Talk to girls this way for the first time and NEVER get rejected again!!! - Charmm

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Thursday 26 April 2018

Talk to girls this way for the first time and NEVER get rejected again!!!

99.9% guys know that the first time they get to talk to and approach a girl matters a whooole lot as to whether or not they ever get the girl. But only the remaining 0.1% know how to make the first approach matter a whole lot to the girl (hope my math calculation is correct this time.)
Hitch smiling with Sarah on street

Thinking in retrospect, I torment myself for being too much of an overdose of both dumb and naive in the way I viewed, thought of and approached women. Up until this point though, I can't still tell if I'm introverted or extroverted. Thank goodness for a word like ambivert or guys like me would really be somewhere in-between nowhere. But for all those well wasted and densely lonely teen years of mine, I created, believed and lived the lie that I was a devout introvert and as such not that interested in women and all their shit and so preferred to be single.

Well, though I still adore getting to be single every now and then, the real problem then was not knowing how to go about approaching a girl in the first place and suggest a date and lead things on nice and fine. But like I earlier implied, you likely ain't gonna get even a blush, smile or number, much less a date, kiss or "I-do" if your first impression was ugly because that's usually all a girl'll be needing to assess how shitty or put together the rest of your life is. In other words, if your opening words or first impression were as low as a Tilapia's IQ, she's gonna conclude that you're a loser even if every part of you except the way you approach women is way above average, which would be very unlikely.

But that's not fair you may think.
Well, I surely ain't tryna talk you outta your beliefs on what's fair or what's not. You're the boss. You call the shots. You've got every right of choice between sticking to the opinion that girls aren't your thing but that loneliness and porn are, or get ready to learn through practice and a little push from your dating daddy (*winks*) how to talk to any human with a mammary gland and get all her juices flowing in all the right places.

Why girls reject or snub you when you talk to them
1. Your appearance: How you look's gonna matter a hell whole lot with regards whether girls are gonna pay you any attention when you try to talk to them or just brush your words away like bread crumbs on the thighs of her jeans. 

I hear some really stupid guys say things like -- "For girls it doesn't matter what's on the outside, so long as you've got inner substance that shines out."
That's a shitty myth really and watch me tear it to shreds in a matter of seconds:

An epic and enlightening study was conducted by livescience, where researchers looked at 80 daughters and 61 mothers.

In one experiment, each woman was shown color photographs of three men with different levels of physical attractiveness rated by the researchers in this descending order --  attractive, moderately attractive, and unattractive, as determined based on data from previous research.

Then each of the pics were attached to three different levels of admirable qualities which are: highly desirable, desirable and moderately desirable based on data collected from previous research, showing what personality traits women deem most attractive.
The profile of the highly desirable traits contained three qualities: respectful, trustworthy and honest. The traits for desirable were friendly, dependable and mature, while the moderately desirable traits described the man as having a pleasing disposition and being ambitious and intelligent.

After looking at the three photographs and personality profiles , the women were asked to rate how attractive they found each man based on how favorable they thought his personal description was and how desirable he was as a date (or, for the moms, how desirable he was as a date for their daughters.)

The results showed that so long as a
man was considered attractive or moderately attractive, both mothers and daughters would pick the guy who had the most desirable personality traits.
But when an unattractive male was paired with the most highly desirable personality profile, neither daughters nor mothers rated him as favorably as a potential romantic partner, compared with better-looking men with less desirable personalities.
So good luck to all ye who think looks don't matter.

In summary, it's got to do with stuff you can and should have control over. And while natural or genetic features matter too, these are things you can hugely improve too. 

Know that how we look is a reflection of how we feel about ourself. If you make the effort to maintain high hygiene, good posture, stand straight and chest out, stylish dressing and grooming and great shape, this is gonna communicate to the girl that you feel good about yourself and see yourself as capable of subduing the world and not the other way round. Click the above link to find out all about upping your style.

Don't buy the crap that looking good is a feminine concern alone. Invest in your looks and make the girls around feel proud to walk with you and introduce you to friends.
You'd definitely wanna walk the entire corners of the earth with a girl like this as your girlfriend right?

So you think girls won't want the same too. Dress trendy and see girls give you looks, suggestions and even proposals you never imagined you could get because girls have a highly sensitive sense of style. Looking good makes a girl way way way more likely to wanna be wooed by you. 

