How to crack a girl who likes you but is playing hard to get - Charmm

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Monday 8 January 2018

How to crack a girl who likes you but is playing hard to get

I'm pretty sure that's the chief of all the dumb things women do. The hard to get game is dumber than even sleeping with a brazier on. As a confident and sexually experienced man, i can tell from a mile when i see a girl who's smitten by me. And if a girl feels that way about me, that alone can make me wanna get closer if she's pretty. 
Wait for it
Girl checking guy out and smiling
But I get really amused by girls' attempts to seem more attractive and valuable by  playing hard to get because it's as obvious that they were playing a game as it is that they've got boobs. 

That's for me. But I'd love to teach you too the insanely easy, quick and cheap tricks and tests I use every time to expose girls who try to obscure their desire for me with the flimsy hard to get game. But first,...

Why do women play hard to get
The three main reasons I have come to find why women play hard to get are
(1)they are not sure you really like them: So they guess that if you show you are ready to chase them hard, then they can safely conclude you like them.
(2) They are afraid of a commitment: this could be because their hearts have been broken many times into a thousand pieces before and they don't wanna give it away again too quickly, or because she just doesn't wanna have to be a single person's exclusive property.
(3)They want to boost their self esteem by having someone make them feel like they're worth a lot by chasing them. 

How I know she likes me but is playing hard to get

1. She sends mixed signals: If you read my article on how to know if a girl likes you're, you'd see the common signs that every and any girl who likes you is bound to show you; like finding it hard to leave, or easily returning when called back. But when a girl is playing hard to get, she'd show all those signs, but still claim or imply she doesn't like you by either denying when asked or seeming interested/flirty sometimes and switching into uninterested mode sometimes.

Happy girl
Fiercely angry woman

But an invaluable secret you should know is that while a woman may act really uninterested while playing hard to get, inside she prays that you don't give up the chase and fears that she acts too much and drives you away. That's why she'd alternate between giving you warm and cold welcomes so she neither seems too easy nor drives you off totally. How I counter
I mimic her behavior by being equally as flirty as she is when she is, and being as cold as she is when she is That way, she'd grab that if she gives more, she gets more, but if she gives little, she gets little and if she gives nothing, ...

2. She plays games while texting: Just so you know, a girl who cares little if you get cut of from oxygen supply won't bother replying your texts ever much less reply in a flirty or engaging manner. But on the other hand, if a girl does reply your texts although after an eternity, and she seems quite friendly, asks questions about you to keep the chat going and is even ready to flirt for even a little while, before shortly after, she suddenly goes blank: stops chatting or she replies only after she's made sure to let another lifetime pass, then she likes you, but just wants to play hard to get.

Source: pixabay,  Source:shutterstock
What you think  vs  What's happening 
Sad and happy girls texting with phone
 How I counter:
I usually send just two more well composed texts after her last reply with a 24hr+ interval between the two texts and never ever, ever send another till her reply. 

3. She purposely tries to get me jealous: This is usually done with the intent of boosting a wounded ego by making you kiss her foot so she isn't won by your imaginary competition. So notice if this girl always finds a way to be with or talk about other boys when you're around but never when you're not.
She always tells you what a great guy Eric is and eagerly wants your opinion, or she tries to seem more engaged and close to Sam whenever you're looking, while she tries to see if you saw it by throwing random glances your way.
How I counter
I will totally expose this trick by acting really indifferent or amused toward her acts as I remain there and watch her get all self conscious and vulnerable because of my unexpected reaction, as she begins to find it hard to maintain the act with her initial enthusiasm and engagement intact because it's all fake. 

4. She's quite rude and accuses you falsely: This is my favorite sign since girls use this when they're about to crack. If you've expertly levelled all her attempts at being hard to get till this point, chances are that she'd feel really defeated, frustrated and intimidated by you(bingo.) It also means she's at her peak stage of vulnerability. You just need one last little move and you'll checkmate her and finally place her at your mercy. Your prey girl will accuse you of being insensitive, being a playboy, a flirt and what have you. Don't flip or shrink. This is her last, desperate but still deadly shot at crushing your confidence so as to place you beneath her feet as her ass kissing slave who showers her with constant validation, like all the others.
But being an experienced charmer, like yourself, you should smile when she puts up this act cos you know you've won. Here's what to do next:
How I counter
I just kiss her literally!
I know this may sound like Suicide! Suicide! Suicide! to you like I'd be kissing the devil's wife herself! Chill. Here's one for you. Every experienced and self confident charmer looks forward to that glorious moment when a girl is bitchy to him for no reason because he knows that her irritation sprouts from an internal deficiency and not an external one. In other words, she's mad at herself for being such a flop at taming you and is only telling you words that she means for herself. So make her feel better and relieved about herself by showing her that though she was a flop at taming you, she wasn't a flop at building desire in you. She's now at your mercy.

Image source
I call it the shut up kiss

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