How and what to talk with girls - Charmm

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Saturday 4 November 2017

How and what to talk with girls

Wanna know WTH he's saying?  Read below

Let's face it.  If in fact men were really from mars, then women should really be citizens of somewhere close to pluto! Therefore, any man who yearns to be a lord of the ladies without being considered a pathetic outcast whilst among these "foreigners" will invariably need to do some modifying to his own original wiring or encoding, and infuse some "foreign"(ladies') code in his own DNA so as to speak and really understand the Plutorian tongue, and successfully conform to their customs and traditions. The truth is men and women are wired starkly differently. So, unless a guy's gay, he must have to put  earnest effort to understand the basis on which female communication is built, and masterfully use it while communicating with them. Or else, he will surely commit an offense and break the female rules of communication, if he sticks to his own wiring. This difference in wiring is clearly noted in the way both genders talk and even what they talk about amongst other things. In this case(talking,) as this article buttresses, the female's traditions are notably different from the male's. Therefore, we'll see what customs and traditions govern girls' speech and why they are different from guys', plus how guys can develop reasonable understanding and skills with regards to how girls converse, in the following aspects:
1. How Girls Talk
2. What They Talk About
1. How Girls Talk: Girls are very emotional as you must know. But emotional means more than readiness to cry and spill emotions. For girls, this really means being in tune with her feelings, which means that girls do a better job identifying their immediate feelings and describing them as they are than men. Therefore, when a girl talks about something(even others,) she describes them in terms of how they make her feel. She will also score and talk about people, things and events based on how she feels about them and not by others' perceived value of them.
For instance, if a girl is asked by her girlfriend(s) who's better, between Steph Curry and LeBron James, she'd measure their value based on what feelings they evoke in her and not merely how successful each are or how many trophies they have or how popular they are. So, she may choose either based on who has her preferred body shape, who dazzles her more with his movements and skills e.t.c.
Here's a typical girl interview:
Intvwr: who's better? James or Curry
Girl: James
Intvwr: Why?
Girl: I prefer James' build and I love guys with tatoos. I also like the energy and raw strength he brings to his game. I also personally prefer dark skinned guys.
Stephen Curry n LeBron James

 Now, notice how often she uses "I" while answering. This shows that she judges both players solely by her personal opinion, feelings and even bias about them and that she is not afraid to admit/show it.
Guys are typically different in this case. How?
While guys too make comparisons and preferences based on their personal bias and opinions, they are less likely to say it that way. This simply means that guys will cover their feelings of bias and personal opinions of things, behind logical explanations and facts that others can attest to, without seeming to be involved(neutral.)
Here's a typical guy interview.
Intrvwr: Who is better? Nicki Minaj or Beyonce
Guy: In what aspect?
Intvwr: General appeal
Guy: Nicki Minaj
Intrvwr: Why
Guy: She's a better performer. She knows how to cause a media buzz and she's generally better at pulling epic stunts and effects on stage.
Note that our guy seems to judge both artistes strictly in terms of their marketable value, like he were a neutral and totally unbiased estate agent who is presenting two property options to his client, baring their strengths and weaknesses so his client can make an informed choice without any hint of personal preferences based on bias.
But the truth may be that guy really thinks Nicki is better because he's more impressed by her assets, revealing style of dress and youth. But since these are clear biases and would glaringly reveal the guy's deep seated interests and feelings, he chooses to hide such details and instead mention generally accepted facts.

Dem gurls
The above scenarios or interviews are only models of typical boy versus girl views. But not every guy or girl shares their feelings in the above ways, because some girls are less expressive of their true feelings than usual, especially with strangers and some boys may be more expressive too.
But since majority of girls like to talk about their true feelings and views on things especially to people they feel at ease with, any aspiring ladies' man should also learn to approach and express their views on topics in a way that reveals their innermost and truest feelings towards them, while conversing with women. Totally feel free to reveal your biases and preferences and reasons for such without the least form of skepticism or reluctance. Girls love this because it helps them feel better connected and familiar to you. They also trust you more for your frankness, no matter how embarrassing it may be.
So, when next you are discussing a topic with a girl and she wants to know your opinion on something, strive to reply with honest personal views and feelings on the subject. Don't try to sound technically smart or abreast with many facts. Girls don't operate that way. Instead, give her the thrill of discovering core truths about you. This will literally exhilarate her. Another thing to note about how girls talk is their use of non-verbal communication. Most girls talk a lot more than guys. Often though, much of these talks are non-verbal: gestures, body language, facial expressions, mannerisms etc. All these are accurately used by girls to express her inner feelings even if she doesn't utter a word. For instance, if a girl is telling you how and why she had a great day, every inch of her muscles and nerves will be used to express her joy. Blown up gestures, ear to ear grins, upbeat body movements etc. You'd also see an exact opposite if she had a bad day even if she doesn't say a word or trys to lie.
Therefore, in order to connect better with girls, you also should use non verbal signals to communicate your feelings.
Note: Use a degree or amount of non verbal signals that matches the girl's.
2. What They Talk About: We have determined how to talk to girls, now what really do girls enjoy talking about?
Although there are a multitude of interesting topics for discussion for girls, they usually all revolve around herself. So whether you talk about the neighborhood she grew in, her favourite movie, her ambitions, her hobbies or other interests, politics or business, you are in so long as you let the topic revolve around her and give her ample opportunity to talk about herself or views on the matters discussed.
Another key to knowing exactly what topic a girl will love to talk about, is knowing before hand what kinda girl she is. There are basically two kinds of girls which are:
1. Confident girls
2. Insecure girls
1. Confident girls: There are also two kinds of confident girls:
a. Type 1 Confident girls
b. Type 2 Confident girls
2. Insecure girls: These too exist in two forms:
a. Type 1 Insecure girls
b. Type 2 Insecure girls
Click the links to find out in detail more about these types including how to identify them.
What to talk about:
All the topics discussed below are all good topics to discuss with all kinds of girls. But I categorised them according to those which each girl will be most inclined to talk about. So, you can also add little doses of other topics that are categorised under other kinds of girls with your girl, although she may not belong to that category. For instance, Type 1 confident girls are usually more inclined towards material and social success. Go for that. But as such a girl begins to fall in love, she'd tend to feel freer and more open with you and may trust you enough to accommodate/tolerate talks and questions about her body, sex life and some other stuff insecure girls prefer to talk about more and sooner.
  Type 1 Confident girls:
a. Career plans
b. Interests and hobbies
c. World affairs(economy and
d. Future plans(esp. financial)
  Type 2 Confident girls:
a. Family background
b. Relationships(past n present)
c. Interests and hobbies
d. Future plans(esp. relationships/
  Type 1 Insecure girls:
a. Sex life
b. Turn ons/offs in the opposite sex
c. Body(flaws, ideals, etc)
d. Weaknesses/strengths
  Type 2 Insecure girls:
a. Hobbies/addictions
b. Sex life
c. Fav movies, soap operas or celebs
d. Body fantasies/goals
e. Pets and animals.

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