How to approach girls. - Charmm

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Monday 30 October 2017

How to approach girls.

I can hear the hearts of guys pounding like an angel's using God's pestle and mortar to pound some divine ingredients for some divine delicacy for the heavenly family, that moment from when they behold a pretty woman, to when they work up the nerves to approach. The pound is even twice louder when the girls are level 10 stunners like these..


When and if finally most guys win the battle with their nerves and approach, another strange phenomenon usually begins. I don't know if it's metabolism, testosterone or adrenaline, but most guys start sweating like they just got baptized, while their teeth and lips quake like metal spoons on an empty piece of earthenware, at the earliest stages of a Japanese earthquake! Trust me. Exaggerations excluded. All these and more happen to guys who try to approach girls without really knowing how to do it.
This article therefore, is gonna show you what guys do that get them all visibly worked up while approaching girls(don'ts) and how to be on top of the approach game everyday(dos.)
DON'T!!!!: overdressed or underdressed: everybody has their idea of being well or normally dressed. To Daniel Craig, it would definitely mean a sharp and  nicely trimmed tuxedo, a crisp collared and spotless dress shirt, a well dimpled long necktie or bowtie, with impeccably polished Italian shoes, not forgetting an elegant Rolex Submariner or Omega wristwatch which will equal this:

The name's Bond. ...

But to lil Wayne or Ricky Rossey, that may be a lil too much. In fact, they may feel like choking, and as such self conscious in the above "costume." Right Lil Wayne?

Sambady call ma name?

The point though, is that everyone has an understanding of what kinda clothes are "rags," "just okay," and clearly "overboard." And no type really scores higher with girls, because every girl's choice isn't same. So, please, always wear what is just okay for your personality. No matter how charismatic and confident someone is, if they feel like they are a notch below or above their ideal, it increases their self consciousness and reduces confidence. This formula is lethal to successfully picking up women. Therefore, while you should totally look classy, sexy and dignified, wear clothes that don't make you think less or too highly of yourself. Just feel normal in your clothes.
2. rehearse your lines: this is another vibe killer. Most guys single handedly murder their chances of successful pick-ups by trying too hard to coin the perfect wordings to use on their prey. Before approaching a girl, a dude starts mentally rehearsing the perfect prologue, dialogue and epilogue to use on the girl, like she were his future boss at a job interview. He immediately tries to remember all the tricks, principles, hacks and lines he's gleaned from articles by charmmakers and other seduction experts at the spot. Then he approaches only after finally getting the ideal line in his head and the girl leaves.
But then, when he does appear before his target, he can't do anything other than act like a shy teenage girl who goes to party in an elegant party gown and stiletto, only to find everyone in jeans and sneaks. Our guy becomes so self conscious that he forgets everything he "planned" to say! 

Speak up idiot. She's leaving

This happens because, when you are speaking mentally or to yourself with your inner voice, you'd be pretty smooth and perfect because there is no pressure from anyone. You can't even hear your own voice. But rehearsing before approaching, mounts pressure on you to sound as smooth as you did in your mind, and use the exact words, although the conditions are totally different: Now, you'll hear yourself loud and clear(which can be nerve racking,) others will hear you and your mistakes when you make them, you can be rejected, you have eyes to look into and the most weakening of all is that the girl may not react or speak in the exact same way as you visualised. These crush morales. Read on to know how to avoid all these awkward feelings.
3. try to be someone else: don't do a personality shift and start talking or gesticulating like that Casanova you saw in the movies. Talking to girls is tough while being yourself, how much more being someone else. Trying to imitate some other women "magnet" will only increase the pressure on you to be perfect and smooth like them, which takes your focus from where they should be(the girl before you,) to yourself and how you measure with your "ideal" man. Therefore, these thought processes become your dominant concerns and thoughts, leaving little or no room to observe and focus on the signals your girl may be sending, so as to know how to fill her needs.
1. Hold strong but pleasant eye contact: As you may have heard, eyes are the windows to the [girl's] heart. And that should be your destination. The only way you can really tell who a girl is(insecure or confident,) and as such know what she will want to hear, is through her eyes. Unless you have the uncanny power of mind reading. Therefore, strive to catch and hold the gaze of your target girl for as long as she keeps looking/staring/glancing(one of them must be correct.) Now, don't just look at her or even in her eyes. Instead, make sure your eyes show your confidence, masculinity and interest in her.
No. Not the kind of interest you show towards a pretty hamburger while starving.

My love

Don't also look at her like a cop who suspects that the guy sitting across him is the reason he's a widower!

Don't I know you?

Just take it easy and let both your eyes exchange unspoken confessions.
2. Smile: In case you are one those dudes who find it easier to learn Chinese than to give off the least trace of a smile, you've got some brain reprogramming to do. Listen. With all the forms of sexual molestation becoming increasingly prevalent, every girl's got this personal automatic predator screening radar(PAPSR) in her head always. So, you don't wanna give the slightest room for suspicion by emerging to approach a girl wearing a sinister look, putting on a cape, and leaning against a wall at the corner. If you've ever approached a girl this way, then your eyes must have experienced sweet fellowship with pepper spray before. So, give a warm smile to your dream girl, after you catch her gaze, and just before you strike. Just don't be grinning from ear to ear like spongebob.
3. Compliment her: Most guys know that compliments are like fans for the flame of girls' attraction. But what most Johns don't know is what compliments to give a girl and how. That's why most guys' compliments are only good enough to land them in the friendzone or enemyzone!  Now listen freshers, here's how to compliment girls. Don't just give girls direct compliments, or compliments that they can reply with a mere "thanks" or smile, since she most likely has gotten a lot of such before,  and it's not enough reason for her to stop and hear what else you've got to say and think wishfully of you later. Deliver your compliments in a fashion that leaves her no choice but to stop and listen to what you have to say, because your aim for a compliment is to get and arrange a date, and not just a casual shot at generosity. A good way to do this is to infuse a question (that's not rhetorical) to your compliment and a bit of humor. Instead of just saying "you look stunning in that outfit" and probably getting a "thanks" or friendly smile, say something like: "excuse me, (good way to make her stop) you look stunning in that outfit. Is it just your tailor or is there something you ain't telling me? This will get her curious and want to ask: "something like what?" So far, you have her attention as your exclusive possession. Then, you can add another compliment like: do you workout? or are you a model? Note that at the second compliment, you are now asking questions to get to know her, thereby building a connection. As she opens up more, you should now take the next step.
4. Take her number and arrange a date: Oh yeah. We cooking now. Here's where you know how high you scored with girl until now. After you must have built some familiarity or connection between you two, by either making her laugh, finding and sharing more about yourselves or both, you should now immediately offer to hang out as soon as would be convenient for you two. If she agrees and conditions are cool for you, then that moment would be the coolest time to go on your first date. Maybe a stroll to the park or some place where you two can have yourselves to yourselves. If not, get her number and plan a date immediately!!! I think with these few added weapons to your pickup arsenal(hoping you had any,) you should be good to walk up to that jaw-dropping, neck twisting, mouth opening stunner other guys do nothing more than mope at. 

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