Why only nerds can get any girl. (My story) - Charmm

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Tuesday 14 November 2017

Why only nerds can get any girl. (My story)

Oh yeah, you heard right. All ye 21st century Chalie Chaplins out there, there may just be one last flicker of hope for you to finally emerge from your girlfriendless worlds of innumerable and "unattainable" crushes and stop finishing last. And by that, I don't mean being second, third or fourth to last, I mean very close to the first, if not first. 

That's right fella and this ain't photoshop
Now, before those nerdy, overly pessimistic and self critical brains of yours start and finish forming and delivering this reflex to your body.
 Brain be like:
"Really? Are you tryna tell me you are even dumber than I preconceived. So you really believe there is anything you can do to get any girl(and I mean any girl!) to like you? C'mon Joe, even if all those smooth and naturally endowed ladies' men all sank with the Titanic, you're still the last nerd among the remaining nerds any girl'll look twice at! Get the hell outta here now bro, you don't belong here. You've got a Grand Theft level to complete. Besides, why not use the extra wifi for some smokilicious porn experience. That's where you belong!
No! No! No! Don't Don't believe any of that!
You've got a bright future with girls and this ain't some SEO concentrated gibberish post more concerned with sounding cool to search engines than helping anyone out of their girlfriendless dark tunnel of despair. This is also not some too-good-to-be-true easy cheat code to girls' heart either.
You can become a pretty strong woman magnet, if you choose to stop telling yourself you can't because as Napoleon Hill says: "whatever a man conceives and believes, he achieves. Use this to your advantage and believe you can get girls, and not that you can't, since either can and will happen if you believe them. All you'd be needing to access the golden key is an open mind and a little persistence. Sounds boring? Here's what you stand to gain...
Why only "nerds" can have it all
Have you ever seen a natural ladies' man transform into a shy, self conscious nerd like Peter Parker in Spiderman? Probably not. But you sure have seen, heard or read about a nerd who became quite phenomenal with women(sounds good right?) That's what i'm talking about. What if you can't point any fingers? Just remember me and most guys who are now top class dating coaches. Most were complete nerds who we're clueless about women. Meet some of them: Dan Bacon(themodernman.com,) Sebastian Harris(globalseducer.com) and Brian M(theartofcharm)  to mention a few.

Nerds can change and improve. But most naturals' pickup skills are set in stone. I'd explain later. I used to be a typical nerd specimen and my transformation into whatever it is I am now, is what gave me the impetus to write and believe what is found in this article.
My Story
As a kid, I had a mom who got a full time job warding off any girls who came my way or vice versa. I never as much as imagined talking to a girl while mom was close by. This made me think girls were some sort of taboo, and I never tried talking with them. Even when it was inevitable I do, my eyes were always above my shoulders for my mom, or any of her numerous, anonymous and imaginary informants.