2. Your voice: There's something about women. They're always looking for a man to submit to. A man to possess the traits of a goddam leader and master and dominate them. And not a guy whom they'd gain mastery over. But here's the twist -- they'd take the slightest chance to be in charge at the slightest hint that a guy's not so much a man. How do they do this?
Since most of the time, women are the ones spoken to, they've become pretty good at detecting dominance, nervousness, confidence or a lack of it from a guy's tone of voice.

Your voice sending the right message boils down to you being confident and indifferent to what the world around you thinks. A big and universal rule though that applies is that for a man, you can never be too loud. 

To women and  everyone, a loud male voice is a purely dominant trait. Usually, in a group, the guy with the loudest voice is usually considered the alpha and most worthy of attention. You notice that he just can't be ignored. 

It's that way with women. If while trying to talk to her, you sound like you don't want anyone else knowing what you're telling her and are at the same time, trying to convince her that you've got something she'd wanna hear, she's gonna feel in power and like I always say, women are not the best kind to wield such power. 

Instead, show her who's the boss by speaking in a way that tells her that you ain't giving her the option of either choosing to listen to you or not; like you're seeking her permission to speak. Don't do the bullshit I see and hear guys do by saying "excuse me" to a girl before speaking. For Christ's sake, you need no goddam permission to speak.

Just call out "hey" or "hello" or "hi" to her even before you get very close to her so you're forced to speak loudly. Then smile and introduce yourself by saying your name, then asking hers etc. 

Speak like she has to listen because you're the one speaking and not just any random, average and beta guy. That's gonna subconsciously signal to her that she's beneath you and has the duty to not only listen to you, but reply favourably and accordingly.

But the thing about speaking loudly isn't just to shout and be loud, but to make your voice produce sounds that cannot be ignored and that someone can't pretend not to hear.
If you speak this way, you'd be incapable of being ignored by women because you'd be using their own weapon against them.
Read that again!

And by that, I mean that women know that men are naturally less socially at ease than they are and are terrified of looking socially awkward. So when you show her that you already care less about what society thinks by speaking audibly and noticeably, you handicap and incapacitate any effort of hers to try to dominate you by putting you down either by ignoring you or plain rejection. By so doing, you'd be turning the tables and putting her on the spot. And guess what women do when a guy puts them in such checkmate situation, they love and submit to him.
Now you're talking.

So work at genuinely caring not about what people think cos that's the only way you would effectively succeed at making a girl submit to you and incapable of rejecting you.

3. Your Words: Now you've caught and held her attention long enough to the point where it's time to say why you came to talk to her. It'd be a shame and sheer waste of time for you if after looking the part and catching her eye and even making her fantasize for a fleeting moment that you just might be the one in a billion male species who knows how to not be a muttonhead, you mess it all up by saying the wrong things. And the wrong things refer to anything that doesn't communicate how much you find her ravishingly sexy and hotter than heated nectar. However you choose to express this sentiment ain't my concern.

I don't know who the hell gave guys the idea that women have to be somewhat tricked and deceived into their beds; like every girl out there hates intimacy and whatever suggests it. So I see guys all around the world trying to start and go on with girls nicely and non suggestively thinking that girls are on armed guard against any scapegoat who'd even remotely seem like he were going to even dream of finding her sexually attractive. So these guys calculate that if they flew way under the radar and didn't seem like the other guys who seem too blunt in declaring their sexual interest, that they'd wow her with their respect and earn the girl's trust, respect and adoration, then as her guard slowly and progressively runs low, she gets to the level where she can no longer resist your disarming respect and goodness to her and so she rewards them for their gentlemanliess with sex. 

Welcome to reality. Here every girl knows that the reason why you walked up to her  and started to talk to her although you knew totally nothing about her job, family, likes, dislikes and stuff is because you were sexually attracted to her. And guess what... she's glad you are. C'mon. Why else do you think she has heels higher than her IQ and makeup enough to paint an entire cathedral on? She wants YOUR sexual attention stupid!!!

But you'd mess things all up or nearly do so if throughout your conversation, you conceal the real reason why you reinforced your balls enough to have walked up to her and begin talking to her, but instead vomit and stick to topics of safe and non suggestive nature. If you do this, you'd lead her to either of these two bad conclusions -- that you don't find her sexually appealing (which might make her contemplate suicide) or worse yet, that you are a pathetic and incurable friend zone citizen.

So ensure that throughout your conversation, you give ample suggestions and indications that though you appreciate her as a person, her body and sexual appeal also score big with you. That's called flirting.
Watch out for my brand new article that discusses this super fun and power packed game called flirting.
But for now, I think you're good to go grab some ....

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