Hack the confident girl's mind! - Charmm

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Monday 13 November 2017

Hack the confident girl's mind!

Most confident girls are highly under patronised by guys. This is the case cos most guys are really insecure and as such, prefer to steer clear the path of confident girls since they find it hard to maintain their high standards and commonly feel intimidated by the class, confidence, self conviction, maturity and often, the wealth of these girls or women.

Can you handle all this?

 For confident girls, you've got to think beyond complimenting her on her appearance alone, to get past the friendzone with her(if you even get there,) think twice before using the ruthless bad boy behavior advice given by seduction experts to addict her, increase your spectrum of interesting and intellectual topics for discussion apart from sexually charged dirt talks like you use on insecure girls. Now, these qualities are a possession of real men and not boys. You therefore have to be a lil more than you need to be to attract insecure girls,  to attract confident ones. Therefore, while insecure girls may be very flirtatious and more compliant with your advances quicker, with little or no effort on your part(but to just start a sexually charged discussion and introduce a lot of touching soon,) confident girls require a little more maturity, responsibility, purpose and confidence in her man. If you can be this man, I assure you that confident girls can be he'll of a heck fun to be with. You just have to understand how a confident girl's mind works.
The Mind of a Confident Girl
A confident girl is basically a girl who has great self respect, values herself and generally has a healthy self image. I absolutely am not referring to the overly self-obsessed and narcissistic girls who can never resist the urge to take a selfie for facebook every time they change geographical location.


That's not self value,  but shiny INSECURITY!
The self value and assurance of confident girls on the other hand,  make them less desperate for social proof or validation(social network likes and comments,) since they've got the best kind already: self validation. Now, as i will always say, never judge a book by it's cover. There are different kinds of confident girls and they don't all appear exactly like clones. This is because there are 2 different sources of girls' confidence: herself and her family or associates. Therefore, there may be slight differences in confident girls, depending on the source of her confidence. This brings us to the kinds of confident girls and how to note their identity.
1. Type 1 Confident Girls: These girls are girls whose confidence springs mainly from their own will and desire to make a difference. Such girls usually had rough or tough childhoods, having to deal with discouraging and often negative influences. But somehow, they found the will and strength to be different and do things right, although they were fed the opposite. Therefore, instead of being convinced that they we're worthless, by either abusive or perfectionist parents, they drew strength from the criticisms and fought hard to prove 'em all wrong in a positive and up building way, not in the rugged and crude ways insecure girls with similar experiences try to make an impression. Type 1 confident girls grow, not to become sadistic savages, but dogged, resilient and self assured women.
2. Type 2 Confident Girls: These are by far, the rarest(and best) kind of girls discoverable. I dare say that because, these are girls who grew up among the best, rarest and most balanced of influences: ideal parents, wholesome associates, with the most balanced childhood and overall life experiences. These conditions are almost impossible to find in this era. Girls bred in such environments grow up to be well rounded and balanced(and as such confident) in every sense. They are showered with love, without being over pampered, and at the same time, allowed enough measure of freedom to make choices(even wrong ones) and learn from them without being neglected or abused. Therefore, these babes grow to have a very balanced and mature outlook in life as well as a generally high sense of self worth.
How to Identify the Types
Supposing you are seeing a particular girl for the first time, and do not know the details of her childhood and behavioral patterns, how can you tell if she is confident, and even what Type of confident girl she is? Here's how.
1. Type 1 Confident Girl: You should look for these kinds in very successful and influential career women. Be careful though. Not every highly successful and influential career woman is a Type 1, or even confident at all. What I mean by this is that some insecure girls can also be insanely successful, with weighty incomes. And don't expect all Type 1 confident girls to be hugely successful movers and shakers in the society(she may still be in the formative period, or suffering a major setback when you met her.) But here's the kicker: while some or even many insecure girls too may be successful elites of society, they are usually extravagant, arrogant and showy if they are. On the other hand, if you know a woman who is hugely successful and/or influential, while remaining modest and unassuming in bearing and mannerisms, chances are that she's a Type 1 Confident woman. I mean that if you discover that that quiet, modest, good postured and courteous lady who sat beside you during a real estate seminar, doing nothing more than nodding gently and taking notes in a simple but elegant dress(that will need an experienced eye to tell it's worth a fortune) and crossed legs is actually not only the organizer, sponsor and hostess of the entire program, but one of the leading real estate gurus in town, you may just be closer to a Type 1 Confident girl than you think. Why I say most Type 1 insecure girls are usually wealthy or are exceptionally good and successful in their chosen fields is because, this is because they use the criticisms they faced and still face as stepping stones. This strong force propels her through the rigours and setbacks of a successful path. So, stupendous success is their way of trying to, no... proving their critics wrong, and communicating their worth!
2. Type 2 Confident Girls: Since these girls always had the love and support of the most important peep around them, they usually feel no pressure or need to be insanely successful to prove anyone wrong. They therefore lack that fire and pressure from relatives that motivates their Type 1 counterparts to strive hard for remarkably outstanding significance. Instead, Type 2 confident girls tend to have a very content, light hearted and satisfied view of life. They tend to care more about creating and building strong and long lasting relationships than amassing wealth and social proof. You see this kinds of girls thriving at modest careers and seeming really gentle, fragile, tender, fun loving/funny and very empathetic. They may even be considered shy and timid sometimes. But don't get it twisted,  this kind of girls are the very personification of emotional stability, optimism, endurance and inner strength.  Note that while they are usually the quickest to plunge into intense emotional releases, either positive or negative, they are the least likely to suffer from depression or prolonged emotional setbacks while no one is watching. Their bouts of emotional breakdown are usually amazingly short-lived. In case that sounded a lil bit like rocket science, what I simply meant is that Type 2 girls seem very emotionally fragile and weak outside, but are really pillars of optimism and encouragement to themselves and others when suffering major setbacks. They usually have this extremely light hearted and easy going approach to setbacks, that helps them bounce back soon and even laugh about misfortunes, although they may have seemed extremely emotionally uncontrollable at the dawn of the problem. So, if you know a girl who totally lost it: wailing, rolling, lamenting and going crazy, immediately she found that her dad had died or some other misfortune hit her, only to be found surprisingly together and even upbeat, shortly after, that girl most likely is a Type 1 Confident girl.
Eyes Don't Lie
While the above factors play a huge part in determining whether a girl is confident, and the nature of her confidence, and as such can be very helpful in identifying confident girls; do not depend entirely on a girl's family background and current social or economic status as a way to gauge her confidence especially if you do not know all the details e.g if you are meeting a girl for the first time, or barely know her.
In such situations and always, the truer and more accurate indicator with which to tell if a girl is confident, and what type she is, are her...


