Exit the "friendzone" and "enemy-zone." Here's how... - Charmm

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Thursday 21 September 2017

Exit the "friendzone" and "enemy-zone." Here's how...

I'll try doing the impossible, by telling you all what to do so every sane girl sees you as boyfriend material in this one post!
The main principle on which all the "hacks" i'd be disclosing here lie is: THE GUY WHO TRYS LESS, GETS MORE
In this article though, we'd be doing a close-up on the two kinds of attractive guys: the more "noisy type" as typified by Chris Tucker, and the more "collected" type personified by James Bond.
We will help you know which of these personalities fits you. Then help you apply the tips according to who you are at the core. Ready?
1. Know thyself: First up, find out who you really are at the core and be that person. You don't have to act all rough and tough or calm and comported like you are told to in seduction articles if that's not who you are. All badboys are not the same outwardly. Some are extroverted, carefree and enjoy a lot of hassle and craze, while others are more calm, comported, more gentlemanly and less expressive. A typical example of carefree badboy is Chris Tucker, with James Bond at the other extreme, and George Clooney or Bradley Cooper somewhere in-between. No type is superior to the other since we see all these guys getting the chics. What matters is taking and doing what you comfortable with, and clearly rebuffing what you aren't cool with. Do not pretend, as girls'll notice. All badboys though, have the same mindset(internal) at the core, they just express(external) them their own way. Find yours and be him!

2.Have a life that doesn't need women: Unlike what many unfortunate guys think, women won't make you happy/complete if you weren't happy/complete before she came. Besides, no girl really wants to be your everything, your only reason for living bla bla(unless she's deranged.) It places her on a giant pedestal and is too much pressure for her. So, create hobbies, friends, goals and more fun in your life. Maybe sports, travel, reading, music, movies and any other fun thing that you can do aside girls. It'll help you strive lesser for female approval and not appear needy if you ever get it, since your life was and still is already complete. It also gives you a safe ground to fall back on if the girl leaves. Remember, you don't have to be partying like a freak, riding a sportscar through Baghdad or getting into fist fights with inmates like a typical Tucker type, to be fun, if that's not your thing. Find and dwell on things you really enjoy and can do for hours non-stop and do them.
3. Don't try to impress anybody: The harder you try to impress and never displease girls, the farther away from you they'd get. After having a great life and knowing what you want, like, dislike and don't want, always show that part of you.  Don't walk or talk like others, or the way you think others'll want you to, if it's not your thing. You should not also go outta your way or do something you didn't really want to, just to be seen as cool.If you around her (or any other highly esteemed person,)

                                               I'm Ryy.. Rrya sorry Ryan. Nice to meet u

 Don't switch into a "more attractive" mode and become someone else to impress them. It's too needy of you and is a big turnoff! Act totally like you were before they walked in, or how you behave around friends or people you don't have to impress. Does it mean you should be aloof, rude and indifferent?...

4. Be friendly:Most guys don't know how to balance this point with no 3. Let me explain. Inasmuch as you shouldn't go out of your way to be termed "good" by others, you should also be generally respectful, considerate and mannered in your dealings with others. A good way to do this is doing all these things in a way that clearly shows you want nothing in return. Not even approval. 
You also don't  have to get all chivalrous and "polished" like James Bond, if you really tilt toward the more visibly "rebellious" and noisy side like Chris Tucker. You can still be friendly and mannered either way. You know what matters more than what you do? How you feel about what you do. Make sure it's the right feeling.

3.Exude Seductive Confidence: this is not same as just being confident. It is more like consciously trying and suceeding at seducing women with confidence. With that in mind, you should always look and walk straight up. Don't crouch your shoulders and don't look at the floor. Walk gracefully according to what you are most comfortable with. Talk slowly, with a deep, low breathy voice(bedroom voice) If you are naturally the energetic, life of the party type like Chris, then graceful would mean taking giant strides with arms swinging like pendulums as you sway your shoulders with the swings of your arms which forms a dip with your waist. While for those who admire and naturally prefer the gentle, composed, inexpressive and cultured type like James Bond, graceful will mean walking exactly like Chris, only slower, reducing the velocity of the swing of their arms and making shorter strides. But remember, none is better, as each girl has a unique preference. The goal of presenting you two rights is so you can choose which you feel more natural and powerful in, because that's what'll make women attracted at first. Your confidence and relaxedness(if there's such a word) in your own skin.

4. Make and delay eye contact: Make sure you always start to make eye contact with people as soon as your eyes meet theirs. The previous rule encourages you to always look up at eye level. If you apply this, you have a better chance of seeing people while they are still a little bit afar of, buying you more time to look them in the eyes. In another article, we discussed that eyes are the most accurate indicator of people's personality. So you don't just want to maintain vibeless, sheepish or even scared eye contact, but let your eyes portray your confidence, composure and dominance. When you get the manner of eye contact right, the next should be the duration. You should actually make eye contact with a girl until she looks away(in some not so rare cases though, you may have to look away first: when a girl you barely know maintains unusually long eye contact, like she were challenging you to a fight, especially while you are passing the road. You don't want to be hit by a car while maintaining eye contact, so this article'll help you know how to deal confidently with such girls.) This is totally a go go masculine behavior and women love it. 

