other superficial feature that can be spotted a mile away. This is cos most girls can and are good at altering any of these, so as to appear to be who they want others to think they are, or because that's how they feel at the moment. But in many cases, that may not be who she really is. Confident girls as I call this category, are really girls who believe they are great and deserve to be respected. They also don't desperately need people to validate them, much less on their looks. Note that I said "don't desperately need to be validated," not "don't need validation at all." They really just want validation on a different basis, which is wanting to be commended for achievements they make through hard work or conscious effort, not for possessions they did little or nothing to earn. They also want you to ask about their business, because they cherish a chance to prove their worth.
The best way then, to know who a girl really is to strive to look in her eye. Eyes are the truest reflection of the heart, because they can hardly be altered, if ever. This article will teach you how to read confident girls' through their eyes and other subconscious signals.
              What she really needs
She'd value commendation on something she does or did well that she must've achieved through effort, more than on her looks. So, observe her and look for clues that tell something about what she does: was she collecting stamps, carrying a pet, running the store, taking out the waste or any other detail that reveals that she is responsible, driven and confident. If you can't find any giveaways, just asking her questions about herself: her business and interests will make her warm up to you. Ask her why she is so clearly responsible, passionate and confident about that which you observed she does; and totally add "as opposed to 'other' girls! (confident girls find this flattering, alluring and addictive in a man - age not withstanding, since they always want to stand out as better than the rest.) And strive to be very friendly and respectful to these girls, since they have low tolerance for jerks, but see them as brothers who need direction a.k.a they friendzone unruly jerks. But if you want such a girl as a lover, remember to comment less and with lesser severity on her physical appearance ,  especially during the early stages, but commend give her ample chances to speak about her achievements and concerns. Real or imagined! It makes her believe you see her as having value as an "individual," not because of her body. So, instead of telling a confident girl/woman whom you just met at a party how great her ass looks in an her outfit, you could ask how she got to know about the party first, as you find more about herself.  Not her place or anything that suggests you want her for sex. Then you can ask for her number as she opens up more, so you two can get to know each other better.
This is usually the period from when you get her number, to when you become her official boyfriend and beyond. Now, all the general rules of behaviour discussed in the article: how to stop being just a friend... apply. But each girl needs them in different doses!
So, while you should generally have and live your own life, confident women appreciate and need more of your attention, respect and validation than more insecure girls and than they may ever ask for. This means that confident girls who like or even love you, won't call or demand your attention, or arrange dates as much as their more insecure counterparts would, because they have a lot really going on and/or don't want to bother or be clingy, since they feel you should be busy too especially during earlier stages of the relationship. This is because they are not desperate for a date, since they are self-assured enough to believe that can always get one. But in fact, it goes a long way, if you can pick up the phone and call this girl the very day you get her number, or shortly after, take the initiative of a date and do or say romantic things more often. You should also know by now that moderate compliments/validation are a go go and over compliments are a total boooo. But then, moderate to a confident girl means a lil bit more than what the word'll mean for an insecure girl. Since confident girls already think they are valuable, it sounds true and sincere when you say it; even more often and intensely, as the relationship grows, without them thinking it's a fake. Remember though, to compliment her achievements and efforts to achieve, more than her beauty. Especially in the early stages. Frequently ask her how she feels and notice any worries she may have and address them. 
While all women need a bit of teasing(even confident ones,) these tend to be able to accommodate only lighter and fewer teases because they believe they are awesome. So, these girls won't be dazzled by extreme bad boy mind games, unavailability tricks, teases,  tests or mystery. Not because they are insecure, but because they are just too occupied and self assured to give a damn.
All girls like some humor from your part too. But this type of girls appreciate fewer and less concentrated funny talks. While you should drop in a few well placed hilarious lines during a serious conversation to ease tense muscles, you should try harder with this kinds of girls to maintain a more serious mood and atmosphere while you discuss. This is because these girls are usually more objective and results oriented in nature. You don't want to operate on a different page. Though you may get really funnier or even plain insane sometimes, as the relationship grows because confident girls open up more and tolerate more, as their love increases. Just don't don't be a silly weirdo.
This is just a brief summary of how to connect with a confident girl, and is totally far from covering all there is to know about what confident girls need. But a principle that can help you figure out how to be on top of any situation with a confident girl is: confident girls are crazy about being admired. Not for their beauty though, but for their efforts and hard work. They love more than they may remember to say/show, but they'll cherish you and be reminded to do so, when you tell them/show them you do. They also have a wholesome view of themselves, so they won't accomodate extreme teases or plain abuses but prefer to be treated like the queens and ladies they are.

This specie of girls may or may not seem insecure outwardly. They may act all tough, may not even dress provocatively and may seem confident. But again, do not be swayed by swagger! It may all just be a cleverly crafted façade, hiding a girl/woman or whatever, who feels inferior to others and is heavily criticised and loathed by self. Such girls have very low self worth, and as such, are used to or even expect to be treated badly. They also crave outward validation and perfection, since they feel empty inside.
Such girls melt when someone(anyone) walks up to them and commends their beauty or appearance. Although these girls are usually provocative dressers and make-up freaks, it is not always so. Read the article on how to identify insecure girls to know who she really is.

Insecure girls usually friendzone guys who are nice and ask them questions about herself(since such girls rarely know much about themselves, much less anything good,) but prefer you ask her questions that'll help you meet again and have sex like: where she lives, her number, when she's free to go out. This is because they want to escalate quickly, since they have low standards and very few things to talk about. So, they opt for sex in order to show their appeal. So, insecure girls wants compliments with more sexual undertones sooner, the 1st time you talk to her. Insecure girls also want guys with an extreme sense of humor, exuberance, sexual vibes and crazy adventure
After being charmed and falling in love, you should totally act like you don't care much about her. Like she did something that totally repelled you. Hardly hardly ever call her, and tease her a lot, cancel plans on her at the last minute. This works well with insecure girls because they believe they are not worth much and deserve to be treated like trash!
But if you are courteous, kind and considerate with her and give her much of your time, replying her texts quickly, trying to see her often, doing the right things to and with her etc, she becomes uncomfortable because this treatment is strange to her, and as such, unreasonable. Then she friendzones you. Instead,  take her on more insane roller coaster adventures, do "forbidden" and unusual things, be a crazy and insanely fun-loving person and always keep her on her toes.  That's why "jerks" win such girls. 
     Therefore, I don't advise you go for insecure girls as dates if you tilt more towards the more reserved, comported, long term relationship and "responsible" type and are not a very good actor. If so, then a more confident bride may better suit you. 

Where are all the men 😢

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