How to compliment a girl correctly - Charmm

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Sunday 3 December 2017

How to compliment a girl correctly

Knowing how to compliment a girl the right way is one of the deadliest seduction skills any guy can possess. With the right knowledge in the right hands, you'd be saying: bye bye rejection, what's up girlfriend.

Do you even yearn to be a real life James Bond who knows just the exact word to say to a woman at the precise moment that makes her instantly long for him and gradually become addicted until she's incapable of saying no to him?

James Bond making her knees wobble

Well, there's a mighty rift between complimenting a girl and getting her to like and fall head over heels for you afterwards. And the first and one of the most vital steps in building and crossing the bridge that can help you reach the desired territory is called "complimenting the right way."

I could afford to shower you with an endless list of pickup lines and text message ideas to use on your dream girl. All it would take is a few Google searches and some copy and paste. But then, although I am not against pickup lines and poetic texts(in fact I think they are great,) I think you can do without them. What's more important is knowing how to give compliments and when to give them. It's only with this knowledge that pickup lines can be worth anything. It's just like that little piece of fruit usually on a pie. If the pie were delicious, you would eat it heartily without minding or even noticing that that tiny addition was missing. But imagine that all you got was the tiny fruit and no pie whatsoever. Pickup lines are like your little fruit. You can do without them.

 What matters most are the vibes you exude through your posture, body language, facial expression, hygiene, dress and grooming, confidence etc while you talk to the girl. These are the pie. The real deal. And all we do at charmmakers is help you become the real deal. Now, in order to know exactly how to use the above factors to up your game, check my other articles like

Here are the some of the most significant factors that determine if all your compliment achieves is a friendly smile or snub, or an utterly stunned girl who wants to know you better. Here are the factors that make James Bond get the girl and you just can't, although you may have used the exact same words he used! 

1. Use Good Body Language: Even before you open your mouth to offer your pre rehearsed compliment, the girl may already be wirelessly turned off or on. How? Why? Like I said earlier, what matters more than what you say is how you say it. In fact, the beginning of your wooing success or failure rests on how you carried yourself in your target's eyes from the moment she first saw you. If you score high at this, then you have a big chance she'll wanna hear you. So how do you use body language to make her yours?
Let your body language indicate that you have a romantic interest in the girl. Otherwise, she may think you are only trying to be nice with your compliment. So how do you use body language to show your interest? Easy. 

Initiate and delay direct eye contact, smile, focus on the girl and not what is happening around, maintain an open torso posture(no crossed arms,) lean in as closely as is reasonable. As a warning though, you don't want it to seem like you are going for a kiss or doing the Micheal Jackson bend. 

You should just use calm and confident gestures to reinforce a compliment when you give it. Also ensure that your tone of voice is calm, slow and breathy. Stand tall, don't fiddle with objects or your hands, don't let your eyes wander along with every other thing. Be present and be a man. 

2. Don't use the usuals: There are two kinds of compliments that girls commonly receive and you must avoid them in order to get a girl with compliments. They are (1)compliments that can be answered with a simple "thanks" or can be ignored (2)compliments that are exaggerated.
With these two important factors in mind, you are already more enlightened in the art of complimenting girls than most Joes. Here's how to apply the above knowledge in complimenting girls and getting optimum results. 

In order to give a girl a compliment which she just cannot ignore or pass by, you've got to think beyond the common. Most guys don't know how conventional and mainstream most compliments they give girls are. You behold this irresistibly dazzling beauty and your natural instinct urges you to choose such a species for continuing of your lineage. Then you approach her and tell her how breathtakingly gorgeous she is. That's really a killer line capable of getting results. But the problem is that you are not the only guy who thinks this babe's gonna make a good partner. And you are most likely not also the first or last to tell her how beautiful, gorgeous, tempting, sexy etc she is. So, you've got to deliver your compliment in such a way that is new and fresh to her in order for it to matter much. In other words, your compliment should be difficult to ignore or taken with a simple "thanks" in return. How can you give such a compliment. Easy. 

(1)infuse a question that's not rhetorical to your compliment: For instance, instead of just telling a girl: "you are the most beautiful girl I've seen today" and getting a smile or thanks or even a blush, go further and say something more like: "Are you a model? (Let her answer maybe saying "No. Why?" Then you add) you are the most beautiful girl I've seen today." This is a much better way to give a compliment because the question makes it harder to ignore plus it subtly conveys your interest in the girl, since you tried to get to know more about her. 

(2) Don't exaggerate: avoid giving a girl overly hyped compliments. While a little bit of flattery is usually welcomed by girls, if your compliments are too blown up, the girl may begin to doubt your sincerity. Exaggeration may not just occur in the words you use but also your gestures, facial expressions and body language. Whether through direct statements or implied body movements, don't make a girl uncomfortable with overblown acts of admiration. Don't go telling a girl you just met how you are ready to kill or die for her beauty or how you can look into her eyes forever. Save those for when you become sweethearts. For now, indicate your interest through compliments alright, but also show your self assurance by letting your desires and feelings flow gradually in direct proportion to her own interest signals. This means that you start with a not-so-hyped but interest indicating compliment and only advance further in indicating interest if she returns signals of interest too. Let the amount of interest she shows determine the amount you give. 

3. Mention the not-so-obvious that she wants to be complimented on: You've gotta be highly observant in order to pull this off well. Most guys usually compliment girls on features of her that are easily discernible or features that can be spotted from a mile such as: her figure, her eyes, smile etc which are not bad in themselves. But for an aspiring pro like you though, that's not enough dude. Why? The reason is that when a particular type of compliment is repeated often to a girl, it tends to lose its potency with that girl. So, in order for your compliment to sell, you have to go beyond the obvious or common cos that's what most other guys capture. That's why they're "other" guys. To be able to know that exact something your girl would like to be complimented on, you'd need to put her under a microscope. Observe the minutest signs that tell her drive, yearning and needs then work with those. "I'm no mind reader. How's that even possible?" you might say, trying to sound smart. But listen. Women can be pretty easy to read if you are even a lil observant. They'd give you very obvious signals to help you know what they need. But most of these signals go completely unnoticed or misread by many dudes and this can be frustrating. You won't fall under this category ever again if you apply the tricks disclosed in my article what women want to hear. 

4. Don't wait for a thank you: A lot of guys gauge the effectiveness of their compliment by how flustered the girl seemed after they give it or the bigness of her smile or even how grateful she is for the compliment. And as such, they let an awkward and repelling silence occur between when the compliment is given and when they say the next thing allowing the girl time to respond to the compliment. Wrong strategy!!! What most guys don't understand is that most girls get pretty self conscious and nervous when they're complimented, especially by strangers. So letting silence fall immediately after a compliment will only increase the girl's nervousness by 1000 times and this will strangle her desire to wanna remain there. Trust me, she won't mind even a demon carrying her off from that spot.
A better way to get around this is to not let more than 0-1 second pass after you deliver your compliment before you keep talking and say something else. Almost like you never even uttered the compliment in the first place. This will greatly reduce the awkwardness of being complimented by a stranger and will help the girl feel more at ease and receptive to the compliment. Here's a model you should follow: instead of letting forever pass after you tell a girl that she's got a cute smile before introducing yourself and asking to hang out, use this: Hey, do you drink Guiness(let her answer,) cos your smile should smash a world record.(immediately after) We'll I'm Todd and I think we should grab a cup of coffee sometime. This approach makes you seem dominant because you seemed to give the compliment because you felt it and wanted to, without needing her to score you on it. It also plays with her head a little because she barely even had a chance to put up a resistance or an excuse, leaving her at your mercy.
That should do.

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