How to have the kinda confidence that makes every woman say yes - Charmm

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Wednesday 4 April 2018

How to have the kinda confidence that makes every woman say yes

The word confidence is the most used word in the world of seduction and pickup for men and the most mistaken plus confused. You probably heard tons of advice tons of times that confidence is the key to every woman's heart, that a confident man will get any woman he wants and that even goddess Artemis can't resist the allure of a confident mortal. Then after your hopes and euphoria have been raised 1,000,001 kilometres above sea level, you are simply told to develop confidence and your dating life shall exist happily ever after.
But what really is confidence and how does one gain possession of it like this guy?

Many folks have followed the surplus advice given on confidence but end up getting results ranging from cocky to plain obnoxious. Friends, family and society tell you you've gotta be a bunch of artificial and "alpha" things to be deemed confident. But what really is confidence and what is its price?

Confidence as simple as it can be is simply the ability to let one's self be stupid!
Read that again

A confident person knows and believes he/she is stupid just like everybody and isn't scared to show it, or to get into situations that may make him look so. Confidence isn't an act or behaviour or quality. It's an outlook of life. The moment you give up the fear of looking like a fool and instead, embrace your foolishness and let it shine out, you become confident.

Let's face it. You're dumb, I'm dumb, your teachers and lecturers are dumb, Albert Einstein's dumb, Brad Pitt's dumb, Ryan Gosling and Zack Efron are dumb, Selena Gomez's dumb, Emma Watson and Beyonce are all dumbasses. You know why?

This is what happens to the first thing your crush breathes on when she wakes

Cos none of them gives off fart that smells like Möet. All their farts smell the exact same way or worse than any Kenyan refugee's smells, all of them forget what the calendar says the date is sometimes and their breath all smell like hell fresh outta bed. 

So why should you think that all the stupidest and clumsiest behaviours are a sole possession of yours? You are stupid. You suck at things. You are a douchebag. Agreed!
But so is everyone else.

To me, the least confident people are those who are most protective of their "dignity" and most afraid of looking stupid. Don't be that because first, your stupid and silly side is the most appealing and enjoyable side of you since everyone can easily relate to it(no wonder Chalie Chaplin and Kevin Hart have so few haters.) And second, the less you care about appearing foolish, the more life presents you with more and better opportunities and the more likely you are to grab 'em.
O yes! I said that.

Do you know how many fellas end up in the depths of bitter singleness simply because all they see in legions of pretty girls that walk past them scot free everyday are flawless and infallible angels while they think of themselves as good-for-nothing assholes.

Well, for those of you who are convinced that everyone's better off than you, i'd love you to see this video till the end.

So what if you suck at things or are stupid, or clumsy. What's gonna happen? NOTHING.
That won't be the first time it's happening and sure won't be the last. Besides, you won't be the only one ever to be that way. This realization is really all you need to be confident. Just walk up to that hot girl and show her how much like Gosling, Einstein and herself you are by just letting yourself be stupid.

But what if she's not nice, or waves you off? So goddam what? It's normal and totally acceptable. Shit happens to everyone everyday to the extent that it ain't even new or strange anymore.

But most people actively try to present only a carefully falsified outward appearance of perfection or what they think it to be. I wish them luck with it.

What i've got for you and every charmmaker out there though is -- confidence is the only quality that every and any woman finds irresistibly attractive in any man. It will instantly melt whatever defense(s) or wall(s) she may have built. And with it, it ain't gonna matter shit if you're short, balding, old and generally below average.

But remember this easy formula: it don't matter if you do something stupid. Everyone does and nothing happens.

If Obama can do this in public, then who cares about being silly.
Obama picking up his nose

 So ball up and just start saying or doing something you want. Anything. Then watch the magic happen. Don't ruin the fun by trying to rehearse lines so as to reduce embarrassment cos the embrace of embarrassment gives birth to fun, being cool and what I call charm, confidence and charisma.

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