How to start and keep a warm conversation with a girl - Charmm

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Monday 16 April 2018

How to start and keep a warm conversation with a girl

How awesome would it be to have the mythical power of Midas' except that instead of turning into pure and shiny gold, whichever girl you decide to touch falls holistically in love with you!?
Girl interested in guy

Awesomeness right?
But as we all know, unless you've got blood ties with these guys...
Harry Potter n Merlin

 or are highly delusional, things don't work that way.
Therefore, to a very reasonable extent, it's still gonna have to be the same ol way -- talking your way to her heart.
I agree though that there's something called "speechless seduction." But then, before you could get to that level of efficiency at wooing women and making them chase you, you gotta be able to exude a next level kinda confidence first and be really goood with the verbals before stepping into the super-pro league of seducers who could seduce anyone with the non-verbals which you probably aren't yet because you're reading this.
So leaving us with one last option at this point, the question remains -- how does an average and somewhat shy guy start and hold a revving conversation with a girl and make her literally eat outta his palm?

How bad do you wanna be him? 
Guy charming girl
Be it with a girl from work, school, your social club, classmate, friend or complete stranger, the principles are pretty much the same.
Boys are ruled by what they see, girls are ruled by what they hear.
Some guys think that guys have lesser biological advantage in the process of seduction and choice of mates. Let me explain.
For girls, in order to attract boys in quantum quantity, all they've gotta do is be pretty and be endowed with colossal assets with the latter usually more important. With the above formula, it usually matters little whether she's dumb or smart, confident or insecure. It don't matter.

Would it matter shit that she's a straight F student?
Smoking hot girl

But for guys, the tale's somewhat different for two reasons: looks alone won't matter as much to girls and it's highly unlikely that women will approach you for your looks alone. So for guys, nature leaves you with the role of predator for prey and you've gotta learn to play the role well.
But I'd say this is good news for us guys because it also means that we have a chance with every and any girl, no matter what physiology nature handed down to us so long as whatever you lack physically, you make up for mentally by bringing confidence and smarts to bear in your conversations with girls.
Here's how to start and keep a conversation that's infused with just that with a girl up to whatever extent you like.
Before the strike
In my experience in starting conversations with girls I like with the intent of taking things farther, I've found nothing truer than the fact that the more time you take before starting to talk to a girl you really wanna talk to, the harder it's gonna be to ever speak up.
So whenever you catch sight of a good catch you'd want nothing more than to talk to, go out with and yes... bang; instantaneously approach and say something! Don't let more than a second or two pass before you either get your ass up and approach her or start talking if she's within earshot. Very important.
Don't border about lines, signals or stuff. There's a certain magic and positive energy that comes with spontaneity. Much like the instant you first catch sight of the girl and say to yourself: oh my, that sure is a lot of beauty, ass, boobs or whatever it is that's attractive about a girl, your efficiency and energy level's gonna be at it's peak, but the more time you take whether to take in her beauty, or remind yourself the words Will Smith used on Eva Mendes in Hitch, the more your energy level, confidence and charm diminish.
But if you find that your balls melt beneath you whenever you wanna make an approach, you could read my article that teaches how to work up the balls to approach anyone.
What to say as you strike
Just open your mouth after saying hi and instantly let everything you say thereafter revolve around getting to know her better. Keep things simple, easy and natural. Your intro doesn't have to contain elegantly structured wordplay like is heard in Hercules or Game of Thrones. Those lines take months to coin and even longer for the actors to deliver them smoothly like you see. So if you wanna always present such level of perfection in conversation, chances are that the girl may have gone months away from where you saw her, before you even start talking.
While I'm not ruling out the potency of fluid and coloured speech, I'm saying that you are more likely to deliver that when your expectations and rehearsals are kept at the minimum. This simply means that the lesser you expect of yourself, the more you're gonna surprise yourself. That's for sure.
So just say: 'Hi. I'm Ryan(I hope you realize your name's what you should say in your own case....Just checking.) I think you're gorgeous and would love to know you better.' Simple.
I'll tell you why this alone is usually enough for both beginners and pros.
1. It's simple and so there's less pressure on you: A lot of guys would do anything to approach and talk to girls in a manner that's a replica of the blend of bold, charming and unaffected that guys like Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Leonardo DiCaprio, Denzel Washington and Daniel Craig have mingled in their approaches and conversations with girls. But what most guys get wrong is what makes those guys seem so seamless.
Most guys think it must have something to do with all the money and luxury these guys usually command, some advanced seduction training they all go through etc.
Wrong. Why?