Me asking a girl to lend me her pen

This crippled and even paralysed any ability to hold even the most innocent of conversations with girls. I also didn't have a sister. So
I grew up totally clueless who girls were and how they functioned, if they had any functions. I had a few crushes littered across though, and in retrospect, l laugh out loud when I remember my lame attempts to start something with any of them. I knew nothing(abs nothing) about sex or romance(i couldn't even handle brushing hands without reddening!) until I stumbled upon the topic Reproduction in one of my junior high textbooks. I remember feeling nauseous when I read the details of intercourse. I was mummified. I couldn't imagine involving myself in such a disgusting act! Eeewww. But curiosity was eating me up literally. I would mentally have flashes of imaginary sex with my crushes from time to time and live in constant fear that mom will read my mind someday! My brain was in a mess constantly. The only thing that seemed like a date that happened during this time in my life was one time in junior high when this pretty girl a class below me and I began exchanging love letters. The feeling was sheer ecstasy whenever I received her letter and it was like hard labor, waiting for her reply letters. Sex was never on the menu. I guess I was around 10 and she was 9 then. It was beautiful but short lived because some class prankster became jealous and started intercepting and replacing our letters. The whole ordeal ended in my school teacher who was friends with the proprietress who was friends with my mom finding out! Did she find out? O yeah, and I had my first ever visit to hell afterwards. I vowed never to come close to any girl ever again. That was the first of many other later times I made that vow.
It was always that way until I was around 11. We used to have this illiterate girl house help(whom i'd call Lindsay) who became like family. We treated each other like siblings. She gave me my first experience of occupying a close geographical coordinate to a girl's. Since she was my older "sister," it didn't feel too awkward being around a girl anymore. She was much older than I was though, maybe 8 years between our ages, but she didn't know as much more than me about romance either. But she was allowed to venture out more: go on more and farther distance errands. Therefore, she had the chance to be hit on by boys and she would relate her adventures to me and I couldn't have enough. I would even trade breakfast, lunch or dinner(whichever she preferred) for them. I was a junkie for tales.
As I grew bigger, I too began venturing out a liiiitttle. Although, just to accompany Lindsay as she went to fetch water from the opposite block whenever our supply ran out. That opposite block housed the girl who become my second closest thing to a date.
She(call her Stacy) was drop dead gorgeous. A brunnette(I melted when she let her hair loose) with sparkling big brown eyes, nose cut with the precision of an expert diamond cutter. Her lips, ohh her lips. They were naturally small, slightly puckered and I remember how irresistibly glossy they always were. I floated anytime she licked them. Her chin and jawline formed a perfectly angled frame. She also had slightly bony cheekbones. These gave her the look of a model.