5. Compliment her: All other tips discussed before this one, a meant especially for the period before you approach and actually talk to a girl. Point 5 is the first point to observe as you begin speaking. You should all generally know by now that women prefer working a little hard or harder for your approval. So, while you should totally strive to compliment her, don't give her a compliment shower. A push pull sort of compliment pattern usually works wonders. You should also try to mention specific things in your compliments. So, instead of just saying a girl is awesome, mention something specific that is awesome about her. This makes compliments more believable and far reaching. To know exactly what to compliment a woman for and the amount of the compliment to give, check this article.

5. Tease her: O yes. Many friend zoned niced guys are friend zoned because they never tease or "displease" the girl. They avoid any speech or situation that may make her uncomfortable. While you shouldn't be a demon and purposely hurt her in any significant way, you shouldn't over pamper her. What happens when kids are overpampered? They bite the hands that pampered them. But if you complement a little pampering with sufficient discipline sometimes, the child is well formed and loves you more. It is same with girls. If you are always nice and never grey, even when she "tests" you, is rude and/or breaks a rule of yours, she'll start to feel (1)too superior and important, (2)less need to struggle for your validation, which makes it cheap and worthless. So, totally make it a point of duty to tease and reprimand your girl often, depending on her deeds and needs.

6. Don't fear silence: Most guys hate, hate and double hate silences while with a girl. This is because most guys are convinced into thinking that it is their sole responsibility to strictly ward of any "dull" moments. There are two things wrong with this thinking. (1)it is not a single person's job to maintain conversation, and (2)silences are not dull moments, if you embrace them. On the contrary, they are a great way to build sexual tension, since the girl may also be uncomfortable and try to figure out what to say to fill the gaps; this'll make her feel like she put in some effort at the conversation, leading her to value it. When you also show you are not uncomfortable with silence and allow it linger a while, with you just looking relaxed and actually enjoying the silence and not panicking like a trapped rat, the girl'll feel more at ease with you, since we only enjoy non-awkward silences with people we know well and trust. And in that moment of relaxed silence, she'd also feel a surge of tense emotions, which'll make her realize just how much she likes you and you make her feel. Breaking silence militates these thoughts.

7. Don't be a touchless guy: C'mon. You want this girl to be your girlfriend or see you in a romantic light. Right? Now what kind of lovers don't get intimate with each other? If she becomes your girlfriend, you guys will be expected to kiss, embrace, hold, touch and be intimate with each other without it feeling even a little bit awkward. Now, how can a girl visualize herself going all this way with you, if you can't even initiate and maintain even the lightest relaxed body contact and subtle touches? If you are totally clueless as to how to initiate and build contact, check this article. Learning how to touch a girl is pivotal to getting further with her.

8. Don't be her girlfriend: You don't want to be her male girlfriend. Girls expect their girlfriends to always have their back, support them in whatever they do or think and share every tiny detail of their lives with them.
 Don't be her girlfriend. Don't always come running to her if she is in any petty problems. Don't agree with everything she thinks and says, and don't always be around her or contact her to know or tell her every mundane occurence in your lives as they occur. That's her girlfriend's job, and you sell yourself cheap if you become that for her. So, give her space and allow her a little freedom, even if she may demand more. Make her miss and yearn for your presence. It adds value to it, when she finally gets it.
Note: different girls need different distancing treatments. This article'll help ya know which best suits your girl.

9. Be a good/empathetic listener: This list is not arranged by order of importance at all; else this point should be closer to the top. Being good at listening is an indispensable tool in seducing girls. It involves more than just hearing what she has to say. Make her feel like what she's saying is really going from her mouth, straight to your soul and is revving you to action. Maintain slightly exerggerated facial expressions, gestures and postures that bespeak utter interest: inflect your facial expression with the emotions she conveys in her talk. All good leaders are good listeners. Nod along with what she says. Sit and lean in as closely as possible, like you don't want to miss any debris of the thoughts she's conveying.  Just ensure these feel natural as you do them. This is another way silence can be employed in building desire. The quieter you are as she speaks, the more comfortable she is hearing her voice, and the more comfortable and willing to open up to you she will be.

10. Don't be scared of sexual topics: If a relationship works out, you guys'll sure be having a lot of sex. The only way a girl will agree to get to that stage with you is if you don't come off as a sexless prude. No girl wants to as much as risk being labelled a slut for bringing up sex with the wrong guy. So, you shouldn't get all visibly tensed when sex matters are raised or discussed. You should show her that you are in absolute favour of sex by actually bringing up sex and not treating the topic like a damp on the groin area on your pants. 


         Some guys when they hear: SEX

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