How to kiss a girl and make her melt - Charmm

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Sunday 3 December 2017

How to kiss a girl and make her melt

This article came to and from me with a lot of nostalgic feelings. Kissing to me is one of the best things a guy and girl can share during their lifetimes. Sadly though, most people understand kissing as a lil more than a mere battle with saliva. But if done artfully, kissing can be a ticket to the most amazing location on earth.
When a guy and girl connect correctly through kissing, the synergy results in the free flow of abundant jolly juices in their brains, body, mind, genitals and entire being. This is usually enough to make the right girl ready to go any length with you. 


An expert kisser can get a girl under such a spell cast state that she leaves her present physical environment and ascends a world where gravity, logic, reason and people are nonexistent. Only wild and carefree fantasies are allowed to survive. All I'm saying is that girls are spineless weaklings when it comes to resisting a good kiss from the right person, at the right time. 

So a supernatural kiss should have those 3 irreplaceable features: (1)from the right person, (2)at the right time and (3)in the right way. 

1. The right person: Ever watched a movie where a guy kisses a girl and she instantly gets red, offended, horrified, disgusted, rebuffed and defensive as though the taste of the guys lips were like cow shit? This usually happens because the girl doesn't feel even the slightest romantic vibe with this guy. In other words, he ain't the right guy. So, before considering introducing your lips to any girl's, ensure that she sees you in that light.

What're you waiting on?
My article on knowing if she sees you as more than a friend should help. 

2. The right time: After you know you are the right person, there's something else you should know. There are no fixed calendars for kissing girls. Anytime could be the right time. Note I said could be and not is. This means that girls want to be kissed when they're in the mood for it. It also means that they can be put in the mood anytime. That's good news right? It won't be cool to give a girl a kiss while you two are in a queue at the bank or mall. Wrong. What matters is not where you are, but the mood she's in where you are. And you can wield a whole lot of control over her mood. Girls are most eager for a kiss when they feel calm, relaxed and wanted. So, if you can make a girl feel this way, she'd be willing to be kissed even if she were before Hitler. So how do you achieve the above feelings in a girl? The best way to make a girl feel calm and relaxed is to put her in a light mood. In whatever situation or condition she may be in, if you can make her laugh her ass out or think relaxing thoughts and feel comfy, you're in. So, even if you're both at the funeral of her mom, you should think twice before writing that moment off for a kiss. Then, making her feel wanted involves simply flirting with her and showing you want her. You can achieve this effect by doing the triangle gaze: slowly and silently look from one of her eyes to the other, and then to her lips and back to the first eye. In case there may no be much time to do this, simply gazing at her lips is a great way to tell her to get ready for what's coming. You could also whisper sweet nothings into her ears, hug her from behind or simply hold her close to yourself, stand or lean in close to her etc. 

3. The right way: Here's where it all gets sauced. Most guys are huge flops at actually kissing girls and as such, their kiss lacks the power to render a girl dazzled and kneeless. Here's how to be different. 

Start slow and tongueless
Most guys don't see much sense in that. They reason: if I could literally devour pizza from my favorite restaurant, why can't I do same to a girl's lips? Here's why. First, she ain't no goddam pizza and second, pizza's got no choice but girl does.
Therefore, the least you could possibly do is give it to her the right way unless you prefer daydreaming alone at your favorite spot on your favorite couch about what could have been.
Proceed slowly but decisively toward her lips when you notice that they are slightly dilated and she's silently focused on you. Your hands can be priceless tools in the art of kissing if you use them right. 

Try also not to let both your noses play poker since it could make it quite tricky to get to the lips. So, do the trick used by Hollywood actors and tilt your face a little until your nose is out of the picture and away from hers, so both your lips can fully tango.

Like this...
You could choose to put your hand around her waist and pull her in with both your pelvis rubbing, or proceed more subtly by running your hands behind her ear rolling some hair behind. This is veeeery sensual since girls' ears are highly sensitive.
It's really best to start with your lips dryly and gently rubbing against hers in either vertical or horizontal movements while still closed. Cupping her face with your hands can be a very appealing idea. You could also gently caress her cheek with the back or front of one of your hands. Then as her lips slowly dilate indicating acceptance, you move your slightly dilated lips to the corners of her mouth and give them light and gentle pecks in circular movements. That should make her fully in the moment and ready to go further.
Then you can chose either lip of hers(upper or lower) to take between both of yours. But don't go sucking her lip out like it were some helluve tasty bone marrow. Just gently take one of her lips between both of yours and gently and sensually pull them out just a little. Repeat the process a few times for each lip and then move to the other. Continue alternating between the corners of her lips and both lips until her mouth is now considerably open. Then you can suck harder at the lips in up and down movements. Just make sure you don't make smacking sounds with your lips and avoid spit for now. You could also caress her lips with warm air from your mouth. You only introduce your tongue and spit when she's ready. A great way to know when she's ready for a tongue match is to slowly introduce the tip of your tongue in her mouth through her teeth. If she retaliates then you can slowly go further. But if not, kindly return your tongue and enjoy what you have until she's ready for more. Gently rub her neck with your nails or lips because her neck is very sensitive too. Remember to work with your hands too. Let them survey every nook and cranny of her body. You could run your nails through the back of her neck down her spine, work with her upper arms, ass and every other part. A trick you can use to leave her trembling from pleasure would be running your tongue down the side of her neck and blowing air along the trail your tongue made.

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