 She had the energy for two where I couldn't even stir a fly and I think that's why we hit it off great. Here's how I met her for the first time.
The day I went with mom in a truck to check out what would be our new home was the fateful day. I think Stacy just had a knack for shy nerds because I have no clue what it was I did that got her attracted at first sight, the moment she saw me in the truck. I didn't know anything about women, but I knew that the way she stared at me wasn't normal. She was sitting in front of her porch while we parked between her house and ours. I was around 12 and a truck can be a lil difficult to get down from at that age. Then I heard Stacy's voice for the first time. "You'll hurt yourself if you jump down." She called out to me, before I attempted jumping. Her clear and surprisingly deep voice froze me for a while, before I jumped anyways, maybe to prove her wrong. Thankfully, I did.
I still didn't figure that Stacy had a thing for me until much later after we moved in. I think she did all of the work basically because all I did was say and do all the wrong things and misinterpret all the signs. Though Stacy was way more sexually experienced and forward than I was at the time, she was still pretty young and had her insecurities too. So, i'm sure she would have gotten tired of my dumb reflexes and picked any one of the legion of other guys drooling over her then, if Lindsay didn't notice her signals and assume the office of my personal winggirl. I remember the look of sheer disappointment on Lindsay's face when I claimed I didn't have the slightest idea Stacy was hitting on me and that I didn't like her at all after she teasingly called her my girlfriend. That was about to change. Lindsay and one of our family friends(a girl of Lindsay's age much way more sexually experienced) who came visiting for the holidays took it upon themselves to inculcate in me the skills needed to start something with Stacy. They literally forced me to confess my feelings to Stacy. In hindsight, it was an amusing scene. Lindsay and the friend(call her Sharon) held both my hands and dragged me to Stacy's place, then they told her I had something to tell her. Of course I didn't!!!
By now though, Stacy knew that I was crushing seriously on her and at the same time, was getting pissed by my timidity. So I now thank Lindsay and Sharon for forcing me to confess my feelings to Sharon because it led me to my first truly adventurous romantic story although I hated them for it at first.
"Stacy. Ryan's got something to tell you." Lindsay started. "That's right!" Sharon echoed. Ever been in that moment when math teacher asks you the answer to a question from a topic you know nothing about, with your crush in the same class? That's exactly how I felt. I wished I could borrow a line from Merlin and simply disappear. My nervousness and speechlessness were so visible and audible that a blind and deaf man could see and hear them clearly. Lindsay and Sharon were undeterred. With the intent of making things "easier" for me, they spoke for me!
They revealed the confession I had earlier made to them after much cajoling from them and even a vow that they won't tell. Yeah right. I was pierced that they would betray me and tell Stacy I liked her too in my presence?!! I thought it was preposterous and regretted why these two evil girls struck earth almost a decade before me, and I euphorically imagined what I would've singlehandedly done to this wicked feminine pair if only I were older or a lil closer to them in years as I struggled in their grip.
In the midst of all this mental chaos, I forgot about Stacy for a moment.  But she immediately replaced and invaded all my thoughts again, the moment she spoke. "Is that true Ryan?" With such intensity, sincerity and repressed but steadily spilling hints of sheer joy, she asked me with the most disarming gaze i've ever known. "Of course not. Pwueessh. Hell no. You're a great and lovely girl for sure, but have you met my mom?" Was the logical response the logical me was earnestly still preparing when I heard my voice, propelled by a quicker, dumber and truer me say: "Yes."
"Yes??!! WTH did I just utter? You've got to be kidding me right? Ever heard of someone called 'mom?' I didn't just say that ok?" Logical me was gonna say to counter, but there came dumb me who was standing there staring like a hypnotic buffalo, mouth open but mute winning again! Then I beheld the most enchanting smile Stacy's face could ever have fabricated as she threw her divine hands around me, literally squashing her not-so-petite oranges against my chest. I had never hugged any other breasted human except my mom and grandmoms before. The feeling was Nirvana and this time, I personally murdered logical me and all its cohorts. This was my earliest most epic personal experience of "evil" conquering "good," and it felt goooood.
Stacy taught me what it meant for two worlds to meet with mutual consent. The synergy was beautiful but i'd play devil's advocate by ending the story there.
In a nutshell
Now, why I decided to tell the lq of my past is to let thou know what kinda guy improved to the level of trying to coach guys on charm and seduction: A shy, self conscious and naive nerd who couldn't initiate and maintain the simplest of conversations with girls without foreign aid.
Nerds got something too
I don't claim to be a killer woman magnet from the womb, nor do I claim to always win with girls now, i'm only tryna let all those fellow nerds out there into what we nerds have that no natural can have or pretend to have, no matter how good an actor he is. That is:
Passion from Rejection
Do you know what it takes for a guy to approach a girl he's never seen before, strictly on a romantic basis regardless of if he gets rejected or not? A lot of nerves. He risks rejection, hostility, embarrassment and what have you.  But the thing about nerves or confidence is that it feeds on criticism, hostility, rejection and the likes. These develop thick skin in the recipient which is an invaluable key to confidence. Now who's more acquainted with these feelings than our beloved nerds. Nerds more than anyone have been treated like the ugly duckling, picked on and rejected more than anyone else. But if a nerd channels all this negative vibes showered on him by others in the right direction, they could become real fans to ignite the amount of passion needed to work the nerves to approach and get any girl. Naturals on the other hand have had it rosy most of the time(most of them are smooth with ladies because they grew up amidst a lot of female influences.) Therefore, they may lack the kind of persistence and spur needed to push further when certain girls reject them because they are strangers to criticism. On the other hand, if a nerd chooses to draw strength from the stabbing words of critics, he becomes unconscious of criticism or rejection and won't mind trying smarter with a girl, even if she says no.
A leopard never sheds its spots
That's true for nerds and it's a good thing. A nerd rarely ever completely loses touch with being a nerd. Although it may no longer be visible to others, deep down, the insecurity never fully vanishes. It may only be expertly managed and stifled. This is a big advantage though, because there are some girls who are not easily swayed by the sweet tongue and charm of naturals. Not that they don't like those, but they may be skeptical about their intentions because of past experiences. So, they may tend to be hostile at first and indifferent, maybe so as to test the guy's genuineness. Most naturals score dreadfully low with such girls(1)because they are not used to rejection and soon stop trying when they meet it because(2)they usually have many other cheaper girls throwing themselves at them. So, they feel that a single knotty girl isn't worth it. Such girls really need a nice, gentlemanly prince charming to love her unconditionally and treat her right. Nerds are this at the core. So, while they can also metamorphose into die hard ladies men, they can also easily switch back into nerd mode, for a girl who wants to be kept. Naturals can't switch into nerds cos they've never been that. So, they lack the luxury of two personality changes like nerds do.

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