Leonardo DiCaprio's mad at Trump for this. - Charmm

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Friday 15 December 2017

Leonardo DiCaprio's mad at Trump for this.

Leonardo DiCaprio aka Jack of Titanic has always been known to have big metal balls to boldly stand and oppose the unhealthy whims of the rich and powerful Cal Hockley(Billy Zane) like he did in Titanic. 
Well, as he grows older though, so his balls grow bigger and stronger. C'mon. Leonardo is taking on a much bigger heavyweight than he ever has in any shitty movie. He's standing up to the President of the United States himself! 

The bone of contention lies in Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement and appointed Scott Pruitt to lead the Environmental Protection Agency. (Whatever that is.) But that decision somehow manage to bitterly anger our dear Jack Dawson who from his never ending supply of landscape and wildlife pics on IG, I can deduce is an environmental and wildlife activist. 

So, putting one and two together to get twelve, I can deduce that Trump's withdrawal from the Paris agreement and his further attempts to "shrink Bears Ears and Grand staircase Escalante monuments is perceived by DiCaprio as an irresponsible, annoying and uninformed decision. 

Cliff formation of Bears Ears

Grand Staircase Escalante Momument

Jack showcases his disdain toward such a decision through his speech in disfavor of the shrinking:

“We presented him with a comprehensive plan to tackle climate change, while also simultaneously harnessing the economic potential of green jobs,” DiCaprio recalled, in remarks reported by the Hartford Courant. “We talked about how the United States has the potential to lead the world in clean-energy manufacturing and research and development.”
“We should not have people in office who do not believe in facts and truths and modern science that are able to manipulate and risk the entire future of this entire generation,” DiCaprio said. “We are at that turning point right now, and we are going to look back at this point in history, and frankly this administration, and certain people are going to be vilified for not taking action. They really are. And it’s up to this generation, it’s up to all of you to get involved and make a difference.”

He went further in his opposing movements by posting a revving post on IG stating directly and clearly that Trump's shrinking decision is illegal and that he would be met in court. 

Speak about balls
Jack also announced he plans to donate a $20 million grant from his foundation to environmental causes. “We are proud to support the work of over 100 organizations at home and abroad,” the actor said.

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