Be the pro with kids that hot girls love - Charmm

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Thursday 4 January 2018

Be the pro with kids that hot girls love

If you have a way with children, you can have a way with almost anything including women. Even though some ladies may not particularly love children or handling them, every woman loves the sight of a guy who gets children all excited and grinning ear to ear. 
  She immediately sees you as a winner, leader and hero.

Girls can't have enough

She'd be sure that if you could be around kids with all their excesses and foolishness without being mad or frustrated, then you won't mind her faults too. 

But what if you don't particularly like kids, or don't know how to descend to their level and reach their little innocent hearts, or think you don't know enough tricks or/and jokes to get them rolling on their bellies, or simply can't think of anything you might have in common with them? 
Source: Shutterstock©

What you'll be reaping
If you can make the effort to be really smooth and cute with kids, then you'll have little or no problem getting girls to like you and wanna get closer to you because girls are biologically wired to love guys who are good with children since it translates to being good fathers. 

How to be a real king with:

1. Kids

a. Forget who or what you are: Kids won't be impressed to know that you've got a first class from Harvard and were doctored by Cambridge. Nor will they give a damn if you have a Spanish mother, Italian father and lived in Portugal, Germany, China and Egypt and can speak all 6 languages. Such details are for adults and children would care less.

Get this loser outta here lest I strangle someone

You won't also really reach kids hearts with your money and gifts. So put those aside too. You've also got to forget who's watching and what they may think because if kids sense that you're not really comfortable around them, their trust quickly evaporates. 

b. Be a kid: O yes. You've got to become somewhat like them to be welcome in their world. So how do you pull off becoming a kid?
Just care little about what others think of you. Try to insert your big self into their small world. In order to be a perfect fit, you'll obviously need to purge yourself of plenty adult stuff. Children are hyperactive. So don't make them sit or stand still for long answering your endless boring logical questions. Look for reasons to move or better, run about. Choose hyped gestures, movements and voices over speaking.

 Give them a ride on yourback, carry them over your shoulders, throw them up in the air, spin them around and do funny acts with them etc. 

c. Love and talk about what they love: Try eagerly to find out what kids love first, then ask and talk about those. Here are some questions or topics that kids can't get enough of. What's your favorite cartoon(then ask more things about that cartoon,) what's your favorite video game(what's your highest level,) do you like sports or drawing(let me see your skills,) movies, food, dream career etc. The point is to find as many interests the kid has and be interested too.
Guy playing with kid outdoors
Only let them know things about you that are part of their interest. In essence, make them feel like their interests are a centre of attraction. So maybe you should give more of your leisure to getting to know more about Nickelodeon™ Disney™ and try honing your PlayStation skills. You don't wanna be beaten always at mortal kombat by a 4year old!
d. Touch and make them laugh a lot: Find good reasons to break the touch barrier: a high five that makes him jump is a good start, a feigned man power contest, asking him to lead you by the hand to his toy collection with your eyes closed etc are all cool ideas. The more natural and consented body contact you make with a child, the more he trusts and wants to connect with you. Then you should be a real joker and make a joke of everything. Don't think it too much though.

Your joke shouldn't have "oh I cracked my brain so hard to form this joke and I hope you get it and laugh so that pretty girl over there will be impressed" written all over it. All it may take to get a good laugh could merely be a funny face, funny tone of voice, a crazy gesture or simply tickling. If the kid has to think for a second to get your joke, then it ain't for him. 

2. Teens

a. Note who they are: Unlike kids who'd be glad to instantly supply you endless details about themselves immediately you ask, with teens, you've got to do most of the findings yourself cos most teens ain't gonna spill much if any when asked about themselves. So look for clues as to whether the teen is shy/insecure or confident from the moment you first step foot into the house. 

For starters, note how long it took him/her to finally decide to leave his/her room to come greet you the visitor. If it took a mini infinity and he/she was so unengaged, doleful and unwelcoming with the greeting, then he/she may just have a world of his/her own that he's totally cool with and would care less is he woke up one bright morning to find that the whole world outside had disappeared in a whisper.
I'm Emma. Hope you can tell from my eyes that I don't care
Pretty sad girl

On the other hand, some teens are pretty confident and open around strangers and it is clearly noted in their approach to new acquaintances. While you might not expect a Mickey mouse like grin and the ebullience of a lottery winner at the initial meeting, they still show that they are comfortable and even cool with meeting people managing a smile and at least a proper greeting. 

b. Give the right commendation or compliment: You've got to make sure you pulled off the first step well and were really able to determine who the young adult before you really is or else you'd be unknowingly giving an unsuitable and annoying compliment. 

For insecure teens, their appearance and physical appeal is a big issue for them and a major reason for their insecurity. They're never sure how they measure up. So, if you discern that a teenager is insecure, then pay him/her a compliment about their body or looks. You could tell him that he's got some muscles to make 'em girls look twice(if he's really got some,) or tell him that he's got the ideal height etc.
Are my muscles really bigger or was he just being nice?

You could tell her that she's got pretty and sparkling eyes/a cute smile. Or say something sweet about her hair or clothes. Just make sure she tries hard to keep what you're complimenting on appealing. 

Confident teens on the other hand are more bothered about how they measure up with the world around intellectually.
So offer them compliments based on their maturity and smarts. This doesn't mean that confident teens don't wanna be complimented for their looks. But that they want lesser of such compliments.
So, tell her you like her choice of words and maturity.
You could tell him that you love his boldness and guts etc. 

c. Try to get into their world: This is the hardest and most delicate part in winning teens over. So be patient and don't try to intrude immediately. The fact that you got a smirk or even a smile from Dylan when you told him that he's got cute muscles doesn't give you the right to ask if he has a girlfriend or offer to play his video game with him in his room!
Don't be a jerk. 

Instead, try to earn their trust gradually by first telling things about yourself that you have in common with them. You'd gain their trust more if you tell about your faults more than your strengths, so you don't seem like some abstract perfect infallible alien.
For confident teens, you could tell about your own struggle to be different and stand out and how you suffered for it. 

Tell insecure ones how you struggled to get attention from girls or how if felt to be the ugly duckling

But don't make stories up though or you could forget about this.
As they warm up more and ask more questions, you could then slowly and gradually begin to ask more personal questions about them. Remember to take your time and show that you care about them personally and not just because you wanna bang their momma. Ask after them, talk with them without bringing up their cute mum.
Remember you ain't even remotely their dad, so don't even play dad. Play pal.

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