Below are common interest or disinterest eye signals that are peculiar to confident girls, according to Types.
Note: All confident girls generally make more eye contact than insecure ones. Around 1.7-2.5 seconds a time on average for strangers, and 2.2 - 4seconds on the average, for acquaintances and loved ones, if you try to hold their gaze.
Confident Girls Eye Signals and Meanings
1.Type 1:
a. She likes you: She maintains eye contact for a while with you while she subtly lowers her chin(almost unnoticeably to untrained eyes) which makes for a slightly seductive but seemingly slightly suspicious glance like those used by models. But it is usually short lived compared with type 1 insecure girls' with same feelings. But no worries and don't be confused. Your game.
Note: This kinds of girls usually take longer than any of the others to admit and show you their affection although they may have fallen hard and deep for you long ago. So, when in relationships with such girls, do not be deterred if she "never" admits to loving you. Keep rocking her world cos the good news is that if there is a feeling these girls can easily, forthrightly, fearlessly and without any mincing of words express, it's disinterest. So, as long as she hasn't clearly told you or shown you she doesn't care but responds well to your advances, relax you're still in. 
b. She's in a bad mood/had a bad/rough day(not interested):
She makes eye contact then looks away sideways with a slightly obvious scorn and never resumes eye contact. This is usually interpreted by guys as disinterest. But the truth is that the only reason a confident girl will be "uninterested" in you at first sight if you didn't look and behave like an insecure bush monkey in heat, is that she's had it rough lately; maybe at her office, relationship or family. Unless such, confident girls are usually friendly and mannered. So, empathetically ask why she's looking flustered. You could also offer to talk over a drink.
2. Type 2:
a. Likes you: She maintains pleasant, innocent and sincere eye contact for a while with a ready smile just beneath her teeth, before her eyes alone(not head) look away to the side. Did she lose interest? No. Keep looking her way and her eyes'll surely be back.
b. Doesn't wanna be approached/"doesn't like you": This usually also happens when babe's been through rough times. Truth is if you couple an understanding of what women want with being a real prince charming and boyfriend material, no girl who's even slightly interested in a relationship at the time can be anything but attracted to you. So, if girl's having a bad life lately, she'd look clearly stressed out, tired and pale and you'd notice that she's really passing on everything around her and not just you. My advice: approach her with an angelically empathetic mood and an impeccable handkerchief cos dis is surely gonna happen. So polish your armour you charmmaking knight!


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