How to be an attractive guy and attract girls - Charmm

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Sunday 3 December 2017

How to be an attractive guy and attract girls

I think guys have tougher luck than girls when it comes to being attractive. In order for a girl to be attractive, all she needs is a conspicuous pair of boobs and a tangible ass. With these possessions, any girl should expect a legion of guys following closely behind her like chicks do their mothers no matter how dumb the girl is. In fact, for most guys, it's the dumber the better. 

For guys though, things are somewhat different. True, a well built, well dressed, neat and handsome guy would turn female heads, but that could instantly change if he doesn't have some other inner strengths. In this article therefore, I'd be discussing both the external and internal attributes of an attractive man. 

How to be outwardly attractive

1. Maintain impeccable hygiene: There's no way you can get around this. No hygiene, no girls. Never forget to brush your mouth well with special attention to your tongue before leaving the house. Cos once out there, it's already too late! And you may never have another chance to correct the wrong impression cos first impressions stick. Ensure to also always take at least two showers in the morning before leaving and at night before bed. But this ain't no hard and fast rule. You can bath as many times as needed. For example, you must take a shower immediately after any physical activity that made you sweat. You shouldn't wait till night to have a bath in such case, when you are sweaty like he'll around noon!

Immediately after each bath, apply sizeable deodorant to both armpits and let it dry before you get dressed. Heavy sweaters could also apply powder to the armpits. After getting dressed, apply reasonable amount of your favorite perfume to your clothes and some parts of your body. I won't assume you already know how much perfume is okay since most guys have no idea. So for optimum results, spray once on both sides of your neck, once in both armpits and once on your torso area. Most guys go overboard with the scent without even realizing it.
There's something about perfumes that most people don't realize. The fact that you no longer smell it doesn't mean the smell is gone. Do you notice that when you walk past someone, you inhale their scent but not yours? This happens because after a few minutes of applying scent, you get used to the scent and no longer notice it. But others do big time. So if you spray so much scent that you can perceive your own scent after 10-15 minutes, then you may have overstepped the boundary and things would seem like you we're tryna hide a bad stink. 

2. Maintain good posture: A lot of guys maintain bad posture: slouched shoulders while walking, bent spine while sitting or standing etc making them look like Portuguese apes. If you can maintain good posture, then you are already hugely the choiced one among the multitude. In order to maintain good posture, you should always stand or sit straight, chest out and relax your shoulders. 
Choose one

3. Dress to kill: Girls love, love and double love guys who can dress well. Fortunately too, there is an endless array of styles that fit the label good dress. A guy should just know what dress fits a given activity. While girls drool over guys in nicely trim tuxedos, the reverse could happen if you happened to be going on a morning jug. So, if you were going to the movies, a nice pair of jeans, a simple but fancy T shirt and a nice pair of sneaks can't go wrong.

On the other hand, if you we're going to the beach, a nice pair of shorts and a short sleeved shirt and flip flops would sell. Note though, that unless you were going to the beach or some other really sandy place where it becomes necessary to wear flip flops, never ever ever wear them. You may love them, but girls despise those and that's what matters. We could go on and on concerning what dress to wear where and when. But a basic rule of thumb for choosing the right dress is: wear clothes that are fitting and flattering for your shape, wear clothes that match your skin tone(lighter coloured clothes for lighter skins and darker toned colours for darker skins,) and wear clothes that fit the occasion. Don't be overdressed or underdressed. 

4. The walk: You probably didn't know how much power your walk wields when it comes to attracting girls. Here's one for you. Your walk alone can convey confidence or a lack of it, boldness or a lack of it, sexiness or a lack of it to mention a few. The right kinda walk could be all you need to get a girl want to know you better.
While walking, make giant strides and not little baby steps.
This communicates dominance. Don't go leaping though. As you walk, sway your shoulders side to side and let them form a slight dip with your waist. Remember to stand upright and maintain eye level eye contact. Avoid looking at the ground as much as possible. Let your walk also be slow, calm and defined. Take needed time with each step because you are not merely tryna cover kilometres, but tryna kill girls with your walk. Learn how to do this better here

5. Your hair: Girls are not the only creatures who should worry about their hair. Guys should too. In fact, girls have been found to pay special attention to a guy's hairstyle. They usually notice and appreciate an expertly hair cut and usually even commend guys for it. So, think twice about the worth of a nice and flattering hair cut. A stylish haircut is irreplaceable.
Your beard too should be in check. Actually, it doesn't really matter much if you choose to grow a beard or keep a clean shave. What's more important is that your beard is taken care of, not overgrown or wild. Trim and carve it regularly. Usually, girls prefer light stubble over a full beard.

And for guys who wanna go bald at the jaw, do well to shave along the grain and not against it, for a cleaner and less irritable shave.

6. Be in shape: When some girls are asked by their fat boyfriends if muscles matter to them, they usually say no and may even swear they prefer fleshy guys. Don't believe her lies bro. She's only tryna make you feel better. Unlike popular myths though, girls too lust after a nice build. In fact, most girls admit to wanting sex from a guy on account of his body alone! Does that surprise or anger you? We'll it makes me laugh. So stop lazily wishing or thinking that a great body don't matter. It does.

Girl: I don't know this guy, but I wanna have his kids

So hit the gym henceforth and grow those shabby biceps and transform that one pack belly to a pretty six packs one.
How to be inwardly attractive
1. Be an expert communicator: Girls just can't have enough of a guy who knows just what to say next, when and how. A great way to keep conversation on and fun is by asking the girl not so serious questions about herself.

Strive to speak less, slowing and calmly with deep tones, when you do speak. Also strive to infuse some humour from time to time in your discussion. This ain't a police interrogation! This helps girls relax and open up more. Don't also take yourself too seriously or try to appear devoid of feelings. In case your brain goes blank whenever you think of what to say to girls then do yourself a favour and learn more about what girls want to hear.
2. Enjoy your existence:

Alone but not a lil bit lonely
Have you ever heard that guys who get the most girls, strive the least for their attention? That's truer than the fact that every guy hopefully got balls. If you have a life that consumes your attention and makes you forget girls exist sometimes, you are less likely to be needy and clingy, as these are huge turn offs for girls. Also, when a guy seems to have a lot going on, such that he cares little about girls' existence, they tend to be curious and excited at the same time and want to get into the mystery life of such fella. So go find yourself some fun stuff you enjoy and do them often. When you enjoy your life and feel inwardly gooood about yourself, it exudes your behavior, demeanor, countenance, outlook and even the way you view or approach girls. It makes you quite a catch even though you may not be exactly handsome.

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