First. Money doesn't bring charm. Charm brings money.
Second. Charm isn't learnt, it is developed.
So what really makes these guys seem godlike is the fact that they've become pretty good at not feeling pressure or nervousness while meeting girls, people and being around new and important places by frequenting these activities and not caring about looking stupid.
It's all about operating without pressure -- without pressure to impress or pressure that you'd flop.
This is where fewer and plainer words come in handy, because they are way easier and less pressure to deliver. Plus they don't have: ''Girlie I'm trying the hell hard to impress you with flavoured speech'' written all over them.
2. They'll more easily let you know her better: There's really a mighty rift between just talking to a girl and getting to know her better. Most guys find is super hard to start conversation with a girl. Then even when they do, they end up actually talking about their stuff or just random shallow stuff, such that the conversation ends and the girl just gallops on into the world without feeling any particular bond with 'em guys because the guys failed to build a connection so deep that the locust of activities and occurrences the girl will thereafter be swallowed into won't be enough to drown the image of them in her head. Instead, her later experiences soon weakened and finally blew away their image like strong winds do roofs that aren't fastened deep and hard. You don't wanna be that.
You're aim for a conversation should be to make a girl feel as bonded to and familiar with you as possible. So much so that by the end of the conversation, she should feel like you've left with a part of her!
How do you achieve this near-magical result? Simple. Just make her divulge as much info about herself as possible. The deeper and more private the things you can get her to disclose about herself, the deeper the attachment she'll feel towards you. So after first proposing to know her better, deliver questions designed to know what kinda girl she really is -- her view of herself and the world around her. Find out first if she's insecure or confident and then work with that in knowing what questions to use to best infiltrate her mind. The next point'll let you on to to a powerful secret.
3. It tells you what's closest to her heart: According to me based on my personal experiences, there're only two different kinds of girls: Confident ones and insecure ones and chances are that you can't spot the difference by merely looking at them. This isn't necessarily because you're blind or naive or both, but because the difference lies deep within the densely layered core of every girl and the only ticket into this highly safeguarded region is an ingeniously designed blend of questions and compliments like: You're gorgeous and can I get to know you better?
At the core, a confident girl is less driven by her looks and physical appeal because she considers them either perfect and needless of any more special attention, or unimportant and needless of any more special attention. She's more driven by how to better come to terms mentally, socially, emotionally and spiritually with the world around her. Trust me. There's more to that statement than meets the eye.
Insecure girls on the other hand are more driven by the quest for physical and sexual perfection. That's how they interact with the world.
So when you tell a girl she looks gorgeous and ask to know her better, look out for what she was more interested in hearing -- that she's gorgeous, or that you wanna know her better. Just be a little observant and you should pull this off just fine.
If you notice that she chose to hammer on the fact that she's gorgeous, perhaps being utterly elated by and/or thankful for the compliment, then chances are she's insecure.
On the other hand, if she's more interested in the game of knowing better, perhaps going ahead with her name, job, school, interests or immediately asks what you wanna know about her while ignoring or seeming less phased by the compliment, then chances are you may be dealing with a pretty confident one.
So there you have it.
If she's insecure, feed her insecurities by complimenting her appearance, shape and body and don't also forget to tease her about these too. Let her on a rollercoaster coaster of feel-good-feel-bad or push-pull routine. This makes for a deeper and harder connection. More on this on my upcoming article on the push-pull love formula of mind control called Fractionation.
Don't also be afraid to bring up sex and sexual topics sooner for such girls. And by soon, I mean soooooon. In a matter of the first few minutes even. With practice and my tutelage you'd soon be able to quickly and seamlessly steer an otherwise innocent get-to-know-you conversation to a positively sexually charged one. This'd be lightly covered in the next point.
If she's confident too, ask her questions and talk about her likes, interests and compliment her for her smarts more often and her appearance or beauty much less or never. Never forget that. Also, let her down sometimes with teases or a light blow against her ego. So she sees you as an equal and as such feels a deeper connection with you rather than seeing you as some inferior worshipper who only sings her praises.
4. It shows her you have a romantic interest in her and aren't just a friendzone material: The reason guys are friendzoned by girls they wanted to be more than friends with is that throughout their discussions with the girl, they never refer to her in a way that suggests that she appeals to them sexually. Don't make that mistake.
Girls too love sex as much as guys do and also wanna be appreciated and viewed in a sexual light. But some guys think it disrespectful to address a woman in a way that could even remotely suggest that he finds her sexually appealing. That's why these guys end up clinging to only safe, non personal, non sexual, shallow, surface and safe topics like the weather, the news, homework and stuff like that that are easy to forget and brush off. What a grave mistake.
Just keep this in mind -- you're goal for talking to that pretty girl of your dreams is to make her your lover ASAP and there's totally nothing wrong with that, even to her. So, if that's where you'll eventually land and she's got no issues with it, wouldn't it be smarter to just get to the point and let her know your intent already. I mean why speak to her as though you were merely a harmless passerby who doesn't feel the slightest desire to be in intimate situations with her when in reality, images of you and her alone and naked in an oceans view glass house mess with your sanity?
Every girl loves to be admired for her physical appeal at the right time for her. For insecure girls, the right time is as soon as you start speaking to her. Questions about her thoughts on serious or intellectual matters like career, family, politics and business should come way way way later or never.

While for confident ones, trivial talk on looks, body and sex should come a bit later than serious talk on maybe career, future, goals and career.
But then, there is a variation in the kinds of insecure and confident girls there are.
There are the insecure girls who're wild, crazy and bold and there are also insecure girls who are more timid, less aggressive but still insecure. The article Hack the Insecure Girl's Mind will tell you more about the differences in mindsets and why their motivations are slightly different, so you can appeal to all.
There also exist confident girls who are high-powered in bearing and very success and performance savvy, while there are also confident girls who are more interested in human interaction and relationship and who believe that the best things in life are free and easy. My article Hack the Confident Girl's Mind will tell you the root of these variations and how to appeal to whichever kinda confident girl.

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