Why you can't keep girls. I can prove it - Charmm

Top Gists

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Why you can't keep girls. I can prove it

There's no one-cap-fits-all reason why girls leave. But there really are many-caps-fit-one reasons why girls leave. A lot of times, things seem like you've finally won with this girl and have her at your mercy. And then: boom! You are suddenly left with many "sweet" memories and no girl.
That moment...
For some reason you just couldn't explain, she left, using the front door. "But I did everything right, she laughed at my jokes, she even admitted liking things about me and i'm sure she used the word "us" sometimes" you may argue.
I know how you feel. Been there.

Maybe you were too nice, maybe you we're too much of a jerk too often. All those don't matter now. We talking about how to change the future and not mourn the past.

Not so fast. If you can't tell what you did or do wrong, you can't tell how to counter. That's the keyword: Counter! I'm not saying though, that breakups are a total thumbs up and exhilarating experiences that you can just dust off like powder on a pair of leather loafers. Getting over and facing breakups is more like brushing animal hairs from your clothes. Trust me, it can be fuurruustrating . But it's not impossible, moreso inrepairable. But first, you've got to know what your offence for her leaving was.
I smell a counter.
Top reasons why girls leave or lose interest.
1. You were too needy:

This doesn't need a helluvan explanation unless you are as dumb as you are needy. How though do you tell that your girl(s) left cos you were/are in fact a needy fella?  Guys' neediness most commonly rears its ugly head by way of guy demanding and giving too much attention too soon. I never saw a solely more powerful reason why girls flee. Most guys are unknowingly too desperate for a girl and validation that they behave like junkies for it. That's why they soon bombard a girl with unreplied texts and mails, unreturned and unanswered calls along with showers of unearned compliments and more until the girl becomes fed up with being placed on your well sculptured, elegant and enormous pedestal. You were neither a challenge, mystery or adventure and she used the door.

2. You were too indifferent or insensitive: 
He's playing with fire!!!
While you shouldn't cheaply give validation and compliments on a platter, you can also lose a girl if you go to the other extreme and become a full fledged tyrant and treat her like substandard crap. While all girls need a measure of criticism or "discipline" sometimes, no girl'll tolerate extreme unruly and hurtful behaviors towards her(even insecure girls. Much less, more confident ones.) It's pretty easy to know if this was your crime. Did you constantly put her down privately or publicly, did you make her feel like you really didn't care if she fell of this cliff...
by rarely or never complimenting her or considering her feelings and or verbally, physically, emotionally and even sexually abusing her? Congrats. You just earned a certificate of singleness for that.
3. You can't keep em in the pants

O yeah. Maybe you are that guy who has a "faulty" zip that never locks. It may interest you to know that girls hate cheats. But then, you may argue "I never cheated on her." You don't have to. But ask yourself: do my eyes have the tendency to follow every nice pair of asses as they sway by? Do my brains fail at sending signals to my body to maintain composure when I behold cleavage. If you let even the faintest signs of this tendency to surface, be sure that a girl will instantly detect it and immediately be pissed.
4. You became predictable and routine: What happens after watching a single movie on a regular basis over 1,247,199,000 times? The movie sucks so bad you hate it, even if it's your favourite movie. Girls feel that way when they can figure you out and know the next thing, when you do the same things in the same way and at the same time. You call during the same hours, you text the same way, your dates are identical, sex is monotonous, foreplay and romance is repetitious, you use the same kinds of compliments in the same way etc. No matter how much fun something is or used to be, it becomes boring when it goes on in the exact same way often. Variety, uncertainty and adventure is why life doesn't suck. So, while you shouldn't out rightly stop the things you do, especially those she likes, do them in a different way and add new flavors to it. Use your creativity dude, also asking her ways to be better could help.
5. You did not show you know what you want: This simply means you were indecisive. Indecisive about choosing where to go on a date, indecisive about your feelings, indecisive about making the first move, indecisive in everything. Girls are quickly turned off by guys who are weak and tend to follow. Don't be that guy. Do not also be easily manipulated or convinced by others, not even your girl. Girls love men who have nerves and don't linger to long or delay unnecessarily before taking a step. Be assertive and dominant and don't wait for permission or go-aheads before going for what you want. A guy who got shot down after an approach is 10 times better than the guy who didn't approach or simply do this. 
What the hell are you doing fella?!!

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