Get older women to fall madly in love with you despite being way younger. - Charmm

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Wednesday 3 January 2018

Get older women to fall madly in love with you despite being way younger.

I don't  know if it's just me, but I looove older women. Since I actually look and act way beyond my age(as I'm told,) i find girls my age and younger quite immature, clingy, predictable and non-challenging. So i usually prefer mature and way older ladies for their stability, independence, experience, forwardness and wit. I think they're the best kind of females i can date.

Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey
 Though the fact that  i look way older than my age is a plus: being 6ft 3 by 18 and already had a full beard and sizeable body hair and the voice of a 40 year old, i totally got away with age 25-27 and got beautiful girls around that age range. But i think you really need much more than merely looking the part to attract older women.
Here are 4 must have qualities that will make older women and baby mamas love you without minding your age.
1. Responsibility
2. Independence
3. Social intelligence
4. Strength and vigor

1. Responsibility: If you wanna get an older girl to be your girlfriend then forget everything you knew or thought about wooing with your female peers. All those little girls wanted was the thrill or ego boost of having a boyfriend, experimenting with sex, defying their parents or trying to find an identity. So, with them, you really don't have to do much more than just be a boy. Older girls have passed all this and now need someone with depth. Someone whose got the stability, maturity and sense of responsibility to feel real needs of hers and not just wants or fleeting desires. She needs to see that you can take care of stuff, make and reach goals, have a budget, work with a schedule and can spur your own self on. So getting a job, investing in your manners, having plans, passions and goals that you follow through on'll totally turn her head.


 You should also have a more advanced taste than your peers when it comes to clothes, styles and grooming. Remember to look mature , responsible, tidy and yet classy. Don't make the mistake of dressing shabbily or wearing clothes that have notice me all over. Avoid printed clothes, fake designer clothes and clothes that are heavily branded or better yet, avoid branded clothes entirely. Don't wear too much, but ensure that the little you do wear is classy, stylish and of high quality.

2. Independence: No mature woman will want to give her heart to a guy who doesn't have a heart, mind and life of his own and lacks the balls to make his own decisions and stand by them. So you should prove yourself to be independent from your parents control, pressure from your friends and even from the girl herself. You should know what you want(her) and go straight ahead to get her not minding what others or her may think for Christ's sake. If only you knew how flattered and flustered an older girl who's now naturally skeptical about her own physical and sex appeal would be if a younger guy found her attractive and sexy and told her.

Omg! He thinks I'm cute
Guy toasting older pretty lady
 So don't play mind games with her or wait for her to make the first move or else you'd only succeed in exhausting her patience and extinguishing any little feelings of attraction she may have had for you.
You should also have your own life and standards that always come above everything, even the girl. She should be able to live her busy and fun life without getting in touch for some time, without you getting all insecure and looking for assurance that you still have her. Give her the impression that you're so confident in yourself that you can trust her enough to let her do things without you or not give you attention all the time without you getting all worried and insecure cos you've got stuff going on in your own life and don't even have time to notice her absence till she's back. That is soo impressive. So don't bombard her with texts before she's got a chance to reply. She may be in the middle of something. So, though the childish and insecure you'll wanna make her reply instantly, the confident and assured you should assume that she's busy and wait for her to hit you back without demanding an explanation or seeming bothered. She'd love and appreciate the gesture. She'd feel like a teenager who didn't get as much as a frown or single question from mom, though she clearly broke curfew. She'd be like...
 Omg!  You mean you don't mind sweetheart
3. Social Intelligence: Most older girls you'll meet are already very exposed and have an endless list of friends, clients, coworkers, relatives and acquaintances that you must get to meet at some point, whether she intends it or not. So, you don't wanna be giving her looks for what to say to each person you meet. You should be a man and masterfully charm every single one of her connections. You should learn to be confident and unperturbed around strangers and crowds. From her elderly parents to her insane MILFy friends to her colleagues to her boss to her kid(s,) you should be able to smoothly and charmingly converse and connect with every one in her circle, paying attention to the unique needs of each one.


You should know basic rules and etiquettes like letting a lady offer her hand first for a handshake, so you don't make an embarrassing scene by offering your hand to a lady who doesn't want such contact(e.g Muslim women don't shake men,) opening the door for a lady, not eating till everyone gets their food and begins eating etc.
Though older girls are usually independent in their choices and decisions, they selflessly make earnest effort to ensure as much as possible that their decisions are also reasonably favored by her loved ones. So if those she cares about like you, then she'll definitely like you even more.
4. Strength, playfulness and vigor: Here's the best way you can use your shorter existence on earth as an advantage. For most older girls, fun has now become a costly luxury. They go on expensive vacations, spend a fortune in clubs and spend even more registering in social circles because their responsibilities and engagements have made them forget how to just let all ration fly through the window and just take a light view of yourself and be silly. She's forgotten what life was like when her existence was devoid of a single responsibility for the new York city of the new York, when she had no one to look up to her and expect perfection from her, when she was nogoddambody's role model.

Guy and girl playing outdoors
Remind her of the old her. Rejuvenate her and alienate her from what has become and unavoidably routine and boring life at least sometimes when you are alone. You could also do something hot and naughty in public that only both of you are aware of and get a good laugh from her. Use your strength to blow her mind in bed. 

Cease and even create opportunities to make her feel young, wanted and beautiful. Have some witty or plain silly lines warm in your hat that you can always use to lighten tense moods.

Be a real freak in the sheets that makes her look forward to each meeting. Experiment, improvise, break barriers, cross boundaries. C'mon, what are those healthy and well defined biceps for. So you should consider investing in a great body since most of your older competition know nothing about that. Make her relish the sight of you topless with only a boxer brief away from plain nudity.

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