How to be "the popular guy" 2 - Charmm

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Friday 15 September 2017

How to be "the popular guy" 2

I'm assuming you've wisely done you and I the favour of thoroughly going through and mastering the principle discussed in Part 1 of this article. If you haven't, quickly do so now! Or you'd be paying greatly for that single act of negligence and laziness later. Don't come brooding or blaming me then. Don't say I didn't say this earlier.
                                                    Choice is yours... Do the right thing
I presume you're now a graduate of class 1, ready for class two. Now, how do you come across to others as attractive or of high value.
2. FEEL HAPPY IN YOUR SKIN WHILE OUTSIDE: If you lied about reading part 1, this' ll be the first indicator that you didn't, because this cure is directly related to, and dependent on Cure 1 in Part 1. For the last time, click that link if you haven't. When your private life stops being totally smeared with boredom, brooding and self criticism, but filled with accomplishments, self adoration and love, for a change, your overall sense of well-being, as shown in your outer image sours. I've really confused the hell outta you right? Hahaha. Just note that YOU CAN EITHER BE YOUR OWN WORST CRITIC OR GREATEST FAN! So, totally strive to be your own best fan. I don't care how many creative self destructive words you've fed and managed to convince yourself were true like: I'm such a failure, there's nothing attractive about me, I can't do anything right, I'm not worth a pretty girlfriend, and any other self negating weapons you've created and stored in your self critic arsenal. Discard and replace them with positive self assuring thoughts. Remember, you don't have to REALLY be good or bad, for you to believe either. You just have to repeat the same desired thoughts to your dumb brain, until it believes the illusion. That's why some ape ugly people are so full of themselves or are even models, while some pretty attractive ones feel like shit. It's all about inner self thoughts shining out. Remember: "PEOPLE'LL TREAT YOU HOW YOU TREAT YOURSELF!" Armed with the above knowledge, how should you treat yourself both in private and while within the public eye? Answer: Like an attractive and much coveted prince. Remember, people'll believe anything, if they are convinced into believing the illusion even if it's not true (but in your case, it's better if it's true) So, how do you sell the "true" illusion that you are an attractive and much coveted prince? Simple. Act like one! How on earth does a prince act:
He has everything he needs to be happy,  and so, feels terrific about himself. He walks with assured bold strides, he chests out, relaxes his shoulders, dresses well, maintains good and straight posture, speaks confidently, can afford proper hygeine and grooming, has his eyes looking fearlessly into every other eyes,(never, never walk with crouched shoulders or your eyes down, or break eye contact from people's faces to the ground. This' ll make you seem submissive/scared, which are not exactly princely behaviors) because he most probably has an army of trained armed-men at his disposal and fears no one. Remember, this does not all have to be true in your case, for people to buy the illusion. All you need do is act so convincingly like a boss, that they believe you are one of some sort. So, get your hands on as many books and articles on how to boost your poise, charm, appearance, carriage, confidence and charisma. A great video that can help is here. But don't confuse hard to impress with totally shut out and arrogant. No. Be kind, considerate, ask after people's business. Just don't do it in a way that seems like you're trying to get something back. A good way to avoid this is to say or do kind things when you really feel them, and say it boldly, like the kind prince would say to a hardworking citizen who'll try to impress him, but he doesn't have to impress. These are what make for charm. This is dicussed in detail in this article. The next step to being popular and liked is.
3. NEVER SEEK/GIVE APPROVAL EASILY: When you are now in control of yourself in and out, in an attractive way, you'll start gaining people's attention and finally start gaining some press. Kudos. At this stage though, you'd feel an enormously strong urge to quickly embrace any who as much as look your way, in even the weakest of attempts at being friendly. You'll think trying to encourage them to come closer by trying to convince them that you are cool, by being overly nice or available to them, showering them with compliments makes them love you more. Dead wrong! It'll only make you look like you're some sort of a marketer, making a sales pitch. The bad thing about this is that people are at once skeptical that one could be so nice and not expect something from them. This immediately places you at the mercy of others. You immediately seem like you so neeeed their approval or some other imaginary thing of their's. This makes them feel they are above you cos they can either choose to or not to give you their approval or some other illusionary thing. Somewhat like how you feel towards a beggar! Have fun with that. On the other hand, if you let them play a role too in gaining your approval, they'll value getting it as you give them little doses of it with reasonable doses of teasing and reprimands too. Just don't be mean or overdo it. Remember our prince? Would he really go out of his way to be nice to people to gain their approval? No. On the contrary, people'll struggle to gain HIS approval. Remember you don't have to be a rich prince whom everyone wants to impress. You just have to act so naturally like the prince, that people believe the illusion that you are a prince. If you're really natural and smooth they'd believe this, even if they know the ramshakle wherein you live. I also pointed in Part 1 that people value what they labour to find, especially when it's got real value, and is not just scarce/hard to get. I'm not saying you should put up a rude, snobbery front. Instead, show that you are approachable by making new friends, being cheerful to others, being kind, considerate and mannered and trying to get to know them better. Strive to be natural/sincere but not needy doing this or people'll begin to question your intentions. Give approval like the rich kind prince does to his lawful, hardworking subjects, whom he expects nothing from in return and not the way most of his subjects give or show him approval. Don't also take self too seriously. Make a joke at the store when you REALLY feel like saying something funny at the store, say a greeting and respond to it when you REALLY feel it's necessary, Laugh when you REALLY feel like, and never do any of these if you don't feel like.  But never do these or any other things because you wanted approval or wanted to seem cool. People'll always discern when you said/did what you really felt like doing, and when you were just trying to sound cool. Let them try to sound cool to you to get your hard-to-get attention,  not the other way round. O yeah, make them labour for it bro! A little kingly feeling won't right. Hahahaha. He who strives lesser for approval, scores higher!
4. ALWAYS BE THE CONTROLLER,  NOT THE CONTROLLED: If you've succeeded in applying all the principles of this article up until now, I wanna give you a big:
                                                          BETTER KEEP READING!!!
                                                        Hope you liked my incentive?
Now, if you've succeeded in applying all the principles of this article up until now, you should've begun to have admirers and even "friends" who try to be closer to you and join in your fun of a life. Some may make efforts to visit you, hang out more with you, bla bla blah. At this stage, alot of fellas are fooled into believing that they are now icons. But truth is that you are not that yet, since you don't know the intent of those who try to be close. Some come close, because they feel you must be rich, with all that confidence and charisma you bring to bay. Such new acquaintances will only come closer, to confirm you're rich, and hence, benefit from your goody bag afterwards. Others'll want to know if you are really as bold, confident and assured as you seem outside or from afar; so as to be sure you are worth their while. Others may just want to boost their ego by trying to bring you under themselves and control you.
Hope you realize you're blessed to have an honest friend like me!!!
Now, it doesn't matter why anyone wants more proximity. You just have to always come across as superior and assured. So, whenever anyone "close" teases, insults, dares, blackmails, flatters e.t.c. you, in a bid to get something, don't give them/say what they want, but what you want and feel like to do and say. Never yield to their whims or whines, if you think you don't like them. And stick to it. You could also appear mighty superior, if you assume control by subtly returning the pressure and turning the table to become the pressurer. For instance: suppose a close friend teases you about being a flop. Instead of getting all defensive and at the same time narrative about your worth and why you ain't a flop(which signals insecurity,) SUBTLY return the pressure by maybe saying: well done being the mother, father, brother, brother, sister, friend, or lover of a flop.
They may do/say/suggest something similar to the above in many ways. But never draw attention to your strengths, never lash/insult back, never go against your will and enjoy being this guy...

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